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ArmA Turkish Mod

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I like the turkish mode very well and it would be great to have in the near future a Turkey island.....

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I'm looking forward to this mod. It'd be great if you guys considered including blue berret komando outfits with Hakkari Dag ve Komando Tugayi markings. Keep up the good work! smile_o.gif

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hi guys, long time no hear from you guys. The website isnt updated too, hows the progress?

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Cheers folks!

We're sorry for delay. Due to our business lives, our mod is going at slow pace nowadays. However, we're happy to announce that soon we can release our first ArmA addons, infantry forces first, as expected. The reason behind the delay is we were planning to launch a very comprehensive pack actually but we noticed that such a big launch means such a big waiting for you. Therefore initially releasing a core pack seems to us much more reasonable nowadays.

I'll post more details in a couple of days. Our website will be updated accordingly. Thanks for your precious interest. smile_o.gif


Turkish Union Mod


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are döner weapons and special sauce included?

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-=[Rocco]=-, if you can't find anything to add other than spam, I suggest you move along and keep off the "Add Reply" button.

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Here are a few WIP screenshots of the upcoming G3 assault rifle set wink_o.gif




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I like ArMa this mod is very good for ArMa but I would like know some thing about this mod we are playing turkish army in this mod but What we will we fight against? I think it is Pkk . İt should be pkk because this should be very good . One more thing Will this mod is campaign or side mission how is it please answer my questions ı am waiting this mod impatiently

When will it publish on the net

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I like ArMa this mod is very good for ArMa but I would like know some thing about this mod  we are playing turkish army in this mod but What we will we fight against? I think it is Pkk. it should be pkk because this should be very good. One more thing Will this mod is campaign or side mission how is it please answer my questions; i am waiting this mod impatiently

When will it publish on the net

Hi again,

Thanks for your nice words! We gained a new talented member, Ahmet, and now progressing faster. If nothing goes wrong you will own your copy before the weather gets much colder. smile_o.gif

I explained our mod's attitude and plans about enemies in this thread before. Feel free to go over... People making guerilla addons and we can put use of them in our missions/campaign. No need to name them. Additionally, our forces can be played as peacekeeper force in buffer zone in Sahrani, for e.g.

We're gonna release our force first together with a couple of missions or a campaign. Later we're gonna support this with addons and missions.

Thanks for waiting, see you around.


Turkish Union Mod


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great work u got over there, and i loved what u did in OFP, looking forward for ur releases, goodluck

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Here are a few WIP screenshots of the upcoming G3 assault rifle set wink_o.gif


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Gokhan when can we expect a possible release? you have any specific date in mind

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Gokhan when can we expect a possible release? you have any specific date in mind

Sgt Gul, thanks for your warm interest. Announcing a release date then postponing brings disappointment, you know. It's more than %90 complete. "Hope" we release this pack in a couple of weeks.

Best wishes,


Turkish Union Mod


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Oke i understand, you got a good point there. I cant wait for this mod notworthy.gif BTW i am turkish too, living in the netherlands


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Sorry for delay. Ok, we are at the last phase. Testing all stuff and polishing... Btw: we're planning to update and polish our website in 2-3 days as well. If everything works fine we can wrap the pack up very soon.

Thanks for your interest,


Turkish Union Mod


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looking impresive as always Gokhan + team biggrin_o.gif

You guys will be pumping out awsome stuff in no time smile_o.gif

Wish you guys the best on the project that lies before you.

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smile_o.gif well the area (esp the border) is definitely not like that..no such open fields, and "small" hills. Rather huge, squeezed mountains, ridges, caves, and goat paths, deep valleys and stuff. It feels like the hole mountain is collapsing all over you. wink_o.gif

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yeah thats right, its highly effective for guerilla fightings. Only after 30-40 KM it gets to open fields if i am not wrong. And then your allready fully inside Iraq.

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Nice stuff!

1. - can we expect some kind of new units, vehicles etc?

2. - will you add some little (demo) missions too?

3. - how will you release this - FullMod or as addon one by one?

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Quick question, will the Turkish forces be Bluefor, Opfor, or independent? Personally I think they'd be good candidates for Independent or Opfor, as they are most likely to end up fighting against (in potential campaigns) US, Greek or coalition friendly Iraqi forces. But that said are there any Bluefor irregular or Iraqi troops?

Damn politics, you'd think three factions in a game would be enough to cover every side in a situation.

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