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major woody

"Cannot open object data3d\saxhorn.pd3"

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I'm trying to convert a rocketlauncher from OFP into ArmA. After some struggle with the config I finally don't getting any more errors as I try to load the game. The problem is however when I try to test the addon in the editor I get this error as mentioned in the headline

Quote[/b] ]

Cannot open object data3d\saxhorn.pd3

A sample from the config:

Quote[/b] ]

class CfgVehicles {

/*extern*/ class All;

/*extern*/ class Strategic;

/*extern*/ class Land;

class LandVehicle: Land


/*extern*/ class NewTurret;


class StaticWeapon: LandVehicle {};

class SaxhornStatic: StaticWeapon


scope = 2;

side = 0;

crew = "SoldierEB";

nameSound = "missiles";

model = "\Saxhorn\Saxhorn.p3d";


icon = "\Ca\weapons\Data\map_ico\icomap_ags_CA.paa";

mapSize = 3;

armor = 150;

typicalCargo = {"SoldierEB"};

sound = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\RocketLauncher_Shot04", 3.162278, 1};

reloadSound = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\missload", 0.000316, 1};

displayName = "AT-7 Saxhorn";

gunnerHasFlares = 1;

class Turrets: Turrets {

class MainTurret: MainTurret {

minElev = -5;

maxElev = 10;



gunBeg = "spice rakety";

gunEnd = "konec rakety";

weapons = {"9P151_Firing_post"};

magazines = {"9M131_Saxhorn", "9M131_Saxhorn"};

gunnerAction = "AT7_Gunner";

gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\wheeled\optika_BRDM";





I'm affraid it's not the config but the .p3d model - Im' a huge NOOB in building models so a little help is needed - has anyone experienced the same?

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Woody -

Does the error say 'saxhorn.pd3'? Or does it say 'saxhorn.p3d'?

If it's the former, then you've mis-spelled the model name somewhere.

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Wops! My mistake... the error says:

Quote[/b] ]

Cannot open object data3d\saxhorn.p3d

Been starring at this config all afternoon  biggrin_o.gif

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saxhorn.. i just love this community, sometimes wink_o.gif

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There are 2 possible reasons for this.

1. (The more likely reason) It appears that the path to the model is not being properly recognised. So its trying to open from data3d (which doesnt exist anymore) rather than your addon folder.

Make sure that the path to the model is correct, and try removing the .p3d extension (its looking for a model anyway, so the extension is redundant)

2. (The less likely, but still possible reason) Is the model in ODOL format (i.e. binarized for OFP)? If this is the case then ArmA wont be able to use it at all. To check, see f you can open the model in O2, if you can then this isnt the problem, if you cant and get a "cannot load model" error there too, then this IS the problem.

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I rest my case  crazy_o.gif

I can easily open the model in O2, and I'm pretty sure the path to the model is correct (compared to other addons) so I've ran out of ideas...

I anyone whant to give it a shot PM me and I'll send a copy of the addon... smile_o.gif

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Could you show the whole config?

Do you use any proxies in your model that have the selection name

proxy:saxhorn.01 ?

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I believe the error is caused because of this line:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">model="\Saxhorn\Saxhorn.p3d";

Try it with removed ".p3d", so only

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">model="\Saxhorn\Saxhorn";

I'm not sure if it works, but in all my configs, there is nowhere a ".p3d" at the end of the model definition line.


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These proxyes are used: proxy:SAXHORN.01 - proxy:SAXHORN.04


Quote[/b] ]

class CfgPatches


class Saxhorn {

units[] = {"SaxhornStatic"};

requiredVersion = 0.100000;



class CfgMovesBasic {

/*extern*/ class DefaultDie;

class ManActions {

AT7_Gunner = "AT7_Gunner";



class CfgMovesMaleSdr: CfgMovesBasic {

class States


class Static_Dead: DefaultDie

{ actions = "DeadActions";

file = "\ca\Anims\characters\data\anim\sdr\Mov\Sit\stp\non\non\AmovPsitMstpSnonWnonDnon_basic.rtm";

speed = 10000000000.000000;

terminal = 1;

soundEnabled = 0;


/*extern*/ class Crew;

class AT7_Gunner: Crew {

file = "\ca\weapons\Data\Anim\AGS_Gunner.rtm";




class CfgAmmo {

/*extern*/ class MissileCore;

class MissileBase: MissileCore {};

class M_AT5_AT: MissileBase {};

class Metis_M_9M131: M_AT5_AT


model = "\Saxhorn\9M131_Missile.p3d";

hit = 750;

indirectHit = 180;

indirectHitRange = 2;

cost = 6000;

maxSpeed = 1800;

irLock = 1;

trackOversteer = 1;

trackLead = 1;

maxControlRange = 4000;

initTime = 0.15;

thrustTime = 3.500000;

thrust = 650;

maneuvrability = 2.000000;



class CfgMagazines {

/*extern*/ class Default;

class CA_Magazine: Default {};

class VehicleMagazine: CA_Magazine {};

class 5Rnd_AT5_BRDM2: VehicleMagazine {};

class 8Rnd_AT5_BMP2: 5Rnd_AT5_BRDM2 {};

class 9M131_Saxhorn : 8Rnd_AT5_BMP2


               displayName = "Metis-M 9M131";

               ammo = "Metis_M_9M131";



class cfgWeapons {

/*extern*/ class LauncherCore;

class MissileLauncher: LauncherCore {};

class AT5Launcher: MissileLauncher {};

class AT5LauncherSingle: AT5Launcher {};

class 9P151_Firing_post : AT5LauncherSingle


displayName = "AT7-Saxhorn";

minRange = 10;

minRangeProbab = 0.100000;

midRange = 1400;

midRangeProbab = 0.700000;

maxRange = 4000;

maxRangeProbab = 0.001000;

sound = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\Javelin1", 31.622778, 1};

soundFly = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\rocket_fly1", 25.118866, 0.800000};

reloadTime = 12;

magazineReloadTime = 30;

magazines = {"9M131_Saxhorn"};

aiRateOfFire = 20.0;

aiRateOfFireDistance = 450;



class CfgVehicles {

/*extern*/ class All;

/*extern*/ class Strategic;

/*extern*/ class Land;

class LandVehicle: Land


/*extern*/ class NewTurret;


class StaticWeapon: LandVehicle


vehicleClass = "Static";

driverOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\optika_empty";

selectionDashboard = "podsvit pristroju";

selectionShowDamage = "poskozeni";

selectionBackLights = "light_back";

bounding = "usti hlavne";

alphaTracks = 0.700000;

textureTrackWheel = 0;

selectionLeftOffset = "";

selectionRightOffset = "";

memoryPointTrack1L = "";

memoryPointTrack1R = "";

memoryPointTrack2L = "";

memoryPointTrack2R = "";

selectionFireAnim = "zasleh";

fireDustEffect = "FDustEffects";

class DestructionEffects {


memoryPointMissile = {"spice rakety", "usti hlavne"};

memoryPointMissileDir = {"konec rakety", "konec hlavne"};

gunnerCanSee = "2 + 4 + 8 + 16";

gunnerHasFlares = 0;

class Turrets {

class MainTurret: NewTurret {

memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos_gunner";

memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos_gunner_dir";

memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview";

memoryPointGun = "usti hlavne";

outGunnerMayFire = 1;

gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\Weapons\optika_empty";

minTurn = -180;

maxTurn = 180;

initTurn = 0;

minElev = -7;

maxElev = 70;

initElev = 0;

castGunnerShadow = 1;

ejectDeadGunner = 1;




class SaxhornStatic: StaticWeapon


scope = 2;

side = 0;

crew = "SoldierEB";

nameSound = "missiles";

model = "\Saxhorn\Saxhorn";

picture = "\Saxhorn\at7.paa";

icon = "\Ca\weapons\Data\map_ico\icomap_ags_CA.paa";

mapSize = 3;

armor = 150;

sound = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\RocketLauncher_Shot04", 3.162278, 1};

reloadSound = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\missload", 0.000316, 1};

displayName = "AT-7 Saxhorn";

gunnerHasFlares = 1;

class Turrets: Turrets {

class MainTurret: MainTurret {

minElev = -5;

maxElev = 10;



gunBeg = "spice rakety";

gunEnd = "konec rakety";

weapons = {"9P151_Firing_post"};

magazines = {"9M131_Saxhorn", "9M131_Saxhorn"};

gunnerAction = "AT7_Gunner";

gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\wheeled\optika_BRDM";





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These proxyes are used: proxy:SAXHORN.01 - proxy:SAXHORN.04

There you have it!

ArmA is looking for the proxy-models in data3d, which would data3d/SAXHORN.p3d

In OFP you would have to define a "class Proxysaxhorn" in the CfgNonAIVehicles, pointing to your saxhorn model. I hope someone can confirm, that this is the same for ArmA.

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