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Stagger Lee

I need more CONTROL!!

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but i could do anything in the game as i do in my airsoft experence

Case study: Running while suppression firing at right angles to front of body (sideways).

Real life: Yes.

Battlefield2: Yes.

Most generic unrealistic FPS games: Yes.

ArmA: No.

Realism huh?

In most FPS games you're a super human, in ArmA you're a retarded human.

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but i could do anything in the game as i do in my airsoft experence

Case study: Running while suppression firing at right angles to front of body (sideways).

Real life: Yes.

Battlefield2: Yes.

Most generic unrealistic FPS games: Yes.

ArmA: No.

Realism huh?

oh well i usually turn my hold body and run very very fast directly for cover hoping that the bullet wont hit me, twisting my body while running at a angle very fast simply just mean too much for my back

In most FPS games you're not a human, in ArmA you're can be a bit more human if you dont do anything stupid to be retard yourself.

edit: if you mean side stepping then yes that might work, but would you KEEP do that for a long distance?

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but i could do anything in the game as i do in my airsoft experence

Case study: Running while suppression firing at right angles to front of body (sideways).

Real life: Yes.

Battlefield2: Yes.

Most generic unrealistic FPS games: Yes.

ArmA: No.

Realism huh?

In most FPS games you're a super human, in ArmA you're a retarded human.

Actually, using seconds suppression script, shooting while moving is quite effective when using the SAW/PK/whatever, not as much as when standing still but it still works.

In BF2/CoD/CS the change to hit an enemy while you are moving is bigger, but thats not really the point of suppression is it? whistle.gif

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Loving the game but seriously, we need more control over our avatars. If I'm in the middle of switching weapons or reloading and I suddenly hear shots whizzing by I should be able to stop what I'm doing and drop to the ground in an instant. If I want to drop to prone from a run I should not have to take three more steps before doing so: a half second is death in this game. If there is a two foot high wall I should be able to step over it. If I want to sprint I should not be kicked back to a normal jog just because I walked over a one foot wide incline in the terrain. You should only be reduced to a jog if there is a major incline over a distance. When prone I should be able to get up on my elbows so I can see through some of this tall grass. If I want to go from prone position to a full sprint, I should not have to wait through the transition animations of "slowly standing up", then running. There should be a separate animation for this so I can truly get running as fast as possible.

It seems the player's 1st person viewpoint is tied directly into the animation system, and this is resulting in very awkward and abrupt camera movements. I really wish there was a way to smooth the camera out to compensate for the jerky animations.


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I would go so far as to say ArmA/OFP avatar movement is broken, it's an ambitious implementation of premature technology which destroys realism, gameplay and enjoyment.

Im sorry but i would say that the CS/BF/CoD/etc etc etc movement system is broken, not only uses their system no floating crosshair, it also shoots bullets completely random in an area depending on your stance. Hell, the area in which the bullets actually *gets smaller* when you are getting down. When you lay down you need your hands, so you *cannot aim at all*, neither can you when you go from standing or laying down to crouching, it just isnt possible, try it. icon_rolleyes.gif

(Hell, if ArmA started using a CS like movement system i would stop playing it)

And where are you talking about the movement system? What you described was how the weapons behave. The smooth moves of OFP were extremely polished and Armed Assault is going backwards from a 6 year old game in that aspect.

In BF2/CoD/CS the change to hit an enemy while you are moving is bigger, but thats not really the point of suppression is it? whistle.gif

Of course not. The goal of suppressive fire is to keep the enemy alive at all costs.

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Quote[/b] ]
In BF2/CoD/CS the change to hit an enemy while you are moving is bigger, but thats not really the point of suppression is it? whistle.gif

Of course not. The goal of suppressive fire is to keep the enemy alive at all costs.

Its about suppressing, not about killing, otherwise you would just have shot at the enemy... tounge2.gif

Quote[/b] ]system? What you described was how the weapons behave. The smooth moves of OFP were extremely polished and Armed Assault is going backwards from a 6 year old game in that aspect.

Ive no idea what you are trying to say here, but if we get a "smooth" movement system like CS then we lose the way we hold our weapons in ArmA, its not something thats worth to sacrifice. (Some people suggested to change the 'camera is tied to your real ingame body' to a 2d overlay like in CS crazy_o.gif )

I also dont see how the movement system is less smooth than in OFP, in fact, it is exactly the same, the only things that have been changed are animations.

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In BF2/CoD/CS the change to hit an enemy while you are moving is bigger, but thats not really the point of suppression is it? whistle.gif

Of course not. The goal of suppressive fire is to keep the enemy alive at all costs.

Its about suppressing, not about killing, otherwise you would just have shot at the enemy... tounge2.gif

Indeed. When you see an enemy, first you must decide if you want to suppress or kill them and if it's suppressing, you have to make sure you don't hit anyone so that you have enemies to suppress in the future, too.

And where are you talking about the movement system? What you described was how the weapons behave. The smooth moves of OFP were extremely polished and Armed Assault is going backwards from a 6 year old game in that aspect.

Ive no idea what you are trying to say here, but if we get a "smooth" movement system like CS then we lose the way we hold our weapons in ArmA, its not something thats worth to sacrifice. (Some people suggested to change the 'camera is tied to your real ingame body' to a 2d overlay like in CS crazy_o.gif )

I also dont see how the movement system is less smooth than in OFP, in fact, it is exactly the same, the only things that have been changed are animations.

Animations aren't part of a movement system? As far as I know animations are the thing that defines how you move in ArmA, and it stinks compared to OFP.

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Quote[/b] ]Indeed. When you see an enemy, first you must decide if you want to suppress or kill them and if it's suppressing, you have to make sure you don't hit anyone so that you have enemies to suppress in the future, too.

When im advancing i wont try to kill them, hell, if i could kill them from my original position i would have done that and wouldnt risk my virtual life.

Quote[/b] ]Animations aren't part of a movement system? As far as I know animations are the thing that defines how you move in ArmA, and it stinks compared to OFP.

In that case you should complain about the animations, the system (player presses button->ArmA plays animation->player presses another button->ArmA finds/plays transition->ArmA plays animation) is different.

I dont see whats wrong with the animations themselves, they look nice.. icon_rolleyes.gif

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I think some people have less of a grasp of physics and anatomy than they try to make out.

If I try to go down in a controlled manner by bending my knees (even assuming I can do that at all whilst running), how long will it take me to hit the ground? There will be some period of time before contact with the ground stops my forward movement. I'm not even talking about sliding along the ground here, let's assume the friction coefficient is high enough to more or less eliminate that from consideration.

How do I stop the upper part of my body continuing forward due to its momentum, pivoting around where my feet are in contact with the ground?

Now I've bent my knees, it's taken me longer than I would like and I've only halved my profile. I'm not prone yet, (in fact I might as well more or less have gone for croucj instead of prone stance). What do I do now? Bend at the waist? Just topple over?

All of which is to say the "bending of the knees" thing is a red herring.

If you want to hit the ground quickly whilst running and under fire you would more or less throw yourself to the floor. Which way are you going to throw yourself? Hint: not backwards unless you happen to have something you can use to push back against. Sideways is slightly easier, but it's still going to hard to counteract your existing forward momentum. Your weight is slightly forward to allow you to run, so the easiest and quickest way to go down will be forward.

Anyone who thinks they can stop on the spot and get down instantly, it should be easy prove. Let's see the video. ;o)

Ideally run fast and directly towards a wall and drop down in front it. See how late you can leave your drop. That'll really be a good test of how quickly you can go down when it matters ;o)

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when they reduce the speed of crouch down in American Army 2.8.1 they got a lots of bitching about dumbing it down for "noobs", i think its the same thing around here, only in the oppsite side tounge2.gif

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I don't even have a problem with not being able to reload and move at the same time. The problem I have is not being able to STOP reloading when bullets start flying toward my general direction. This is just ridiculous. There is absolutely no reason they couldn't simply allow you to cancel the reload action if you attempt to change position or move. I'm not asking for the ability to have the reload animation magically finnish itself. I want the opposite.

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The whole animation system is flawed.

It's "chunky" (thats the way I think of it, at least), meaning that animations are performed one at a time. Notice how an AT soldier will be shot 10+ times while still reloading his M136/RPG, and after the animation is finished, he falls to the ground. This is a bug that cannot be fixed unless the whole animation system is restructured.

I just can't grasp how difficult it would be to put a NORMAL animation system into the game. I like being able to look around freely and actually see the rest of my body, but not at the expense of common sense animation issues. OFP/ArmA are the only games with such clunky systems.

GR:AW or the RO animation system would be fine for me.

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Reloading animations have't caused any problems for me (i would have been killed anyway)... Even in open, middle of fire fight, only rarely i take cover as it takes more time than reloading...

And if some is killed because of reload-animation... Well i think that person did bad choice to reload at that stage or spot and ofcourse brains are ment to be used even before reloading wow_o.gif ( tounge2.gif )

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Of course you have to take the possible position of enemies into consideration before you start reloading, but I agree with many that controls are flawed. I am also sure that this, actually minor* problem about controls is to be fixed in future updates since I don't think it would be extremely hard to fix.

*(And yes I see it as a minor problem when compared to graphical performance and multi player performance) Not saying that it is wrong to discuss though ; )



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And if some is killed because of reload-animation... Well i think that person did bad choice to reload at that stage or spot and ofcourse brains are ment to be used even before reloading  wow_o.gif ( tounge2.gif )

I would think brains would be used in situations where you believe you are safe to reload, start reloading, are getting shot at, STOP RELOADING AND GET THE HECK DOWN. Just sitting there continuing to reload while having bullets whiz past your head would seem to be BRAIN-DEAD behavior.


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You guys sure like to bitch a lot. There are a lot of things that could be improved with the game, but the controls are fine.

Arma is not a twitch game like CS.

How about you get used to it and adapt instead of trying to make the game be more like all the other shooters out there?

Like people said in this thread just use your brain and try to plan your moves, anticipate, read about tactics... You won't got very far if you play like a cowboy.

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Well for all those that champion the AI in ArmA, have you ever seen the AI take cover before it reloads wink_o.gif .

As already pointed out, the AT soldier has the lowest life expectancy on the virtual battlefield, all because of a bad animation transition. Now for what is arguably the most important member of a squad, to die like this is laughable.

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The way you can't interrupt animations is because of the Arma engine itself. It won't change. It would require a massive overhaul of the code so all this bitching is pointless. confused_o.gif

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The way you can't interrupt animations is because of the Arma engine itself. It won't change. It would require a massive overhaul of the code so all this bitching is pointless.  confused_o.gif

Well apparently they say it has been fixed in version 1.06, but the bad news is that someone repoted that it hasn't.

click me please

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PLEASE stop going on about bitching, everyone has a perfectly normal forum argument about things related to the game and then bet yer bottom dollar someone does not agree and starts the whole bitching thing, if you don't want to discuss this particular topic DON'T, stay out of its thread, what the point of having threads if we all have the same arguments and opinions on the game, would it not turn into the "lets all praise BI Forums", and we really don't want that and neither would they.

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Kwato i think you're being pretty pessimistic, i doubt the whole engine needs rewriting just to create anim interrupts :|

And i agree with the original poster, the MAIN animation/physics issue for me is when u fall or get hit by a car or something, u cannot turn or anything, the character travels like a brick and does not move at all... you know what i mean. U'll hit the ground and then have to wait two secs before you cant start turning again or something... And this is MOST annoying when parachuting... you'll parachute and either glitch into the chute and keep bouncing up and down on the ground until you die or you'll stay like ur made of stone for 3 secs and by then ur probably dead...

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You guys sure like to bitch a lot. There are a lot of things that could be improved with the game, but the controls are fine.

Arma is not a twitch game like CS.

How about you get used to it and adapt instead of trying to make the game be more like all the other shooters out there?

Like people said in this thread just use your brain and try to plan your moves, anticipate, read about tactics... You won't got very far if you play like a cowboy.

First of all this post was not a bitch, it was constructive criticism and a plea to help make the game better in regards its controlability. It's called a simulation and yet it amazes me that people like you blindly defend it when someone simply asks for unrealistic elements to be corrected.

The last thing I would be asking is for the game to be turned into a twitch action shooter like CS. I do plan my moves, and I do use my brain, I do use tactics. I just want to be able to cancel incredibly long animations such as reloading when I need to. Comparing this request to CS makes no sense, as you cannot go prone in that game in the first place.

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Don't worry your first post is fine, it's an accurate representation of how you see the game and how you think it should be improved, thats why we are here, you carry on biggrin_o.gif

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You do get used to it, but still sometimes in ArmA it feels like rather than directly controlling your character you are requesting movements which he gets around to in due course.

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You do get used to it, but still sometimes in ArmA it feels like rather than directly controlling your character you are requesting movements which he gets around to in due course.

That is my thoughts dressed into words.

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