nopulse 0 Posted February 7, 2002 Ok, I'm probably asking a dumb question, but what's the deal with Fade? I have a legit copy of OPF. But while playing Multiplayer in OPF, I see the msg " remember: original copies do not fade" or something along those lines....can't remember the exact msg.... Does everyone get this msg? And what is FADE? What does it actually do? And what are the signs of it? Also does running a "trainner" enduce FADE? I will admit that I'm not the most "skilled" player in the world and YES I sometimes need help so I use "trainners" to cheat ONLY in single player (I'm not those punks that use "trainners" in MP to cheat, I'm not immoral). If "trainners" enduce fade, how? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stag 0 Posted February 7, 2002 You often get this message if you join a game, crash, and try to rejoin. Speaking from personal experence, it is a superlative cure for constipation the first time, but nothing more. I wouldn't care to try it with a non-legitimate access. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chan 1 Posted February 7, 2002 FADE is... you try to copy our games, you will be pissed off Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FetishFool 0 Posted February 7, 2002 FADE is a very unstable form of cheat-protection. Anything can trigger FADE. Especially programs running in the background. In MP, if one person is using a faulty Config.BIN, he'll effect more than just him. If this one guy gets FADE, then some people or everyone will get FADE, too. Don't worry about FADE. So long as you don't get it in Single Player, you should be fine. Because if you get it in MP, odds are that a lot of other people are getting it, too. So you won't be entirely handicapped. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rogue2020 0 Posted February 7, 2002 Fade sucks ass....they have some trainers out that would be fun to fuck around with like infinite ammo and rapid fire......I hope future games don't start this fade shit because never being able to use trainers would suck ass......I have a game or two I wont even play without a trainer.....just no fun without it..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FetishFool 0 Posted February 7, 2002 I agree with Rogue. Using a trainer in OPF would be amazing. Especially for mission editing. Just changing the weapon you use in a mission with a single click would rock. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nopulse 0 Posted February 7, 2002 I agree with Rogue2020, I use trainners to play games as well. Especially the ones that have levels that are almost impossible to beat without cheats. Dammit I paid like $60.00 for the game I think I should be a loud to use cheat codes in single player without having it "degrade" my game. So what's the deal with the "remember: original copies do not fade" msg? Is that telling me that I have FADE? What I don't get is what's the point of purchasing a legit copy if the legit copy doesn't even protect you against FADE from others that don't have legit copies? Seems kinda dumb if people that bought legit copies can't even be protected from ones that don't have legit copies. Or is FADE a "spook" story to scare people away from copying the game? So what are the signs of FADE? Constant crashing? Constant disconnection from MP? FetishFool, what did you mean by "So long as you don't get it in Single Player"? How can you tell you have it in single player? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpaceAlex 0 Posted February 7, 2002 I do not agree with rogue. You can use a trainer without having FADE but trainers sucks. I don't have it and i don't want it. It destroyes gameplay. But, you people have your own life. Do what u want. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Psycho1 0 Posted February 7, 2002 Care to explain why you think other people in MP can make you have FADE? Â I find that VERY hard to believe, I've never experienced any problems whatsoever concerning FADE even though I've seen that "original games don't FADE" message in MP several times. Concerning trainers.....if the trainers work for single player than their will probably be a way to get trainers to work in MP as well. Â OFP already has built in cheats for you to use in single player if you are having a hard time, their is absolutely no reason for you to need a trainer in single player. Â You can save all you want in each mission, just hit left shift and - on numpad, than type in savegame and you got an updated position. Â I'm pretty sure their are several other cheat codes built into the game that can help you, so I'll have to say again that their is no excuse for using a trainer in OFP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rogue2020 0 Posted February 7, 2002 Yet again as I said in that cheat topic it has nothing to do with's for entertainment.....the only game I have not been able to beat in my whole life is star trek new worlds......which I did not give it all I had...but it's the only game I couldn't beat....hard as fuck....... Oh it takes away from gameplay? dune200 I have a trainer for instant build infinite money and so's so you can sit back and enjoy the game your playing...since I don't give a damn about the game at all I'd rather enjoy myself playing it....... People that question why with cheating makes me wonder how much they really play how much they mess around and stuff....sounds like to me these people only play games for the story and nothing in GTA3...a person that plays all the missions but never once walks up to a person on the street and hits em with a baseball bat..because they question what's the point? As for flashpoint you don't think it would be interesting to have say the HK firing 200 rounds a second? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Psycho1 0 Posted February 7, 2002 I don't use trainers because it makes it too damn easy. Â I'd rather get better at the game instead of letting a trainer do all the work for me. Â If you always rely on a trainer, what happens when you go online to play????? Â You will have worse skills than people who did not use trainers in single player, and you will start wanting that trainer in MP as well:(:(:(:(:( Â That's why you shouldn't use trainers in single player, because over time SOME people start to depend on them. Â That doesn't happen to everyone, but it most definitely will get a few people to use trainers in MP. Â I'm definitely not saying that's going to happen to you guys, but it could happen:( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
christophercles 0 Posted February 7, 2002 I hate people who cheat, they suck, and because people dont have the skill to play a game, they cheat. They arnt playing the game, they are playing a P.O.S version of the game, where there is no challenge. FUN-O. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rogue2020 0 Posted February 7, 2002 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (christophercles @ Feb. 06 2002,23:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I hate people who cheat, they suck, and because people dont have the skill to play a game, they cheat. They arnt playing the game, they are playing a P.O.S version of the game, where there is no challenge. FUN-O.<span id='postcolor'> I'm not going to's very clear it's another dimension of thinking.......challenge sucks.......but I'm not going to go on with another paragraph trying to make a point that no one will understand.....I question if this world is some kind of simulation....because of things like people's inability to understand the simplest of points.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted February 7, 2002 Never had any fade problems here, but then I have an original version of the game with very few usermade addons...... As for trainers, I really cannot see any need for them, at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Espectro (DayZ) 0 Posted February 7, 2002 Trainers suck... And no, i dont see any point in having a hk fire 200 shot per second... Just aint right. I like realism, i play games for the fun and for the challenge. Yes, i explore games, but not with a trainer, just doesnt seem right to me to have a program explore it for me... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nopulse 0 Posted February 7, 2002 Like I said, the ONLY time I've used a trainner is when I'm stuck and can't get past a certain level. I usually end up running out of ammo because I'm not the greatest shot in the world. For games like Emperor: Battle for Dune, C&C, Red Alert 2, Real War etc trainners are good for instant build and building vehicles etc for like $1. I find the AI a bit too hard in those games when you get further in the game, especially since the AI has unlimited resources and can pump out a ton of infantry and tanks without losing resources to build them. Where as I try to keep up and all my resources are exhausted, but yet the AI still has the ability to pump out more even when all the Tiberium or Spice etc is exhausted on the map. Now how is that fair? But more often than none I use a trainner because I'm too impaitent and want to see the next cut scene. I love games that have wicked intros and cut scenes. It keeps you interested and wanting to beat the next level. Anyone can make a game but to make a game with a great story line and cutscenes is something else Psycho1, I've used a few trainners for games but I haven't become dependant on them in MP. Personally I think using trainners in MP is immoral. Your right it takes no skill to use a trainner in MP. Its unfair to use one in MP. But as for single player who cares, its only the AI (computer) your against and most often the AI has a bigger handicap or advantage then the human player. I mean christ your up against a computer that has a billion transisters and can calculate a ton complex calculations a second. But in MP your against another Human player, its skill against skill. I've never used MP cheats. That is what I call cheating. But unfortunately the trainners for OPF actually work in the MP for OPF. I've seen this up close and personal. The guy on the opposite side was able to launch a ton of TOWs(more than what it actually carries) from the M2 at me without reloading. Where as I had to wait and reload my Sabot from my M1 and by then I was toast. But some trainners ONLY work in single player thank god. Hats off to those "crackers" or whatever that make the trainners work ONLY in single player and NOT MP. At least some "crackers" have morals. Its funny, but no one has answered my question from my first post hehehe What are the signs of FADE? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FetishFool 0 Posted February 7, 2002 Sorry for the late reply: Any change in gameplay is a result of either FADE, or a faulty addon. Either way, your gameplay will be different. Everything is a sign of FADE. If your gun doesn't reload after the first time, or if you seem to be running slower than the AI, or if you get lock-ups during gameplay... Making a list of signs of FADE would be endless. Psycho1, if you get the "Original games do not FADE" message during MP, then you have FADE. If you're not cheating, or using any unofficial addons, then you know it has to be a third-party that's causing your FADE. I just know that people in MP can give you FADE because of my experiences. Especially when your PK clip shortens to 30 rounds, and your M60 sounds like an MP5. This just tells you that someone's addons are changing your game. And since their minor addons can change the core of your game, they can give you FADE. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nopulse 0 Posted February 8, 2002 FetishFool, Thx for telling what the signs are Much appreciated. I heard conflicting arguments about add-ons causing FADE. Some say add-ons don't cause FADE and then some people say they do. Does BIS care to elaborate if they do or don't? It seems dumb if add-ons cause FADE. I mean you couldn't make new weapons, mods, maps, vehicles etc for the game. Kind of a dumb move by BIS if you ask me. What makes a game great is when you can make your own weapons, vehicles, mods and maps. Add's more play value to the game rather than just playing the same boring missions over and over. If if that's the case, the game just sits on the shelf and collects dust. Thats what makes The Sims a cool game. You can make your own people, objects, houses, walls, floors etc. You don't have to use the same boring things that come with the game. I hope that BIS changes how FADE works for Independence Lost. So that only "cracked" or illegal copies of the game induce FADE and not the fact that adding mods or add-ons do. Or even a trainnerin SP. And I also hope they seriously change the interface for Multiplayer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mister Frag 0 Posted February 8, 2002 SUMA has commented on FADE, and he has stated that add-ons will not and cannot trigger FADE. The only way to trigger it would be to modify the OFP executable itself. Changing things such as the CONFIG.BIN file (as done by some user-created add-ons) will result in a separate message about a modified CONFIG file, but it does not activate FADE. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FetishFool 0 Posted February 8, 2002 I'll have to contradict you, Mister Frag. The patch after 1.42 is supposed to make it so that addons don't change the core of the game. Meaning that addons won't change the attributes in the Config.BIN. I'll go find the thread where this was said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Major Fubar 0 Posted February 8, 2002 If you ask me FADE is a bogeyman, invented to scare small children. I've had the dreaded "remember: original games do not FADE" message many times (some multiplayer, sometimes after installing the latest update, other times when I added custom add-ons). I have never noted any degradation in my gameplay. I also think saying things like "FADE can cause many things like guns not reloading, running slower etc." is just a cheap way to excuse game glitches...are people really trying to say that ANY irregularity in gameplay could be FADE? Ridiculous! I guess it must have been an early version of fade when Warlords 1 used to crash on my 486. Here's what I think of FADE (in OFP anyway): 1. It's there to discourage people from pirating copies, just like the warning message at the start of videos 2. It's a scapegoat so game glitches can be blamed on it (yes, I am a cynical bastard) Now I'm not sure what BIS official stance on FADE is, as I've only seen comments from regular citizens, not the game developers themselves. If they put out an OFFICIAL statement that contradicts what I say, I'll eat humble pie and freely admit I am wrong, but until that happens, I think FADE is a crock of you-know-what! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sith 0 Posted February 8, 2002 Oh trust me...FADE is real alright. Major Fubar, try to change some stuff in the OFP exe and you'll find out for yourself I've seen it in action with ppl trying out a pirated copy of the that was funny Not being able to use certain vehicles, weapon sounds that go all weird, accuracy that goes fubar. Everyone that plays OFP on a regular basis knows that these symptoms are not just "game glitches" or something. They only show up when there's something wrong with your game... Sorry mister cynical bastard...your bogeyman really is out there Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rogue2020 0 Posted February 8, 2002 I don't know....trainers hack the exe don't they?...I posted one I didn't want to try because of fade awhile back and someone did try it and they never said anything about having fade........ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ALDEGA 0 Posted February 8, 2002 Trainers alter values of variables (e.g. ammo) when the game is running, so they don't hack the exe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FetishFool 0 Posted February 8, 2002 Can someone else find the thread where a developer officially said that addons change the core of the game? It was a sticky for a while, now it's gone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites