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RTS-4 ArmA Released

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There has finally been an update on the patch status, here at


It looks like the reason for the long delay has been in trying to perfect the VoN [voice over network] and anticheats.

There will be another beta patch to check for anything that regresses the game/showstoppers. If there are none, then the final patch should be coming out very quickly.


AI BRIDGE PATHFINDING much improved! Very important in RTS as far too often the trucks we sent out would end up in the river instead.

If Karrillion ever does come back to mod RTS for the new patch, I hope we can prevent bridges from being destroyed... it is interesting tactically but it can put quite a damper on the rest of the map until it is restarted, especially when the bridge destruction is NOT done by the enemy but by a saboteur/griefer on your own team.

hey nice find there!

the pathfinding fix is the best news IMHO. finally the AI micromanagement is getting a big improvement... it was the most annoying thing in RTS..

hopefully RTS will get another start soon...

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Is there a script to rebuild the bridge?

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In Sahrani Life there is something that fixes a building when it is blown down (it reforms itself).

However, it's not perfect, because the people that were on the server when it was blown see it as reformed, but the people who join the server AFTER it was blown see a blown down area.

So, the people who join AFTER the explosion are able to go through the blown down areas without a problem, while the people present BEFORE the explosion sees someone walking thru walls.

The BEFORE people can be walking upstairs in the building, and the AFTER people see people walking around in midair [and find them easy targets to shoot]

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This mode would be nice to play if it were modified slightly. Since everyones playing Evolution these day's, I think this would be a nice alternative. Considering Karrillion is off busy these last few months, and has no (obvious) intention on a return to Arma - perhaps someone with some scripting knowledge could dive in and have a look-see? I'm sure he wouldn't mind. His server is closed at the moment, but I'm sure with enough interest - a bunch of servers would be glad to host such a mission.

This mode was fun while it lasted, but I'm sure theres many things that could use some tweaking/revitalizing.

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The new Warfare map is sort of similar to RTS here, the difference being there are no resources [other than Supply].

I really, really was hoping for better AI in 1.14, but that eastern bridge of Dolores is MURDER. They don't go into the water as much but once some vehicles get jammed on the bridge the rest are hanging around confused.

The maps shouldve had two lane bridges where the AI will always take the right hand crossing. Seems too hard to code AI for single lane bridges....

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I was wondering if karrilion actually helped make warfare is that where he has gone?

It seems so similar to rts 4

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It was the chap that made MFCTI that helped in the making of this map, was it not?

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I'm comin back here right now to get the latest version to put on my (Call911's ArmA Extreme). I got to play this excellant mission in the early days(b4 1.06, 1.08), an it was alot of fun but ArmA was'nt quite rdy for RTS4. But now a yr or so later it has sparked some interest to see how it fairs with 1.14 as Warfare reminds me of RTS4

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Well just so you guys know, Karrillion has reopened his Arma server. It is now running full 1.14/Battleeye/ and the warfare mission(s) - as well as the North South Matt R version 1.5f.

For general server information and updates, visit the "Official Karrillion Server" thread: here.

Now as for an update on RTS, I don't know if it'll happen. Karrillion hasn't played Arma in a long time but was gracious enough to reopen his server for us Arma freaks wink_o.gif

-No Karrillion has not been a part of the Warfare team. It was just Mike Melvin, Bart van Passeen, Marel Moricky, Patrick Melvin, Jan Prazak, Marian Maar, Carsten Cordes, Johannes Wagner, Jakub Horyna, and Lukas Soukenka. No mention of Karillion's real (super duper secret) identity.

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other websites links are not working too..

Fix ples ples..

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