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How to edit sounds?  never heard of .wss file ext.

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I know how to pack and unpack the pbo's. But once unpacked how do you edit the sound files? I see some ogg's in there which my sound forge will handle, but .wss I'm not familiar with. I assume those are the other types of sound files.

What program should I be using to edit them? Or what do I need to do beyond upacking the pbo's to make the sound editable?

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Head over to www.ofpec.com there you will find tools and more information about editing sounds. Check the Editors Depot at the website.


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I need some tool which can convert PCM 8KHz 8bit WAV to WSS.

The widely available wsscod can't do that (the result is completely messed up).

And i know it is perfectly possible, because i made some 8Khz 8bit wss earlier (i still have them, and the wssdec can decode them back into 8Khz 8bit wav without problems), i just don't remember how the hell did i made those wss files.

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I know wss and wave files are exactly same but except for their headers. Is there anybody who knows exact definition of headers of wss file? wink_o.gif

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I know wss and wave files are exactly same but except for their headers. Is there anybody who knows exact definition of headers of wss file? wink_o.gif

well, if they are the same (except the header), then i would presume it doesn't matter whether we use WAV or WSS, right?

...i will probably stay with the WAVs then.

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well, if they are the same (except the header), then i would presume it doesn't matter whether we use WAV or WSS, right?

...i will probably stay with the WAVs then.

Maybe it's a matter of copyright. tounge2.gif

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or maybe its the same thing for difference between the .cpp and .bin?

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If they are the same except for the headers then all we need to know is the definition of the headers and we can make a program that converts between the 2. Is it a bis made file format? Maybe they'll let us know the details?

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If they are the same except for the headers then all we need to know is the definition of the headers and we can make a program that converts between the 2. Is it a bis made file format? Maybe they'll let us know the details?

I would put it this way:

If they are the same, then all we need to know is the benefit of WSS over WAV, and if there is no benefit, then we don't need to make any converter smile_o.gif

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