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Delay in movements

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Everyone gets this.

Bull, i stop moving (almost) the moment i release the buttons. icon_rolleyes.gif

When you run, it does not stop instantly. When crouched, or walking, yes.  It doesn't always do this, it depends when you release the button. If you release at the end of a stride, it may only do another step. But if you release in the middle of a stride, it may go two more steps.

Same thing happends when you go prone.

What might be causing this to happen more is lag when playing online adding to the delay.


Ok I did some testing around and found that the delay in stopping happens mostly when you are crouched, then run while holding fast forward and then releasing. Almost 99% of the time I get a few extra steps when doing this. It doesn't have anything to do with lag either.

I stop instantly when standing and using fast forward and stopping.  It seems to only happen when crouched and using fast forward.

The only movement i get after releasing the button is the transition between the running animation and the standing still animation. (Havent tested the crouchthing though, but its possible i guess)

EDIT: What jack posted

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You have to use fast forward in a crouch. Not just the normal run. Every time I get about 3 strides after letting go. But several seconds, that does sound like something different.

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And if a reformat didnt fix it then jeez.. thats got me stumped... Which ATI card is your bro using KC?

Since I am a nVidia guy I can't remember from top of my head but I will ask him.

Yea, this one got me stumped as well sad_o.gif


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His graphics card is an Radeon X850 but since Rikus had the same (or very similar) issue with a nVidia card I doubt thats the culprit!

Will be doing a complete re-format followed by a clean XP install of his machine and let you know how it goes...


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Alright nice i doubt its a hardware prob as your brother's and rikus' hardware are quite different yet have the same problem..

Fingers crossed a clean reformat works thumbs-up.gif

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I have a thought for you guys. My not be the answer but worth a shot. Is it a possible keyboard error? Like if you hold down a key the computer has built up a que of button pushes that it is going to execute until it thinks it has executed them all? This really shouldn't happen on modern computers. But stranger things have happened. I know I used to go through several upgrades w/o updating keyboards. I don't know its possible and a relatively easy thing to test. Borrow another keyboard and give it a shot (and check out different filter key settings). I give this solution a 1 in 100 chance, but anything is possible.

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Yeah they've both tried different keyboards though... maybe something like sticky keys is working.. but i seriously doubt it otherwise u'd have problems in other games and while typing etc.. So i doubt it..

Hopefully a reformat should work a few wonders :S

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Hey guys, i encountered this exact same problem when upping my Arma.exe priority in Task Manager to High.

Try running ArmA and checking the priority of the Arma.exe in processes and try turning it to Normal or if that doesnt work try fiddling with the different levels and see if it makes a difference =)

Fingers crossed...

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Thanks for the heads up Jack! Due to summer and holiday time my brother have not yet installed ArmA on his newly formatted HD but I will have this in mind if his problem persists even after this reformat.


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No problem, im not completely sure its the issue.. i mean i had to change it manually in the Task Manager to High priority to get the same effect you describe, but i thought it was worth a shot to post about it here. Let us know once your brother gets to try ArmA smile_o.gif

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I'll throw my 2 cents in here. I'm willing to bet all the people having this problem have logitech mice ( or at least mice with some sort of control panel software akin to logitechs setpoint software.). Try uninstalling your logitech setpoint software and just use windows regular mouse properties to control your sensitivity, I bet the problem will go away. I used to have this in all my fps games with all versions of logitech setpoint on my G5, controls locking up anywhere from 3-5 seconds, the moust seemingly moving on its own. uninstalled it and it vanished.

*edit* even if you dont have a logitech keyboard i believe it can and will still mess with any keyboard. not 100% sure about that but i think it has something to do with the setpoint software hooking into the application

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His problems gets worse with higher graphics (i.e north Sharani) and less on South Sharani, do you  experience the same Rikus?

Rikus: have you applied any of the Dual Core patches that exists for Windows XP?


Same for me. If i play in a scenary with trees the problem ncrease, and much more if i run with zoom in.

If the scenary is clear like Hexenkessel i don´t have any problem.

I don´t aply any patch of dual core.


Has your brother problems in other games? i just only found one game with one problem similar. Need for Speed Carbono, for many time goes good, but if it´s a curve very long, when i loose the button, steel keep turning.

Could be the protection of game that is getting crazy the system?

I don´t know what can it be, because i change it all hardware except monitor.


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Also i have to say, that is not only that don´t stop running, when i am running and then i move mouse to go right or left, also there´s a delay in movement.


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Has your brother problems in other games?

I haven't heard him complain about it before so to my knowledge it's only ArmA.


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can you please record the problem with gameCam and upload the video to any video/file host.

cheers !

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hello folx

i wondered if someone has found a solution.

coz i have sad news.


friggen delay is so bad that you just steer left, right, and left again, my vehicle/person  is going straight for 6 seconds, then 'replaying' my input from 6 sec before.

this behaiviour seems worse if there is much stuff going on in the game, and when i play arma for a while....

btw: gamecam doesnt help, unless it records microphone sounds.

the problem lies in the reaction time of the game in comparison to you mouse/joystick movement

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hello folx

i wondered if someone has found a solution.

coz i have sad news.


friggen delay is so bad that you just steer left, right, and left again, my vehicle/person  is going straight for 6 seconds, then 'replaying' my input from 6 sec before.

this behaiviour seems worse if there is much stuff going on in the game, and when i play arma for a while....

btw: gamecam doesnt help, unless it records microphone sounds.

the problem lies in the reaction time of the game in comparison to you mouse/joystick movement

You didnt have it before did you? Have you changed anything (hardware or software) after which this problem occurred?

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well, i dont play that much...

i reinstalled my pc months ago... never noticed the problem....

untill 3 days ago... trying to play soccer on sahrani....

the damn steering went berzerk!

nice detail : a mate of mine had this too.. a reinstall did it for him.

whats changed?

i install tons of stuff each week... its too much to mention.

funny detail is that other games have no problems....

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I had that lag when I had Winamp open in the background. Closing it seemed to solve the problem.

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during a boot in linux * same box *  my wificard wasnt working.

i did a lspci and showed my card.....

i did a dmesg :  IrQ conflict or IrQ line too busy.....

i removed card....(SMC 2802 wireless pci.) delay lag gone!!


i think its related to misconfiguration of hardware/software

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Just a small update as promised. Summer is almost over here and my brother finally re-installed ArmA on his newly formatted HD.

The good news is that his problem with the delayed movements now is gone! My guess is it was some kind of driver/software conflict.


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i have this problem too since i have updated my ATI drivers.

i rollback to 7.6 without any success.

all parameter have been tried. flip queue size to 0 too. nothing works, i can't play arma anymore.

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i'm reinstalled arma after having reinstall my O.S.

edit: resolved . i will never find the cause of this problem.

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Glad to hear you both got it sorted :\ Its a shame it had to come to reinstalling the OS and stuff sad_o.gif

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i'm reinstalled arma after having reinstall my O.S.

edit: resolved . i will never find the cause of this problem.

well, i did! - at least in one case.

A buddy of mine had the same delay. - so we ran down all possibilities here. no success.

while i was at his pc, i noted kinda 'sluggishness' with normal use.

i opened the taskbar, and looked for rogue processes which i didnt find. i DID find a 'firefox' running continuesly- and it would come back everytime i killed it.

At that point i checked the guy's virus scanner, which was outta date, but running.

After quickly runnin Kaspersky on the box, it found 2! trojans, and one was some sort of keylogger.

When the trojans were removed, i started arma and VOILA!

no lag at all and a better fps.

What did the trojan do?

it catched all keystrokes, and captured window names and stuff thats inputted on the screen ( even during arma )

so, if you have the BAD delay, check your virus-scanner and scan your windows dir.

good luck!

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