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Long hang on "recieving data"

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1 out of 2 times i hang on that bit of the connection process when i join servers.

i can't remember waiting long enough to see just how long it takes but one time i waited for 6 minutes and nothing so i tasked manager and deleted arma.exe.

it feezes my game sometimes.

it's a real bitch of a problem. any fixes?

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you can try the winsock reset trick

to to the MS-DOS window and type "netsh winsock reset"

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well what do u expect from a map size of evolution coop :P

takes me up to 10mins sometimes to connect to it.

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seen this many times, disconnect and join again, if it takes longer than 5 mins or so its crapped out again

Seems to be more likely to happen if either

a) you just downloaded the mission file

b) haven't loaded the Sahrani map file already (ie delayed start)

On a low spec machine the above seem to make a big difference to starting an Evolution map.

But this is only an Evolution issue as I have seen.

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Receiving data is the stage where all information what has happened in the current mission is being downloaded from the server. Example all destroyed objects, player positions, everything, well almost. Longer the mission has been on, longer it takes to download. And some for bigger missions. Evolution specially.

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ok good I posted in another thread thinking it might be the servers fault, I pmed kiljoy about it and now I see a thread confirming it so hopefully he'll take care of it like he has so far. smile_o.gif

or could this have anything to do with gamespy?

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I made some fixes to try to resolve this in version 1.3 and i thought it was greatly improved. If it happins to you on this version of the mission when you reconnect try a different slot In assingment when reconnecting that seemd to work for some people pre 1.3.

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1 out of 2 times i hang on that bit of the connection process when i join servers.

i can't remember waiting long enough to see just how long it takes but one time i waited for 6 minutes and nothing so i tasked manager and deleted arma.exe.

it feezes my game sometimes.

it's a real bitch of a problem. any fixes?

This happens to me sometimes and i actually waited 30min and it would not load..so i just pressed ESC and went back top the MP screen. Tried again still didnt work so i went to another server.

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cheers for info guys.

netsh winsock reset did not work sad_o.gif

great map kiljoy, i love it notworthy.gif

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