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ArmA Squad Directory

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Squad acronym - PXS

Squad location - International

Squad webpage - http://www.phoenixsoldier.com/index.php

Squad contact - [email protected]

Squad status - Active, Recruiting

TeamSpeak2 Server IP: pxs.servegame.org

We run TeamSpeak2 (TS2), with a capacity of 40 people. Our TS2 server allows us the necessary means to communicate on a 24-hour round the clock basis, important for quenching our thirst for COOP missions. The TS2 server also is our HQ for membership meetings and general chat.

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Squad Name = 53rd Infantry Battalion

Squad acronym = 53IB

Squad location = Based in UK but will take anybody who fits in and can speak good English with a good ping to our server.

Squad webpage = Area-53.Com

Squad contact = Staff@Area=53.com

Squad Status  = ACTIVE / Pre-Recuitment workup

Our primary Voice comms are on ventrilo 3.01+

We can be picky who we take on and you must fit in with the group.

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Squad name - Romeo 2.5

Squad acronym - [R2.5]

Squad location - UK based, recruiting English speaking players.

Squad webpage - http://www.romeo25.com - under construction

Squad contact - www.romeo25.com/forums

Squad status - Active, Recruiting

Perfect for players interested in tactical co-ops and meaningful training.

TeamSpeak2 Server IP:

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Squad name: ATP-SIP

Squad acronym: ATP-SIP

Squad location: International [ English speaking only! ]

Squad Website: http://anerson.webs.com/

Squad contact: Pm Anerson on the website , [email protected]

Squad status: Active , Training and preparing for an Operation Overseas

Visit the website and find out more about our unit!


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Squad Name: International Coalition Of Nations

Squad acronym: ICON

Squad location: International (UK based server)

Squad webpage:http://www.icon-squad.com

Squad contact: ICON forums

Squad status: Active/ recruiting 18 +

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Admin would you please delete this post, TY

Edited by Wyatt

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contact: [email protected]

Status: UP Running

This is not a clan or a group!

I give ft-training for those who wanna learn it!

The concept gives you as a new team the possibility on just 18 hours to learn to play better than most clans even when they have trained/played for years.

And the best of it all i do it to pay back some of the great expirences i have had the last ten years, so it is all for free and i dont accept donations eiter!

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Squad Name: Grenadier-Regiment 187

Squad Acronym: 187th

Squad Location: United States

Squad Webpage: www.187th.net

Squad Contact: [email protected]

Squad Status: Active & Recruiting

Squad games: COOP and EVOLUTION

we also play Red Orchestra Ostfront 41-45 and mods

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Name VMA Virtual Mercenary Army, Australasian

vma.net.nz and contact: A6-intruder[email protected]

Status: Your status:

Active & Recruiting R18+ we currently have 32 members making us one of the largest clans in Australasia. Good clan resources website/server/TS3 etc. Clan night once a week + social play.

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Squad Acronym: [TEF]

Squad location: International

Squad webpage: www.teameliteforces.com

Squad contact: [email protected]

Squad status: Active in ArmA & A2:OA

Squad Ops: World Famous Game Nights, casual domination, original missions, joint-clan ops

Remember: Lock, load, lead.....TEAM ELITE FORCES

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