dr_eyeball 16 Posted May 14, 2007 (edited) This is just a fairly basic version of a MP Respawn Dialog. It allows you to spawn at specific locations, which are selectable via a dialog. Features: - unlimited spawn locations (via markers) - countdown timer - map preview of spawn location Limitations: - it's bare bones at this stage - there's no control over limiting where you can spawn (as you might want in a progressive spawn system). - it is limited to one team, such as in coop missions. - there are no weapon selections, etc (as you've seen in the Bezerk missions) Download: Sample mission including scripts and dialog v1.0 files. Download #1 - Uploadpower (temp 2 week link) Screenshots: - Full size screenshot Basic Usage & Requirements: to be advised... - Basically include all the file contents (except mission.sqm) in your project. - Add the markers from mission.sqm into your project. more details soon... Notes: Ver 1.0 is using a partial alpha version of a standard dialog template, which I'm working on. The full version of the dialog template will be released within a week as a separate download. The dialog template should resolve most of the issues people are having with creating a dialog from scratch. More info on that upon release. Edited April 17, 2009 by Dr_Eyeball reformat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kev 0 Posted May 14, 2007 THANKS THANKS THANKS, your totaly the man of the day. yehaaa i can release my mission beta today. thank you very much Dr. Eyeball. Yes!!! Greetz, Kev Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unleashed2k 0 Posted May 14, 2007 We can't run your team script and this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rekster 0 Posted May 14, 2007 @Dr_Eyeball Great job. I was able to add this to a training mission I am working on. Any plans to add the ability to chose weapons via a menu? That would be great. The only annoying part is that the selection menu on the left can not be seen as first since it shows the player score. Thanks for providing this. Like the work you have done for the ArmA community. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dr_eyeball 16 Posted May 15, 2007 (edited) Any plans to add the ability to chose weapons via a menu? That would be great. No immediate plans, but I am planning on creating a weapons/gear selection dialog. I wanted it separate from the spawn dialog since I consider it a separate task and dying is a penalty, not a weapon browsing period. I want to group the gear more sensibly: - primary weapons & ammo - secondary weapons & ammo - side arms & ammo - group hand grenades: flares, smoke canisters, hand grenades & timed grenades - group GL grenades: smoke & grenades - explosives - mines, satchels - equipment - binoc's, NVG Or possibly click on images rather than use a list, plus have common or previously selected load-outs too. It would be good to have weapon limiting too. Possibly have the same weapon dialog operate from inside a vehicle too. Even better would be to have an Equipment building script, with all weapons visible to you. A bit like this image. Have about 3 of each type visible, so if there's a group of you selecting weapons, there should be enough and have it respawn the weapon after you take one a few seconds later. Dropped weapons would probably just disappear. You could have all of this initialized via a single script and have it work on either a particular biulding type or building space. The only annoying part is that the selection menu on the left can not be seen as first since it shows the player score. You must have forgotten to add this line (to hide the spawn countdown & team scores dialog after dying): description.ext: RespawnDialog = false; // hide spawn countdown dialog Edited April 17, 2009 by Dr_Eyeball reformat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted May 15, 2007 Quote[/b] ]Notes:Ver 1.0 is using a partial alpha version of a standard dialog template, which I'm working on. The full version of the dialog template will be released within a week as a separate download. The dialog template should resolve most of the issues people are having with creating a dialog from scratch. More info on that upon release. Very interesting to read, can't wait to get my hands on such template :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rekster 0 Posted May 20, 2007 Thanks Dr_Eyeball. Dialogs are out of my league, so nice to have someone like you in the ArmA community, helping us out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rekster 0 Posted May 22, 2007 I normally start my missions with the 1-8th logo. I tried to combine what I am doing, with your respawn dialog, and I get errors at the start. Here is what I put in my description.ext Quote[/b] ]class RscStdText { type=0; idc=-1; style=2; colorBackground[]={0,0,0,0}; colorText[]={1,1,1,1}; font="TahomaB14"; size=3; }; class RscTitles { titles[]={intropic}; class intropic { idd=-1; movingEnable=0; duration=3; fadein=2; fadeout=2; name="intropic"; controls[]={"Screen"}; class Screen : RscStdText { style=48; sizeEx = 0.04; text="Header.paa"; colorBackground[]={0,0,0,1}; x=0; y=0; w=1; h=1; }; }; I have this line in the init.sqs Quote[/b] ]titlersc ["intropic","plain", 1] The font="TahomaB14" seems to be in conflict with your dialogs. I no very little on dialogs, so if anyone knows what I need to do to clear up the conflict please help. It runs fine when I do not use your respawn dialog, (Your respawn dialog runs fine as well on its own) so it must be a conflict between the two. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rekster 0 Posted May 22, 2007 I see that you have created Quote[/b] ]Dialog Template, plus Standard Dialogs . Do you have plans to combine your respawn dialog with it?Also would you consider adding the ability for a mission maker to had there one custome title / logo at the start of the mission, to prevent conflicts? Sorry to be a pain. Love the new Dialog Template you created, and the ability for view distance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zootia 0 Posted May 23, 2007 How do I implement this into the mission I am working on? There's no readme or anything. Noobs like me have no idea what to do. And you also said this was for only 1 team? Can you make it for both teams? The map I'm making is PvP and I want to have selectable spawns for both sides. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dr_eyeball 16 Posted May 23, 2007 (edited) @rekster: TahomaB14 error: I tried your code together with the RespawnDialog and a different image and it works fine. Except, your code extract is missing a "};" at the end of it only. Best if you include the exact error message you get. If I can't reproduce the problem, then I can't advise you. PM me a link to the pbo file, if you want. I might include the Respawn dialog as a Standard dialog in the Dialog Framework. It needs a small tidy up fix for JIP, since it appears to display when you're joining, but doesn't seem to affect anything, then closes automatically upon spawning. @zootia: Respawn dialog for both teams I think you can simply modify the code to use the other team's spawn markers. Try something like: (not tested) _MyDualList = []; if (playerSide == west) then { _MyDualList = [ // [spawn description, marker name] ["1 - Base", "m_West_Start"], // renamed to "m_West_Start" ["2 - Town centre", "m_WestSpawn1"], ["3 - Runway helipad", "m_WestSpawn2"], ["4 - Field hospital", "m_WestSpawn3"], ["5 - Vehicle junkyard", "m_WestSpawn4"] ]; }; if (playerSide == east) then { _MyDualList = [ // [spawn description, marker name] ["1 - Base", "m_East_Start"], ["2 - Town centre", "m_EastSpawn1"], ["3 - Runway helipad", "m_EastSpawn2"], ["4 - Field hospital", "m_EastSpawn3"], ["5 - Vehicle junkyard", "m_EastSpawn4"] ]; }; Edit: Changed "side player" to "playerSide" Edited April 17, 2009 by Dr_Eyeball Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zootia 0 Posted May 23, 2007 Oh okay. But my first question, How do I get this script in my mission in the first place? I copied all the files except the mission.sqs into the mission directory and obviously that didnt work. I tested the map and I started out in the ocean south of ramhadi lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dr_eyeball 16 Posted May 23, 2007 (edited) Check the first post. It says Add the markers from mission.sqm into your project.If you get that far that's good progress and so the markers are probably all you're missing.Add markers for: m_Start m_WestSpawn1 m_WestSpawn2 m_WestSpawn3 m_WestSpawn4 or whatever you named the markers. Edited April 17, 2009 by Dr_Eyeball reformat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zootia 0 Posted May 23, 2007 Thanks, I got it working for 1 team. However, After I add the both team respawn script you provided in the above reply, I wont work again. This is what I changed Quote[/b] ]//----------------------SPWN_Start = { _Params = _this; _MyDualList = []; if (side player == west) then { _MyDualList = [ // [spawn description, marker name] ["1 - Base", "m_Start"], ["2 - Road to Parisio", "m_WestSpawn1"], ["3 - Road to Yoro", "m_WestSpawn2"], ["4 - North Somato", "m_WestSpawn3"], ["5 - North of Arrival", "m_WestSpawn4"] ]; }; if (side player == east) then { _MyDualList = [ // [spawn description, marker name] ["1 - Base", "m_East_Start"], ["2 - Town centre", "m_EastSpawn1"], ["3 - Runway helipad", "m_EastSpawn2"], ["4 - Field hospital", "m_EastSpawn3"], ["5 - Vehicle junkyard", "m_EastSpawn4"] ]; }; [sPWN_IDC_RespawnList, _MyDualList] call SPWN_FillComboList; //--------------------- from the dialog.sqs With your default dialog.sqs, Only west could respawn. Now both West and East can't. When I die I go the the respawn screen but there's no text to choose from. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dr_eyeball 16 Posted May 23, 2007 (edited) I forgot, once you die, your side changes to civilian, so you can't compare to side west/east. Change: side player to playerSide I tested that. It works better. Not sure if anything else required yet. Edited April 17, 2009 by Dr_Eyeball reformat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shiner 0 Posted May 26, 2007 Dr. Eyeball, Thanks for another excellent contribution. I now have this integrated into a developing MP game and it works perfectly for my mission. I am also very much looking forward to the weapon selection system as well. Keep us updated! If you need hosting support let me know and I can arrange it through the tacticalgamer servers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thegunnysgt 1 Posted June 3, 2007 I am having trouble with the script, I changed the marker names and added another side but it doesn't want to work. Any advice you have to just simply adding an additional side to the script. But like I said, for some reason it just doesn't want to work. It worked fine before I edited the script with my marker names and added that third side. Everything about the Respawn Dialog is the same but this section where I entered my own markers and extra side. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">//---------------------- SPWN_Start = { _Params = _this; _MyDualList = []; if (playerSide == west) then [ _MyDualList = [ // [Spawn description, marker name] ["1 - US Main", "m_West_Start"], // renamed to "m_West_Start" ["2 - US Mobile Spawn", "m_WestSpawn1"] ]; if (playerSide == east) then [ _MyDualList = [ // [Spawn description, marker name] ["1 - SLA Main", "m_East_Start"], ["2 - SLA Mobile Spawn", "m_EastSpawn1"] ]; if (playerSide == resistance) then [ _MyDualList = [ // [Spawn description, marker name] ["1 - RACS Main", "m_guerrila_Start"], ["2 - RACS Mobile Spawn", "m_guerrilaSpawn1"] ]; }; [SPWN_IDC_RespawnList, _MyDualList] call SPWN_FillComboList; //--------------------- // find & focus current respawn location marker _MatchingIndex = 0; _Size = lbSize SPWN_IDC_RespawnList; for [{_i = 0}, {_i < _Size}, {_i = _i + 1}] do { if (RespawnLocation == lbData [SPWN_IDC_RespawnList, _i]) then { _MatchingIndex = _i; }; }; lbSetCurSel [SPWN_IDC_RespawnList, _MatchingIndex]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dr_eyeball 16 Posted June 3, 2007 (edited) You've just got your brackets all wrong. You're mixing/missing {} with []. Curley brackets are for the if-statement, square brackets for the nested array. I haven't tested this but syntactically, it should look something like: if (playerSide == west) then { _MyDualList = [ // [spawn description, marker name] ["1 - US Main", "m_West_Start"], // renamed to "m_West_Start" ["2 - US Mobile Spawn", "m_WestSpawn1"] ]; }; if (playerSide == east) then { _MyDualList = [ // [spawn description, marker name] ["1 - SLA Main", "m_East_Start"], ["2 - SLA Mobile Spawn", "m_EastSpawn1"] ]; }; if (playerSide == resistance) then { _MyDualList = [ // [spawn description, marker name] ["1 - RACS Main", "m_guerrila_Start"], ["2 - RACS Mobile Spawn", "m_guerrilaSpawn1"] ]; }; Edited April 17, 2009 by Dr_Eyeball reformat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thegunnysgt 1 Posted June 3, 2007 It worked just fine, thanks. I came up with a problem, when testing in MP, some of the spawn points went way way off the map to the far edge. Do you know what could cause this. In Preview, it worked just fine, spawned where I should have spawned. Also do you know how I can not show the scores after you die? And just go to the spawn menu. -UPDATED- It is working fine now, no more spawning all the way accross the island. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thegunnysgt 1 Posted July 5, 2007 For some reason when I die and I select where I want to spawn at, it doesn't want to accept my selection some times. Say I die once, I have to select my spawn location and hit OK twice. Once for the first time I was alive and again for the upcoming time I want to spawn in. Then say if I die twice, I have to select where I want to spawn and hit OK three times. It is like everytime I die, that is one spawn selection and OK that I doesn't want to work. Any thoughts? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanhA 10 Posted January 27, 2008 I'm very excited that I came across this. Brilliant work. I'd like to modify the spawn points to be available after completion of some objectives. Let's say the first objective results into <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">AA = true; then could I make second spawn point available after that by using: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _MyDualList = [ // [Spawn description, marker name] ["Home base", "m_Start"],if(AA==true) then ["2 - Balmopan", "m_WestSpawn1"] ]; Unfortunately the finesse of sqf;s just escapes me.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dr_eyeball 16 Posted January 27, 2008 (edited) VanhA, You are better off just building up the array from scratch: // [spawn description, marker name] _MyDualList = [["Home base", "m_Start"]]; if(AA==true) then { _MyDualList = _MyDualList+[["2 - Balmopan", "m_WestSpawn1"]]; }; Offtopic - "embedded if statements" (See Suma's recent post here). This is not correct nor tested, but just FYI, maybe you could use your suggested syntax like this: (but I"m only guessing) _MyDualList = [ // [spawn description, marker name] ["Home base", "m_Start"], if(AA==true) then {["2 - Balmopan", "m_WestSpawn1"]} else {["", ""]}, if(BB==true) then {["3 - C", "m_WestSpawn2"]} else {["", ""]} ]; (except unfortunately it will have blank entries in list, unless there's a way to handle the array comma's). Edited April 17, 2009 by Dr_Eyeball reformat Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanhA 10 Posted January 27, 2008 Thank you very much for reply. I'll give this a go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanhA 10 Posted January 28, 2008 The first one does not work like that. I'll have to try to modify it somehow. It gives no error in editor mode but when transferred it gives an error indicating the opening syntax for that command does not comply with it somehow... Does that Suma's version work if I only apply the first spawnpoint as entries? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _MyDualList = [ // [Spawn description, marker name] ["Home base", "m_Start"], if(AA==true) then {["2 - Balmopan", "m_WestSpawn1"]} else {["Home base", "m_Start"]}, if(BB==true) then {["3 - C", "m_WestSpawn2"]} else {["Home base", "m_Start"]} ]; Well, I'll try these later... I hope I'll get it functioning...trial and error Share this post Link to post Share on other sites