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1st ID Infantry

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Well, I have been doing some work on my pet project, and what I thought was the worst part (unit-wise) of Armed Assault, so I guess I may as well stick up a couple of pictures for some constructive criticism.

I've always been miffed at the crappy "Armines" (or "Marmy") units that ArmA came shipped with - troops wearing USMC equipment (for example, the FSBE helmet and headset) but with Army ACU textures, and, God forbid, outdated BDU Interceptors. Urgh. The second I got Armed Assault, which was way back last October, I began work on my own retexture. The regular marines, thanks to .jonny, now look almost perfectly milspec, however the Army side of the story remains poorly underdeveloped.

I understand that others have released their own ACU retextures. I am aware of that fact, so please for the love of god do not bring it up in this thread. However, I respectfully believe that currently I have surpassed what they achieved, both texture-wise and realism-wise, at least until the modelling tools arrive, and thus I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions or corrections to make to my texturing work before I can begin cutting polys.

My current blokes are living in their Faceplant guise of the 1st (Mech) ID, though I may make others too, since most troops are pretty interchangeable. Tropic Lightning and 1st Armoured troops come to mind, to complete the Mechanised, Motorised and Armoured infantry trio. I may also, given time, try my hand at ODA SF troops too. Anyway, I'm rambling.

What has been done:

- Textures have been fixed, realism wise, namely:

   * Camelbak retextured.

   * MOLLE gear retextured (thanks to Frederf for his PSDs).

   * IBA rextured, correct number and placement of MOLLE strips added. Each of the 6 IBA textures I have done has a different ACU texture, helps to reduce the clone issue. Normal maps also made to match (thanks again to Frederf for his unit patch and to Ebud, .jonny and DirtyHarry for help with the normal mapping - stupid swizzling).

   * Correct shoulder patches added, with milspec unit patches and normal maps to match.

   * ACU-flavoured kneepads added (thanks to olemissrebel, wherever you are).


- Things yet to do:

   * Add MICH, remove FSBE.

   * Add racks, namely SDS, FLC + SDS-I... few US troops (that I've seen) go into battle without an LBH on. Aussies sure as hell don't, even when paintballing. wink_o.gif Are there any other US LBHs commonly used by the infantry that I've missed?

   * Potentially - add elbow pads.

   * Groin plate, deltoid protectors, undershoulder plates for heavy infantry (I intend to have both light and heavy infantry models), although the CPE won't be making an appearance, ugly hunk of crap that it is.

   * Still one or two corrections to be made to the MOLLE retex (pattern sizes, etc).

   * Add mandarin collar to uniform.

   * I also hope to find a way to put dynamic ranks on the IBA to save me making 7x textures for the same model, as its annoying being a PFC while running a fireteam.

Anyway, anything you'd like added? Features?

Another pic.

Cheers, and goodnight.

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They seem pretty comprehensive but i'm sure someone will nitpick with them as they allways do icon_rolleyes.gif

Good work so far C.Md.

Regards HH smile_o.gif

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These ACU units are great ! Good work. wink_o.gif

What I am missing in ArmA, is glasses. For example, in Iraq and Afghanistan almost every soldier in action wearing glasses for protection.

Maybe I´ll add some others things later...

Sorry for my English. banghead.gifwow_o.gif

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Great improvement.

As much as I don't like our new uniforms (I'm in the infantry for a living) they work much better than how BIS originally presented them. By far, the worst unit in the game. It's hard to get a good visualization how yours perform in-game with most environments, but from what I can tell, it's much improved and more lifelike.

My only criticism would be to match the uniform textures with the IBA textures (which look slightly brownish in the screenshots). Keep in mind, the IBA material is much thicker than uniform fabric, and because of that, has a slightly darker appearance over the uniform itself. ACU's fade with washing and are more likely to be caked with dirt than an IBA.

I always notice in the field that ACU's play tricks with your eyes. From a distance, an entire soldier (uniform, IBA, gear, etc.) looks perfectly monotonous and flush together. Hard to describe, but if I were you, I'd strive to present the "uniform" look of an entire soldier at a distance.

By the way, if you need a scanned in segment of a uniform (or pictures) I'd be glad to help.


There is no "infantry" tab above the unit patch. Those are only for special qualifications (ranger, airborne, etc..)

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"The Big Red One". biggrin_o.gif  

Nice work, m8! thumbs-up.gif Cool to see some more U.S Army Units being made. wink_o.gif

Cheers. smile_o.gif

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My only criticism would be to match the uniform textures with the IBA textures (which look slightly brownish in the screenshots). Keep in mind, the IBA material is much thicker than uniform fabric, and because of that, has a slightly darker appearance over the uniform itself. ACU's fade with washing and are more likely to be caked with dirt than an IBA.

I always notice in the field that ACU's play tricks with your eyes. From a distance, an entire soldier (uniform, IBA, gear, etc.) looks perfectly monotonous and flush together. Hard to describe, but if I were you, I'd strive to present the "uniform" look of an entire soldier at a distance.

By the way, if you need a scanned in segment of a uniform (or pictures) I'd be glad to help.


There is no "infantry" tab above the unit patch. Those are only for special qualifications (ranger, airborne, etc..)

Thanks for the comments, guys.


- Will punt Infantry tab.

- Will un-dirty the IBAs, I'm not happy about the job I did either, heh heh.

- Thanks for the offer, I'll let you know if I need anything.


- I'll keep an eye out for some eyewear ASAP.

Cheers.  biggrin_o.gif

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And one thing....the place where you put patches (I don´t know how to name it, sry) is a too dark I think, look at this picture:


It is only my opinion. welcome.gif

Sorry for my English. banghead.gifwow_o.gif

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Just wondering as well - can these boys have the low-vis, plastic IR US flag as well?  Aren't they used in the field?

(I don't know for sure though, I'm no expert)

They look fantastic - any more units planned?  10th mountain? Some of the other Inf units?  Special forces?

Great stuff! notworthy.gif

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Really great work mate!

Only thing i notice is that the "hue" of the armor is different to the rest of the bdu, its slightly more purple-ish imho. wink_o.gif

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The velcro area for unit patches is colored perfectly, not worth changing.

As for flags - IR flags are used, yes, but not as commonly as one would think. When I was in Iraq, the most common flag was the plain, subdued version, rather than the plasticy IR. It's what I used as well.

Good luck with the units, keep up the awesome work smile_o.gif

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Mate - do you have good pics of your ACU badges? I wouldn't mind having a go at painting myself smile_o.gif

Glad you're back safe man!


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Quote[/b] ]Just wondering as well - can these boys have the low-vis, plastic IR US flag as well?  Aren't they used in the field?

Now that you mention it, I can always put on more than one type of flag, seeing as more than one flag is used in the field... although my uber advisor olemissrebel adamantly suggests that the flag I've used is the milspec one. I have also seen the subdued variant in use in Iraq... from photos, of course.

Quote[/b] ]Only thing i notice is that the "hue" of the armor is different to the rest of the bdu, its slightly more purple-ish imho.

I'll get onto this ASAP.

Quote[/b] ]Mate - do you have good pics of your ACU badges?  I wouldn't mind having a go at painting myself

Try here: www.recon-tactical.com - go for the ACU unit patches. There's a shitload there.

Quote[/b] ]They look fantastic - any more units planned?  10th mountain? Some of the other Inf units?  Special forces?

See first post.  wink_o.gif  Thanks for the comments, y'all.

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Well, I think we have enough ACU reskins for the time being. I don't think I'll be fully pleased with these units until the tools arrive and I can remove that blasted FSBE helmet and change the headset, so I think I'll be holding onto these for the time being, unless people would prefer to see the units out and about before that time.

Btw, does anyone have any info on what kind of headsets the Army are using? I'm simply thinking for ease's sake of taking the DMR's headset and whacking that on.

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Headsets? Like radios? Well, we used PIR's. I don't have a picture right off hand, but here's a video interview done of our CO where he's wearing one.

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Thanks mate, big help.  thumbs-up.gif  Just to clarify, are these the ones used at squad level?

- Redid the IBA textures today, removed the dirt and re-randomised the pattern, heheh.

I used the captive model to get the IBA all on its lonesome - tell me this doesn't match the legs and arms well!


- and -


Whaddya think?

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Looks fantastic mate biggrin_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]unless people would prefer to see the units out and about before that time.

Well, it's your call mate - but my vote would be to get an 'interim pack' out with the D/F models just so that we can start playing with them! (I realise that's very selfish!wink_o.gifwink_o.gif

Great painting Cameron!

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Thanks mate, big help. thumbs-up.gif Just to clarify, are these the ones used at squad level?

Yup. Squad and team level internal communications.

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Great improvement, here's a couple suggestions though.

The American flags have gold trim around the outside. Look at http://www.marlowwhite.com/images/catalog/04-900.jpg for a decent reference.

This is a matter of personal opinion, having worn the uniforms quite often, but I would recommend that the ACU texture be slightly darker and greener, with more distinction between the shades of green and tan. They should contrast against each other a little bit more. I've scanned in a segment of my uniform, hopefully this points you in the right direction.


Great job so far, I really think these units will shape up nicely for a quality release smile_o.gif

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I was wondering if it was possible to setup the unit patch in a manner in which it could be changed via a script? I believe there were some models in OPF that were able to do this, UK Forces, and the Vehicle Number on the "Combat" Hummers. It would be more work I know, but it would be a nice touch. It would be nice if the whole community would adopt it, for vehicle and planes as well. That way many countries could be represented. I hope this makes sense.

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Great improvement, here's a couple suggestions though.

The American flags have gold trim around the outside. Look at http://www.marlowwhite.com/images/catalog/04-900.jpg for a decent reference.

This is a matter of personal opinion, having worn the uniforms quite often, but I would recommend that the ACU texture be slightly darker and greener, with more distinction between the shades of green and tan. They should contrast against each other a little bit more. I've scanned in a segment of my uniform, hopefully this points you in the right direction.


Great job so far, I really think these units will shape up nicely for a quality release smile_o.gif

of course the other way of looking at it is that, as I'm sure you know, a broken in field uniform fades out. The color is pretty close for a soldier who actually lives in the bush often enough. Here's my work uniform compared to one that is (relatively) new.


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The American flags have gold trim around the outside. Look at http://www.marlowwhite.com/images/catalog/04-900.jpg for a decent reference.

Untrue, well, in some cases. I'm using the plastic IR flag, provided by olemissrebel (an Airborne infantryman), which has no trim. I'm thinking of adding different flags for different infantry though, because I've seen at least 4 types in use currently (plastic IR, plastic IR subdued, stitched (your example) and stitched subdued), and they seem to be interchangeable.

As for the ACU texture, well, I dunno. I'm leaning away from greying and greening the stuff out this time, especially since (as pointed out by Rustman) ACU fades with washing, and anyone who has seen the BIS textures would agree that their ACU is pretty on-the-mark. I added a ton of green in my OFP models because when I stuck milspec ACU in the game the engine basically turned it white, which looked crap. We'll see how it goes, though.

I'm reluctant to alter the camo itself after seeing Rustman's pictures... I'd have to say that the IBA and other ACU looks good.

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