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dentist guba

vehicles in ARMA

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i was wondering how vehicles in general handle in armed assault. some things i'm wondering whether they have been improved(i only have Elite so i'm not sure if these were already fixed):

1:vehicle crashing sounds-in ground vehicles this was okay but it felt a bit weird seeing an A-10 which weighs a lot fly into the ground and then hear the thud of someone kicking a cardboard box, with volume seemingly unaffected by distance.

2:off roading-in OFP this did not work too well because even the off-road vehicles went pretty slow off road and you could also die from going down a hill(G-Force?).

3:damage/physics-in OFP vehicles seemed to behave like cardboard boxes e.g when skidding or hitting another car


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Quote[/b] ]why don't you just try the demo and see for yourself?

i've still got a few months to go before i get my new PC-the one i have at the moment couldn't even play battlefield 1942 smoothly. it A:wouldn't meet the minimum specs and B:doesn't even work as well as it should anyway. i might try it anyway though.

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icon_rolleyes.gif Did you not read what he just posted?

Anyway, I think in general, vehicle handling has become more sluggish and the chopper handling is totally different, totally different flight model used.

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I only have demo so my experience is limited but I like ARMA's control better. Land vehicles seem different as you seem to only use the keyboard rather than OFP key/mouse.

As far as the helo I definately prefer ARMA. I heard so many complaints (pre-patch 103) and it's definitely harder than OFP but in a good way. Going back to OFP's helo just seems too easy and arcadish while AA is is challenging, but nothing the experienced gamer will find impossible.

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yepp all the complaining bout helo pyshics!!

personally i just think now=u just gotta be damn good at flying!

practice practice!!!

the good pilots will stand out!!!

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I still find the loss of tail rotor authority to happen too fast and too sudden, but apart from that, I like ArmA flight model for helicopters way better than OFP imho.

And I also prefer ArmA vehicle driving, when using keyboard. Mouse-driving is horrible, though.

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yepp agree!! finding flying lot better using 360 controller over my joystick!

have yet to try driving with 360 yet though??

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Vehicles are quite improved since OFP.  After playing several modern games, even OFP:E, and going back to OFP, I couldn't help but feel that something wasn't right.  As if the vehicles didn't have any mass, it was just as said, cardboard boxes after that time, there was no inertia pushing,turning was entirerly forgiving in all aspects, there was just no single way to screw up really.

But in Armed Assault, just by the demo,  I have learned to be much more careful, especially with wheeled vehicles.  But first to answer the questions.  When a vehicle collides with another, depending on the type will decide how much of a stop there is.  

There were two videos released much earlier demonstrating "Armed Assault physics" as far as vehicles go, a bus hits a civilian plane, the plane skitters backwards quite a bit, metal bus colliding with a not quite metal plane.  And there was a civilian car hitting the front of a dorment bus, the bus didn't slide much at all.

Now about the wheels, I'm sure we all remember being able to sometimes crush and be stopped by sandbags in OFP.  Well I was in the BRDM and decided to run over some sandbags.  Well I cleared one side, but got stuck.  I could move the APC back and forth all I wanted like a seesaw, but there was no getting it off, I screwed up nicely there.

Another example would be a trip in the HMMWV, joyriding around and I didn't turn fast enough near a rail on the road..well the front left tire went over the rail and I got stuck.  So the fact that you can get your vehicles stuck on things such as rails, sandbags and other "low profile" objects is great in the fact that you cannot drive like a maniac anymore.  

Helicopter controls are indeed a bit more difficulty, a joystick is much more fun than the keyboard.  But it is also unforgiving, I decided to test this by climbing several feet into the air with a helicopter and performed a barrel roll, even though I had straightened myself back out at the end, i was plummeting because I looped perhaps too fast.  Landing a helicopter is a bit more unforgiving as well, try landing with a damaged tail rotor.  

All in all I would have to say that it is a great improvement over OFP, I'v yet to warp through any object with the collision so they improved that greatly.  I don't have retail version yet so I cannot tell you what the full experience is like, but the demo experience thus far has been excellent.

Of course there are still flaws but they have been discussed to death several times over, I have no need to really speak of them here.

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