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Something Scifi

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I know there is a thread about discussing mods wanted, but this is about something I plan to do in the future (Not for a while yet though)

I plan to make a sci fi mod with aliens, but the aliens I wish to be origional designs and ideas (may use laser but not all the time e.g)

I wish to make two different races (at least) and at the end of their war humans march in (Again, wish for origional human military design)

Now, I would like community ideas for aliens and humans, and remember it won't happen for a while yet, but it will happen

Origianal buildings and plants/trees would be good as well!

Rules that are definate:

Humans use bullets

Ideas can come from places like, say HALO or Warhammer, but musn't be just copied

Aliens not having more then two arms and legs (Not yet anyway)

No supersoldiers for humans!

Also be free to say if you think this is a good idea or not


NOTE: I won't actually reply to this thread myself until I have finished what I'm doing for OFP

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So, it's like 2 alien races have fought war on Earth, then 1 race looses and makes a deal with last human forces to actually cooperate ?

Sounds like a nice background if you ask me.

The 1st race could have landed here in need of help, then one day the 2nd race storms in and engages 1st race & allied human forces.

I'd love to see a dark atmosphere, maybe with the 2nd race in control of huge war machines (MECHs). Missions only at night, taking cover in rubble from enemy aircraft (Terminator style).

Now that would rock. smile_o.gif

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Iv never been a fan of mechs or giant robots to be honest, in real life such a thing wouldnt really be worth the money, materials, and complexity to make let alone praticle in a combat enviroment.

any thing that would resemble a walking human would be easly toppeld over from a hit of a rocket or tank shell,anything legs would be a nightmare to manafacture, maintain, controll, and build as apose to a weeled or tracked vehicle also id imagine such machines would easly get stuck whiles moving over sand, soft snow, wet mud.

so my suggestion would be that all the races should stick to tracked, weeled, or even hover vehicles rather then mechs or giant robots.

However if you want to go for a more eye candy approach, and less 'realism' sure! throw in loads of robots!

I always wanted to see somthing along the lines of war of the worlds in OFP and now Arma. giant tripods marching over the horizon wiping every thing out with there 'heat rays' tounge2.gif

as for the human race, have you thought about maybe the aliens started there war on earth in the early 20th/late 19th century for a alternative histroy sort of stroy.

You could mix up old WW1 tanks and weapons and such with alien technology that maybe one the races traded with the humans or what have you. could even have different human factions allied with each alien race, for a alternative WW2 style secenario.

Just a different idea then having the human race set far in the future like in most sci-fi.

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Quote[/b] ]NOTE: I won't actually reply to this thread myself until I have finished what I'm doing for OFP

Tell a lie, one big lie

The origional idea is that human are ABOUT to leave for space with a fecked up EArth (Most resources depleated, so humans haven't got an interstellar empire or powerful combat ships just transports) then the aliens arrive and the plans have to be postponned (As their new allies have plentyful resources for both) Plus the humans have a huge military, just a lack of tech in lines with the others

And by the time the mod ends, I hope to have more then just two alien races in the scene. I know that The mechs like in mechwarrior or the robots in terminator would be toppled in real life, but if you went for the approach of say, metal gear REX from MGS, huge and chunky, it's slow but it's sheer bulk would prevent it from falling from one missile. Also, I know it's different to have humans from 19th 21st centry, but it doesn't suit my idea, but I like the idea of different human factions

I like the idea of dark atmospheres, but not so much hiding like stranded resistance, cos it's not going to be set near the end and having humans do a hollywood, resistance get new leader who knows exactly what to do to win

As far as mechs go, huge ones, powerful ones, but like everything, needs weakness... mabye humans (or aliens) have a weapon that can disable them? mabye you have to land on it and destroy it from the inside? (HALO)

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How about the aliens as two different factions of the same race, around gunpowder level (so they'd have muskets and cannons and that), and the Humans invading them? It'd be origanal.

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i would love to see like delta forces and marines and little birds and F-18's and other modern and not so modern equipment and weapons engage vs Aliens like in the old movie independence day! Just love the whole star gate and independence day themes really with the desperate humans vs the high tech aliens with loads of ships and aircrafts and tanks and soldiers maybe not togheter but say in different missions. Like you could be a fighter pilot in some missions and in some others you could be a ranger soldier in a trashed urban enviroment fighting for their lives surrounded by aliens all over the place and wrecked cars and fires.

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Quote[/b] ]How about the aliens as two different factions of the same race, around gunpowder level (so they'd have muskets and cannons and that), and the Humans invading them? It'd be origanal.

It would be origional, but not fitting the idea, although it would be good if it goes further then the inital war on earth. I'll keep that idea aside for later.

For the first set of races, they don't have to be laser and super tech, they could fire crystals energised to do big damage, but first invaders must at least have the tech to space travel, and weapon tech to follow up... but these are just the first lot

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Quote[/b] ]i would love to see like delta forces and marines and little birds and F-18's and other modern and not so modern equipment and weapons engage vs Aliens like in the old movie independence day! Just love the whole star gate and independence day themes really with the desperate humans vs the high tech aliens with loads of ships and aircrafts and tanks and soldiers maybe not togheter but say in different missions. Like you could be a fighter pilot in some missions and in some others you could be a ranger soldier in a trashed urban enviroment fighting for their lives surrounded by aliens all over the place and wrecked cars and fires

Mabye the aliens send expeditonary forces to earth first in the modern/not so modern times, earth fights them back, and then by the time the main invasion force comes the humans are ready? Another to keep aside as an idea for a sort of prolouge

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Sounds cool, im not usually into sci fi mods of military games but im open to ideas, a nice polished mod of any sort is very welcome in my eyes. I just dont like mods where they replace a few player models and play on Sahrani against some poor tacky alien models wink_o.gif

The story sounds cool, develop it further if you wish to make a campaign out of it (which i would definately recommend). Add some twists or something, like Halo had a nice twist in it smile_o.gif e.g. the cooperating alien race leaches off the humans to defeat the other aliens and then betrays the human race summoning in reinforcements from their home world to take over Earth.

Bah just an idea off the top of my head wink_o.gif Think of a nice twist if you want to make a campaign smile_o.gif

On other stuff, i'd suggest not to have aliens which run around grappling onto your face and stuff wink_o.gif Stick to shooting...

Dark atmospheres would definately be cool... Maybe you could modify the skies in certain missions to show a mothership (dunno if thats possible?) and a dark sky lit up in places by flames... That would be cool wink_o.gif

And also if you are gonna make your own island or modify the existing island add some ruined villages, scorched earth stuff like that.

Just chucking ideas at ya wink_o.gif a nice polished alien mod is good biggrin_o.gif

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Mechs, not giant ones. One's that are like 15-20 feet tall. Kinda like the ones they have in patlabor or blue gender. The story could say that they were originally used for construction, but converted for battle. They would be great in areas where tanks struggle such as thick forest and cities.

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Yeah i also agree with the above post, i'd suggest setting it in the 'near future' not the year 3000 or anything like that, preferably within the decade (unless u have any specific plans) and just keep stuff technologically 'advanced' but still realistic compared to today's hardware (as you are using bullets this is probably what you intended)

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Well, humans have bullets, tanks, advanced medical etc, newer more computer using military hardware (Tactical helmets) but nothing too much more special, new weapons but with still similar names (like say a G56s instead of a G36 or SA190) Cars and jeeps similar in design to todays except with twists, like larger barrels, heavier armour, I was thinking like year 2090 or more

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Well, in the future we're probably going to be really disdeveloped, since we're basicly f-ing the world up, with exhausts, using to much oil, ices melting etc etc etc.

And everyone will have a rifle and it's everyman for himself.

So I'd like to see a scifi-mod where you act as human, maybe a 'rebel group', and you have limited weapons, some old rusty cars, and you live in a boring, dark, destroyed world.

But, since you're going to need a bit of playability, make some robots and stuff that are way more stronger then you are, but with tactics and teamwork you'll win.

So, now you have a campaign to! tounge2.gif



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Would be interesting if you'd be chosen as leader for a couple of ppl you rescued. You face a destroyed environment, ppl you need to be careful with and an enemy trying to seek you out with patrols.

Survival part could include missions like:

- find a good place for a base (2 entry paths, 1 is oneway for escape reasons)

- find food & water

- find weapons & ammo

- find generator & fuel to get electricity in your base

- find & repair old vehicles with spare parts

- fight enemy & take his equipment back to your base and study it

- use his technology against him and force him to retreat

I surely would play this, esp if missions are randomized smile_o.gif

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Right, I'm currently taking all these ideas of campaigns and such to make a storyline keep the ideas coming!

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It would be nice if someone would redo the Warhammer mod, and complete it, for Armed Assault.

Granted, Warhammer isn't exactly what you are probably looking for though.

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A larger flying carrier that could launch small fighters would be cool. Does the problem from OFP where even a large ship would bounce around like a balloon when hit by a stinger still exist though?

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Closest i think that would be possible is a large carrier (without the smaller fighters) with large guns that when you eject, you come out in a small pod, so have thousands of pods in the sky all crashing down to the ground

Mabye possible? it was managed for OFP

EDIT: Well the pod thing, not sure about ejecting

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Closest i think that would be possible is a large carrier (without the smaller fighters) with large guns that when you eject, you come out in a small pod, so have thousands of pods in the sky all crashing down to the ground

maybe possible? it was managed for OFP

EDIT: Well the pod thing, not sure about ejecting

I think that " space combat" would be an awesome thing to try and simulate. it'd be a good challenge, if I may say so.

Basically, my idea of " space" in ArmA is to make everything ten times as small: ship speeds, ship size, etc. this would make the view distance (10 km) look like 100 km (not much to render in space).

this would solve the thing with the " huge flying carriers". For example I'll be taking the Wing Commander series (that just happened to be the best space combat simulator... ten years ago): the TCS midway" megacarrier" from Wing Commander meassures about two kilometer in the "real" story. however, this would become " over 180 meters" in the engine. Planes meassuring 30 " real" meters, would become 3 meter long crafts!

the " bottom" end of the map would be simulated by having a planet or astroid field " near" , that would grasp you in it's gravity field, so when you get below 500 meters, the screen would black out and it'd say you burned into the atmosphere (in reality your ship'd be stopped, etc etc).

the only big question is how to simulate the " no gravity" thing. I still dont have a solution for that. weightless ships? huh.gif

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In regards to Campaign, i've got a sort of prolouge idea, then the main war, which will mostly take place in human POV on earth, but I may (probably will) do a few from the allied alien POV on a different planet. It will take in the consepts of stranded resistance, organised assaults and complete bloodbaths (over the top! ) Also, how good is ArmA AI in large urban zones? if it good, mabye have large city conflicts

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Urban areas lag more than open areas (foilage + forests lag much more though) but they arent too bad, entering buildings much less laggy smile_o.gif

And you could always do a campaign from human POV and later on do a version 2 of the mod from the alien POV or something? : )

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Not bothered about lag smile_o.gif Just wanna know how the AI are, do they do what they did in ofp and run around in circles? can they walk through buildings without getting stuck?

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Yes, but they also (still) do stupid things like walking right thru walls and start crouching in the middle of a street (so everyone can easily shoot them).

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Right I'll be gone for a while, so I say now, I would now like ideas on aliens for fighting. As far as campaign goes... well you can find out much later smile_o.gif

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