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Hello ArmA maniacs wink_o.gif

here is my first addon for ArmA. Beta version Polish Special Forces named "GROM" in desert camo. (Used in Iraq and Afganisthan).



Quote[/b] ]

PSF GROM Desert BETA v.1


Version: Beta

Description: Polish GROM Spec-Op desert camo.

Special Thanks:

BIS for original models

Offtime for permission to use part of textures from OFP-RES GROM

Vilass for support and help

Kuba for support



The PSF GROM Desert addon (hereafter Software ) contains units to be used in the PC DVD-ROM game "Armed Assault" . To use the Software you must agree to the following conditions of use:

1. YacieK grants to you a personal, nonexclusive license to use the Software for the purpose of designing, developing, testing, and distributing non-commercial simulation content for ArmA.

2. The commercial exploitation of any game content created using the Software is expressly prohibited.

4. Reverse-engineering, or other conversion of the Software for use with any game except ArmA is expressly prohibited.

5. The Software may only be re-distributed in its entirety, complete with this "ReadMe" document.



The PSF GROM Desert addon is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The PSF GROM addon is not an official Addon or tool. Use of the PSF GROM addon (in whole or in part) is entirely at your own risk.




In the equipment we can see two weapons - PSF_BCK3AIM & PSF_BCWL1. Those are two versions polish carbines "Bery"l with colimator and "Beryl" with optical and laser designator ... Currently the exist only in cfg, but in next versions there will be models too.



To begin using the addon:

1. Extract the files PSF_GROM.pbo to your 'ArmA/Addons directory'.



This addon provides specialised GROM character units in desert.



Grom - soldier with BCK3AIM / M4

GromMG - soldier with SAW 249

GromGL - soldier with M4A1GL

Grom MP5 - soldier with MP5A5

Grom Marksaman - soldier with M4SPR

GromAT - soldier with BCWL1, M136

GromLR - soldier with BCK3AIM / M4; medic

Grom SNP - soldier with M24

GromDemo -soldier with BCWL1 / M4 and pipe bomb

GromSD1 - soldier with MP5SD

GromSD2 - soldier with M4A1SD



We hope you will enjoy making and updating scenarios with the PSF GROM Desert addon for ArmA!


PSF_GROM DESERT BETA 1.2 update to patch 1.07


Edit - Mirrors to PSF GROM DESERT version 1.

Thanks Big from Armaholic. com

Mirror #1

Polish Special Forces GROM Beta ver 1.

Polish Special Force GROM Beta ver. 1.2

Polish Special Forces GROM Beta ver 1.2 for patch 1.07

and Lateflip from Armed Assault .Net

Mirror #2

Polish Special Forces GROM Beta ver 1.

thanks jammydodger from Armed-Assault-Zone.com

Mirror# 3

Polish Special Forces Grom Beta ver 1.

Thx Stavengerfrom nextgenerationgames.de


PSF_GROM_Beta _ver1.

Mirror #5 Polish Special Force GROM Beta ver. 1.2

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WOW...looks nice. thumbs-up.gif download now

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Upsss - im sorry Shadow this post to delete notworthy.gif

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Oh nice well GROM was a very impressive Addon in OFP too.

So look's good for a Beta. thumbs-up.gif

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Keep the mirrors in your first post, Yaciek.

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I remember Offtimes Grom units and how there textures looked fantastic in the then OFP. Now seeing them here in ArmA is great. Good work YacieK, I'll deffinetly be looking forwards to these when i get the game in february.

I see in your readme that there will be another version. Can you tell us what you have planned when the tools are made available. Here's hoping it will be desert AND woodland units.

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Quote[/b] ]Here's hoping it will be desert AND woodland units.
- yes , i planned woodland too. When BiS release Oxygen2 im add more ammobag , backpack, knife and medkit



"Jungle GROM" - pointman and machine gunner.



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Hey, just wondering.. I have tested the GROM yesterday and found out only one minor flaw in the units.. Well, there should be no black soldiers in it (or am I wrong?)

Don't see me as a racist, please, it just looks stupid seeing them with polish armbadges. Is there a way to make them european-looking only? Or are there some technical obstacles (lack of tools) to do it just now?

And finally; Thanks for getting it done so quickly, so we can enjoy the Grom smile_o.gif

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You get "African American" faces when you put soldiers on the west side.

Same with OFP.

OFP mods got around it with facepacks.

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Quote[/b] ]... Well, there should be no black soldiers in it (or am I wrong?)

You wrong. Poland is in the NATO. Everyone from NATO can be in polish army.

Sorry for my english :P

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Next version GROM troops....with helmets, gogles and ammobags




under construction...

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the grom units are coming along very nicely. the only minor change i would make, the woodland camo should be a touch darker, with a transparent green covering. the puma jacket ive got, and all the ones i saw around poland have like this green tinge to all the colours. i thought this put it leagues above other camo such as the british one and the american one, because the black in the polish one stands out less.

heres an example

polish http://www.tridentmilitary.com/polish.jpg

british http://www.tridentmilitary.com/New-Photos7/tropical-DPM.jpg

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Thx mickuzy smile_o.gif

I know that it should be darker, but expenditure, dirt, dust, sun and laundry make material brighter. Look at screens few post up - there is pointman in the sun, and machinegunner in the shadow. There is a clear difference in camo colur. I prefer addons of soldiers from battlefield, not some barracks ladies wink_o.gif

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topas smile_o.gif sweet photo. Im wainting for Oxygen 2huh.gif




Humm from OFP/RES , 10 % to big, missing some textures and no shadows, non playable - only static object.

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Nice work... are there any plans to make the HMMWV playable or build a new one? smile_o.gif

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yeah i see what you mean Yaciek. im gonna love these guys to death when i get my hands on the game. i met a soldier on the way to warsaw, during my brief holiday there, he was really friendly. he told me i could get a grom jacket near the palace of culture. i am now one very proud owner of a grom jacket.

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...coming soon...



PSF GROM BETA ver. 1.2


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Quote[/b] ]PSF GROM Desert BETA v.1.2


Version Beta

Description Polish GROM Spec-Op desert camo soldiers and 3 version Humvee.

Special Thanks

BIS for original models

Offtime for permission to use part of textures from OFP-RES GROM

Vilas for support ,help, and permission to use polish "Beryl" carabine from Vilas.pol - respect for you

MaRcin for permision to use SKS SF Humvee

Volt and Radeon for test.



The PSF GROM Desert and PSF Humveeh addons (hereafter Software ) contains units to be used in the PC DVD-ROM game Armed Assault . To use the Software you must agree to the following conditions of use

1. YacieK grants to you a personal, nonexclusive license to use the Software for the purpose of designing, developing, testing, and distributing non-commercial simulation content for ArmA.

2. The commercial exploitation of any game content created using the Software is expressly prohibited.

4. Reverse-engineering, or other conversion of the Software for use with any game except ArmA is expressly prohibited.

5. The Software may only be re-distributed in its entirety, complete with this ReadMe document.



The PSF GROM Desert and PSF Humveeh addon is distributed without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The PSF GROM and PSF Humveeh addon is not an official Addon or tool. Use of the PSF GROM and PSF Humveeh addon (in whole or in part) is entirely at your own risk.






To begin using the addon

1. Extract the files PSF_GROM.pbo and PSF Humveeh.pbo to your 'ArmA Addons directory'.



This addon provides specialised GROM character units in desert.



Grom Rifleman - soldier with carabine "Beryl Eotech"

Grom Medic - medic with standard carabine "Beryl"

Grom MG - soldier with machine gun "PK"

Grom Teamleader - soldier with "Beryl CWL"


Grom Marksaman - soldier with "Beryl PCS"

Grom MP - soldier with "Mini Beryl Eotech"

Grom SNP - sniper with M24

Grom MP5SD - soldier with MP5SD

Grom M4SD - soldier with M4A1SD



PSF Humvee 1025

PSF Humvee Field - for 3 soldier and M 136

PSF Humvee Empty - for 5 soldiers

all with M2 HB



We hope you will enjoy making and updating scenarios with the PSF GROM Desert addon for ArmA!

This is last version GROM Beta. Full release after BIS SDK-tools release to community...

Know bugs - no shadows on the carabines, no blood pattern after wound or death.

Mirror link updated on first post and PSF GROM Desert ver.1.2 ( 23 MB)

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