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turret class parameter

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Turret Class

(Tanks eg)

class TurretBase {

body = OtocVez;

gun = OtocHlaven;

gunAxis = OsaHlavne;

gunBeg = usti hlavne;

gunEnd = konec hlavne;

minElev = -4;

maxElev = 20;

minTurn = -360;

maxTurn = 360;

soundServo[] = {Vehicles\gun_elevate,0.031623,1.000000};

turretAxis = OsaVeze;


That's what I found so far for settings belonging to the turret.

I found it odd in OFP already that there was only one turret turn speed common for all tanks and then even faster then in RL for most modern tanks (360 degree in less then 2s).

In addition I want to know how I can turn of the gun stabilizer. If there is a parameter common for horizontal and vertical stabilization or 2 separated?

Background is that WW2 tanks and most tanks in the early 50s came without stabilizer and with slow turning turrets.

My questions (please refer in all answers to that numbering):

1.) Is there a parameter in ArmA that can set the turret turn speed? If yes, what is the name, where is the description?

2.) Are there parameter for turning on/off the stabilization simulation in ArmA? If yes, if yes, what are the names, where is the description? Are there other parameter to influence the stabilization effect?

3.) If 1.) answered with no, are there any plans to implement this? If yes, when?

4.) If 2.) answered with no, are there any plans to implement this? If yes, when?

5.) "(Tanks eg)", Does this mean I can use this class for all vehicles (boat, tracked, wheeled....)?

Thanks in advance


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The class with all turret fields can be found is NewTurret in CfgVehicles / AllVehicles.

Replies to your questions:

1) maxHorizontalRotSpeed / maxVerticalRotSpeed

2) no

5) Any tank, car, ship should support fully. Helicopters and airplanes should support most of the features, but there may be some weapon type limitations.

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@ Suma:

Thanks for the quick reply, that helps for all tanks with V+H stabilizer. But may I ask you to give at least a global outlook for question:

4.) If 2.) answered with no, are there any plans to implement this? If yes, when?

For addon-maker of WW2 tanks it would be interesting to know if it is in the roadmap of ArmA in general or if this is maybe for Game2. Or if we need to invest a few 100K $ into VBS2 :-)

To the Question :

1.) Is there a parameter in ArmA that can set the turret turn speed? If yes, what is the name, where is the description?

Is there any manual available from BI? The Biki delivers no hits.



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Quote[/b] ]For addon-maker of WW2 tanks it would be interesting to know if it is in the roadmap of ArmA in general

Believe me, this is one of the last things that ww2 addon-makers dream of wink_o.gif if you really want to, you can similute lack of stabilizer with scripts  (more speed -> more dispersion ), but note that without AI editing (to force AI fire when stopped ) player will get huge advantage over bots wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Is there any manual available from BI?

Interesting question cause there was none for OFP sad_o.gif wiki has very breif and common description even after years od addon development.


There's also a brief reference for model config ,but its impossible to make smth worky with it sad_o.gif


When will we get anu reference to get at least our old OFP stuff into Arma ?

Editable AI is looking very promising for mod developers. When can we expect to get FSMeditor ?

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@ Suma: Is it possible to get a statement for Q 1.) 2nd part and Q 4.)?

Even "I do not want to disclose our roadmap" would be ok, then I can stop waiting for an answer.

new Q #6:

Off-Topic: I am annoyed by the by the Czech language used widely spread in code and configs. Is there any chance to do a total conversion in one of the next larger patches? If there is a selection_translation in Biki, why not replacing all Czech with English in the configs at least? I am sure I could find some volunteers doing this just for breathing the same air as the ArmA developers or maybe touching the same keyboard :-)

@ bdfy: Could be, I thing there is enough CPU sucking by scripts to overcome OFP/ArmA limitations. I found it very disturbing stopping me using the FDF-mod. Pls open new thread or use private mail (does this forum support this?) if we wanna continue this issue.

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Quote[/b] ] Pls open new thread or use private mail (does this forum support this?) if we wanna continue this issue.

what issue ? if you have any good ww2 ideas feel free to post them into liberation mod topic for example. But gun stabilizing is old and discussed question for me.

Quote[/b] ]I am annoyed by the by the Czech language used widely spread in code and configs

What surprises you ? smile_o.gif BIS developers speak Czech not english. and in internal sources like code and configs i'm sure they will be always using Czech.

But there wasn't any good OFP reference even in Czech ( I can read it ) and I wonder if there will be one for arma... For ex. if there was more info about hit\ballistic model in OFP it will save me days I spent on discovering several rules

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5) Any tank, car, ship should support fully. Helicopters and airplanes should support most of the features, but there may be some weapon type limitations.

Seriously? So your saying Arma supports turrets on planes now? !!

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5) Any tank, car, ship should support fully. Helicopters and airplanes should support most of the features, but there may be some weapon type limitations.

Seriously? So your saying Arma supports turrets on planes now? !!

B17/B52 - here we come! smile_o.gif

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new Q #6:

Off-Topic: I am annoyed by the by the Czech language used widely spread in code and configs. Is there any chance to do a total conversion in one of the next larger patches? If there is a selection_translation in Biki, why not replacing all Czech with English in the configs at least? I am sure I could find some volunteers doing this just for breathing the same air as the ArmA developers or maybe touching the same keyboard :-)

The selections don't have to be in Czech, they can be whatever you want to name them. What matters is that you recognize where to change these in the config (trust me I've seen them all over the place, you can define pretty much any selection. Ex: get in/out positions, optics/sights positions, practically everything as far as I can tell). The selections BIS used were in Czech cause, well, they're Czech, but you can change the name of the selections as long as you refer to them in the config.

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Can we have the tools please? I want to play with the turrets on planes.

Oh boy my enthusiasm is back!

Need help releasing the tools? (docs,etc...)

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Gnat..I know you are more than capable, but if you want some help with that , I would like to help (those joint projects come out so nice)

To BIS... can I just have the tools? I can figure most anything out.I don't need docs or such (beta tester)

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Another turret config issue I have:

There are a lot of ViewGunner / Pilot etc sections, but only a few really work the way they should.

For example the "Logic: All" ViewGunner block is for all gunner views.

So even the APC's without optics use those values even if you add that section to the APC : Landvehicle section.

I wanted to remove the magical zoom from every vehicle and only allow optics to zoom (but not M2 and M134 and so on, which do use iron sights).

Well, the problem is, there are so many blocks without any visible impact, I was wondering what they actually are for?

Is there any chance to have fixed zoom levels? Like 2x and 12x not intermediate zoom values.

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There are more Questions related:

How to distinguish between those positions? A ship might have 2 driver positions and 20 gunner positions and 3 navigators....





and for embark/disembark: if all entry zones covering the same area you need a telling friendly name to pick the right on in the action menu.

And my old, classic request:



because you need fast access to essential specific functions, does not work over action menu.

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May I refresh my request here? Maybe someone from BI could just let me know if this beauty is possible with 1.05:


I guess it would basically require 3 gunner positions where I can clearly distiinguish between "left AGS17gunner", "right AGS17gunner"and "MainGunner".

Thanks in advance.

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May I refresh my request here? Maybe someone from BI could just let me know if this beauty is possible with 1.05:


I guess it would basically require 3 gunner positions where I can clearly distiinguish between "left AGS17gunner", "right AGS17gunner"and "MainGunner".

Thanks in advance.

I'm not from BI, but I can tell you that that is totally possible. Quite easy to do too, if you look at some of the multi-turret configs.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
How to distinguish between those positions? A ship might have 2 driver positions and 20 gunner positions and 3 navigators....

I have a Merlin HC3 with 3 gunner positions.

1 - Observer on a FLIR turret and Laser Designator

2 - Left side GPMG Gunner

3 - Ramp GPMG Gunner

You have to add a line in to your turret class:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

proxyIndex = 1;

So your first gunner is 1, 2nd is 2 and 3rd etc so you would need to add the line to each turret.

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Thx DeadMeatXM2 & RockofSL!

Is it possible to add to each position a telling name?

Otherwise it would be a problem to enter the right position if you have in the action menu just pos 1 to 20 and no hint where you finally end up.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Thx DeadMeatXM2 & RockofSL!

Is it possible to add to each position a telling name?

Otherwise it would be a problem to enter the right position if you have in the action menu just pos 1 to 20 and no hint where you finally end up.

Yeah, no problem.

In each of the Turret definition add:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">gunnerName = "My Crew Name";

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Thx DeadMeatXM2 & RockofSL!

Is it possible to add to each position a telling name?

Otherwise it would be a problem to enter the right position if you have in the action menu just pos 1 to 20 and no hint where you finally end up.

Yes it is, you can already see that in BIS Blackhawk with miniguns you can select "Door Gunner"* and "Crewchief"*.

*not sure that those are actually the correct strings, but you can distinguish clearly between the two.

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Thx sniper, I tried to test this in editor and found - a feature biggrin_o.gif

You can select only "gunner", in Black Hawk you end up in the left door gunner position, in this patrol boat in the front gunner position. I guess the editor needs a slide update to deal with the new multi-gunner feature in ArmA.

Seems I need to un-pbo the addonfiles to search in the configs to guess where this is defined. The old, usual way.

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Thx DeadMeatXM2 & RockofSL!

Is it possible to add to each position a telling name?

Otherwise it would be a problem to enter the right position if you have in the action menu just pos 1 to 20 and no hint where you finally end up.

Yes it is, you can already see that in BIS Blackhawk with miniguns you can select "Door Gunner"* and "Crewchief"*.

*not sure that those are actually the correct strings, but you can distinguish clearly between the two.

Is it possible to use those 2 miniguns at same time per one person? like in OFP "remind at Auto M1a1" where you can drive, and shoot. But just here shoot with 2 guns, is that possible or not?!


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Thx DeadMeatXM2 & RockofSL!

Is it possible to add to each position a telling name?

Otherwise it would be a problem to enter the right position if you have in the action menu just pos 1 to 20 and no hint where you finally end up.

Yes it is, you can already see that in BIS Blackhawk with miniguns you can select "Door Gunner"* and "Crewchief"*.

*not sure that those are actually the correct strings, but you can distinguish clearly between the two.

Is it possible to use those 2 miniguns at same time per one person? like in OFP "remind at Auto M1a1" where you can drive, and shoot. But just here shoot with 2 guns, is that possible or not?!


I think Suma once stated that drivers can now no longer control turrets because of the new turret structure or something like that. I think it's a small price to pay.

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Thx DeadMeatXM2 & RockofSL!

Is it possible to add to each position a telling name?

Otherwise it would be a problem to enter the right position if you have in the action menu just pos 1 to 20 and no hint where you finally end up.

Yes it is, you can already see that in BIS Blackhawk with miniguns you can select "Door Gunner"* and "Crewchief"*.

*not sure that those are actually the correct strings, but you can distinguish clearly between the two.

Is it possible to use those 2 miniguns at same time per one person? like in OFP "remind at Auto M1a1" where you can drive, and shoot. But just here shoot with 2 guns, is that possible or not?!


I think Suma once stated that drivers can now no longer control turrets because of the new turret structure or something like that. I think it's a small price to pay.

Damn.. thats really sh**, a - point for the Tiberian Genesis mod and i think for other mods too.. im now thinking for what i have bought arma.. at first only bugs, and now some feautures what arent there, so easy things, thats shit banghead.gifcrazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gifmad_o.gif

if it is possible, pls do that thing in, i would not have a GDI Wolverine controlled by 2 crew soldiers, that will suck...


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@RockofSL & Sniperwolf572:

Thanks for the reply, I will now do following:

I will try to nail an untextured model of the BMP-T together ... I will fail...and bagging Tiberian or ORCS to help me or just to do it wink_o.gif

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