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German Winkelfernrohr / Russian TR-4 sniper perisc

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Hi !

Berlin1945 is back releasing a German Winkelfernrohr / Russian TR-4 sniper-periscope pack ! It was used by snipers and FO for trenches and house to house fights, concealed observation and the reconnaissance.

You can download the addon (B45_WFR) Here

***EDIT #3, may 8***

MIRROR #1 by armaholic.com

MIRROR #2 by arma-rsc.com

MIRROR #3 by armedassault.info

MIRROR #4 by armed-assault.de

MIRROR #5 by www.nextgenerationgames.de (under SLA - Sahrani Liberation Army // SMALL ARMS / LEICHTE WAFFEN)


Some clips (XVID) Clip 1 10.4 mb | Clip 2 8.83 mb

And now some screenshots:




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Lol, sweet wink_o.gif

... you know some1 might call this cheating *joking* tounge2.gif

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Awesome! Nice concept to introduce!

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LOL , we need a telescopic sight for the rifles with that concept for shooting through the grass while in prone biggrin_o.gif

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LOL , we need a telescopic sight for the rifles with that concept for shooting through the grass while in prone biggrin_o.gif




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... you know some1 might call this cheating *joking* tounge2.gif

our baby works so fine in a "Veteran mode, 3rd person-view: disabled" mission tounge2.gif

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