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SQF revive script

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I have tried including revive into warfare, but sofar the revive part seems to work ok apart from warefare's own revive forces the player to respawn. When killed the unconsious message comes up and the player model is lying injured, but after 13 seconds the warefare revive forces the player to respawn.

I'm not terrably gifted with scripting or mission editing, is anyone else planning on making a revive enabled version of warfare?

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I have tried including revive into warfare, but sofar the revive part seems to work ok apart from warefare's own revive forces the player to respawn. When killed the unconsious message comes up and the player model is lying injured, but after 13 seconds the warefare revive forces the player to respawn.

I'm not terrably gifted with scripting or mission editing, is anyone else planning on making a revive enabled version of warfare?

I haven't had a chance to check out Warfare yet Raven so I don't know much about it. When I get a chance I'll look into but I'm pretty snowed under at the moment so it may take a little time - sorry mate.

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Hi Norrin.

I got a report of an issue with 1.47 when we started hosting with 1.14.

Quote from player:

Quote[/b] ]Appears to be a problem with the revive script.

I was dead, and didnt revive but I saw "a second man" who looked just like me who revived after about 5 seconds. He was then shot and I died (note I had NOT revived - I was just sat watching the screen). This went on 12 times even though I only had 10 lives, LOL

Quite odd..... crazy_o.gif

Yes, I have discovered the same thing, never showed up until 1.14 I have sent NORRIN a mission with the issue.


I can copy that. Same happended with my missions on the 1.14 linux dedicated server and ai disabled 1.47. At first I thought I did a mistake naming the markers. sad_o.gif I'm looking forward to 1.48 anyway biggrin_o.gif


Remember the issue I had in the mission (Coop)1-10 Drug Wars 2 sent you a few weeks ago? Same issue happened again in a mission with ai disabled 1.47 and the queens gambit RAC spy. I guess the revive script doesn't like independent players + the line 119 of the revive_player.sqf. Therefore the is getting beamed directly after mission start to spawn point 1. Disabling line 119 solves the problem.

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I can copy that. Same happended with my missions on the 1.14 linux dedicated server and ai disabled 1.47. At first I thought I did a mistake naming the markers.  sad_o.gif I'm looking forward to 1.48 anyway biggrin_o.gif


Remember the issue I had in the mission (Coop)1-10 Drug Wars 2 sent you a few weeks ago? Same issue happened again in a mission with ai disabled 1.47 and the queens gambit RAC spy. I guess the revive script doesn't like independent players + the line 119 of the revive_player.sqf. Therefore the is getting beamed directly after mission start to spawn point 1. Disabling line 119 solves the problem.

I think its the same issue mate.  Make sure the respawn_west is placed somewhere where the enemy are never likely to go.  

I think the second issue relates to the placement of your boot_hill and respawn_west marker (again).  Make sure they are no where near where the playable units are placed when the mission starts and it shouldn't be a problem - place these 2 markers at least 1000 metres away from the mission start preferably on an island where no other units are ever likely to go.

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Norrin, when is the next AI disabled release? sad_o.gif I don't think version 1.47 is fully compatible to ArmA 1.14. It's just a guess because the problems with the script dramatically increased. Sometimes the spectating camera doesn't work, players get kicked out of the revival script and will be spawned at Respawn_side marker sad_o.gif While playing as a civilian I couldn't get revived anymore. But I gotta check the init again to exclude any init errors. Before 1.14 there weren't so many problems.

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I finished the new version last night but it needs a lot more testing before general release. It incorporates several optimisations, the possibility of using a player as a mobile spawn point and some tweaks from alef. I'll PM you a link to it a bit later today after I've spent a little more time checking it out.

This version will not include the SLX animations, however, I've successfully isolated the drag anims from the mod. I just need to do a some more work on the configs - which is going to take a bit longer.

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Thanks norrin notworthy.gif You're definately one of the script gods. I'll have a huge MP test on thursday evening. Can the vehicle mobile respawn and the player mobile respawn be used together in a mission?

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I'll have a huge MP test on thursday evening. Can the vehicle mobile respawn and the player mobile respawn be used together in a mission?

I think they can but don't quote me as I haven't done a lot of testing - but there are few limitations to the way its currently set up:

1. both the player and the vehicle move the same respawn point when they set up camp.

2. You can only have one camp with respawn point set up at any time

3. However, the player can dismantle the vehicle spawn and the vehicle can dismantle the player spawn so if the player sets up camp and the vehicle stows the camp although the spawn point will move you'll be left with MASH tents and netting all over the map.

So I'd advise you to just use the one or the other not both.

Hope it works out OK in your testing.


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I've done some quick tests alone and there are no errors yet. Maybe it would be a cool feature for future versions to set up up to 4 mobile respawn points as an alternative to the pre-defined spawn points. To avoid conflicts with previous missions this should be an optional feature. But this has no hurry. First we'll have to detect and kill possible bugs and there's the old lady AI enabled as well that I'll have to test biggrin_o.gif Oh my ... hot weeks.

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Bug report of AI Disabled 1.49 Beta:

I found two small issues:

- the spectating script was messed up when I respawned at spawn point 1 (non vehicle mobile respawn) and was shot down by the AI in the moment of respawn; though the spectating script was loaded I couldn't change the camera angle, changing the spectator view to other players worked

- after getting hit there's the entry "Heal" .. so far so good ... but I'd choose healing at a medic tent instead and the entry didn't disappear

Everything else worked excellent! No performance problems, no errors, non vehicle respawn worked fine.

But I have to admit it was just a simple test with players on east side. Guess we'll have to see how it works with stranger combinations (civilians, civilians under east-leadership, players under changing friendly/enemy side conditions)

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Bug report of AI Disabled 1.49 Beta:

I found two small issues:

- the spectating script was messed up when I respawned at spawn point 1 (non vehicle mobile respawn) and was shot down by the AI in the moment of respawn; though the spectating script was loaded I couldn't change the camera angle, changing the spectator  view to other players worked

- after getting hit there's the entry "Heal" .. so far so good ... but I'd choose healing at a medic tent instead and the entry didn't disappear

Thanks for the bug reports mate. The first sounds like one of those unlucky script timing issues that turn up from time to time - at least the script didn't fail completely, but I'll try and replicate the problem and see what happens.

The second bug is a problem with one of the heal scripts - I'm a bit surprised that it hasn't shown up before as that script hasn't been changed for almost 12 months. I'll add some extra code that will fix the issue.

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Funny you should ask this as I've just had a request via PM for a new version of the PvP script, so I'll start work on this first chance I get.

@Legis - I'll send you the revised heal script as soon as its tested.

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I'm getting reports that the AI_disabled 1.47 (current release) and 1.49 (non generally released) are not working on a linux dedicated server ver 1.14  - can anybody else confirm this as they are working fine on a windows dedicated server (1.14) and I can't set up a linux server at home?

The problems are:

1. No unconscious camera

2. Unconscious bodies not revivable

Please if anybody else is having these problems and sees this post can they let me know.

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hi all

will there be any new version of the pvp revive!


I didn't realise there was a specific version for PvP...

I've just been using two copies of revive_init.sqf: revive_init_west.sqf and revive_init_east.sqf.

Depending on the player side, init.sqf calls the correct one.

The only differences in the files are NORRIN_Player_Units, _NORRN_enemy_side_1, _NORRN_allied_side_, and spawn points.

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Respawning On Carrier Workaround

Step 1: Place a M113 onto the carrier using setpos height 20

Step 2: Name the M113 "spawn_carr"

Step 3: NORRNCustomExec3="Player moveInCargo spawn_carr";

All done you now will spawn into the M113 on deck and just click get out and all will be fine biggrin_o.gif

@Matt Rochelle

Regarding placing an M113 on the USS Nimitz and respawning in it, your steps you gave were helpful, except for step three. I don't know where to enter that script line because I'm learning more about editing everytime I work at it. The steps you listed are easy to follow, except for step 3. I do not know where to enter NORRNCustomExec3="Player moveInCargo spawn_carr";



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Search for the string "NORRNCustomExec3" in the revive_init.sqf. It should be around line 238. Be aware that it will be executed each time the player hits a respawn button. That way the player will always be teleported into the cargo of the m113.

I still hope our current revive script problems are only a config error of myself. sad_o.gif

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We've encountered some problems with the vehicle mobile respawn of AI disabled 1.47. You only can deploy the point if you directly enter the vehicle's driver seat. You won't get the action menu entry if you try to go from the gunner or passenger to driver seat.

When you're having an armed mobile respawn point (like BMP2), the gunner can mess around with your deploy-respawn-point-action-menu-entry. I think that's because of ArmA. If you move the turret, the motor is getting started automatically thus disabling the possibility to deploy the respawn point.

Still had no time to test the pre-version of AI enabled sad_o.gif Shame on me, I'll try to box it in this weekend.

Last thing I would like to mention is a problem caused by yet another addon, the FFAA Insurgents Pack. Norrin, you'll find them in the ffaa_terrorista.pbo in our mod package. Would be nice if you can give me a hint how to set them up in the revive_init.sqf wink_o.gif So far I can tell you _NORRN_can_revive = "soldierEB" didn't work. I hope it's not the same problem like the African Insurgents having it. sad_o.gif

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Hi mate,

I'll hopefully get a chance to look at the units tonight and I'll PM you an answer.

I was aware of the problem with the vehicle mobile respawn point that you've described - I think its mentioned in the readMe file that comes with the script.

The problem relates to the "get in" event handlers as it only "Triggered when a unit enters the object (only useful when the event handler is assigned to a vehicle). It does not trigger upon a change of positions within the same vehicle " (quoting from the BIKI: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki....t#GetIn ) so there's not much I can do about it I'm afraid unless I completely revise the code which due to other committments is unlikely to happen in the near future.

The BMP2 problem also sounds like its a bit out of my hands. As for the AI_enabled I've made a few fixes so just let me know when you're planning on testing (there's no hurry mate) and I'll send you the most up-to-date version.


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Good to know, thanks biggrin_o.gif I've sent you a PM with all neccassary information regarding my problem, a new bug report, a new feature request and an information that will get you happy. tounge2.gif

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i have tryed to send a email to you not sure if i got it right,

any way i have played with the boundary script

just cant get any more makers to work .like maby 4 makers or more.so you can close a map.(make a smaller combat zone)

and if you ever have time for a new version of the PvsP

revive script. is there any chance to make it work with

the script_boundary_v4_0

so if i die outside the boundary i will only have the respawn

so i dont die and die and die

thanks for all nice work you makes for arma community

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