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Feature Request - Custom Sounds

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Feature Request Custom Sounds:

Dedicated Server:

I would like a setting called EnableCustomSounds to be added , this could then be used to either.

1. stop people connecting with custom sounds


2. stop custom sounds being loaded to the clients.

A line could then be added to the server config.cfg such as


Alternative way

MaxCustomSound= max total size of sound files in bytes

0 = no sounds allowed.

Again could be parsed in the config.cfg of server


I would like a setting within the options / Audio Options

It would be called Custom Sounds Enable it would be a simple

Tick box if ticked would enable custom sounds to be

downloaded or heard on the client machine.

Its really annoying to listen to either Blasting Rave / techno /

Metal from some fool who loves his custom sounds , whats more

annoying is hate filled stuff that also gets used.

Some idiot was using sound bites from Adolf Hitler on a server I

was on earlier on.

Thanks for a great game , and I hope you take my suggestions

on board it will hopefully make a great game a little better :-)


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I was just wondering if any of the Arma Dev team had anything to say on the feasabilty of this perhaps being implemented


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Add it to the suggestion page in the Wiki - this thread will just be closed by the admins and ignored by the Devs - They only take the Wiki seriously

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Dev's dont always have much time to read the forums for the tons of requests. Thats why the wiki is recommended as it keeps it online permanent and more clearly, and a scan through the wishlist is much more effective than trawling pages and pages of threads =)

And if mods lock it, its cause its supposed to be elsewhere..

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In OFP you could do something like


I'm not sure if that goes in the ArmA.cfg or the profile.cfg or in the server.cfg. If you figure it out then update the wiki please.


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In OFP you could do something like


I'm not sure if that goes in the ArmA.cfg or the profile.cfg or in the server.cfg. If you figure it out then update the wiki please.


I think that the solution needed would disable custom sounds but allow custom faces.

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yes max customfilesize=0 will work in ArmA, and whats the big loss there?

custom faces are equally as ghey as custom sounds, u can always turn the radio off, as that will also silence custom sounds, at the expense of hearing AI reports

it would be nice to have such things on the server side, but are they are many other things i would put above this in the list of things that need to be done

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So where exactly does this setting go so it can be documented correctly. biggrin_o.gif

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apparently it isn't a config setting its a server setting, in OFP it went in the flashpoint.cfg file along wth the max msg etc etc

so i would assume that in ArmA it also goes in the arma.cfg, along with the max message config lines.

i can't confirm this though as i haven't tested it.

but if someone can confirm this then we can update the WIKI

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