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RN Malboeuf

Liberation 1941-1945: Patch 1.08

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I already said "yes" for the same question regarding 1.08 smile_o.gif

Most probably yes. Arma is much better from every quarter so wait for the news.

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Here's the problem I've been encountering. Only on Zastava Island, regardless of who I am playing as or which objects I am near. The place where my cursor would be is blacked out as well, maybe a script that does this?


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Quote[/b] ]my cursor would be is blacked out as well, maybe a script that does this

no ideas. but it can't be script. What graphic mod are you runnig ? Dxdll maybe ?

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Yes, do you think that could be causing the problem? I'll try disabling dxdll and I'll see if there are any changes then. The strange thing is, it only appears in first person view.

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Here's the problem I've been encountering. Only on Zastava Island, regardless of who I am playing as or which objects I am near. The place where my cursor would be is blacked out as well, maybe a script that does this?


There was a result of replacement of textures "black", "halfa", etc. Try restore old version of data.pbo.

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since I updated to 1.07 i keep getting a preprocessor error on the config.cpp file when ever i try to run the mod any info on the problem would be thankfull

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I've updated to 1.09 and i still get the error "Preprocessor failed on file config.cpp - error 1" i could use some help i used to be able to play the mod but when i got 1.07 it started doing this.

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show the error window first (configs errors usually provide line where it's situated). try reinstall the mod. sorry, no special ideas at the moment

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Fixed a mod Liberation 1941-1945 (up to patch1_09)

where can i download this patch

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They are third party, although Libmod made some adjustments to air units from what I could notice.They are really worth it.

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at last i patched up lib mod to 1.09.need to overwrite each folder agin and again,

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