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Here is Version 2.0 Beta of my Air Cavalry Mission


The Mission:


-Clear several towns and some other targets

-SF and one Ranger team starts now on other positions

-Ari reloading time changed (im not sure if the ari is realy useful for this mission)

-MP Artillerie by Vienna Version 1.06.

-UPS Urban Patroll Script by Kronzky Version 1.2

-Only Pilots are able to fly the Birds. (same with ari)

-Attack Helicopters available after some Conditions are complied.

-Max players is now 30

-Time and Weather

333bh2.th.jpg falfy6.th.jpg aas1vi5.th.jpg touh9.th.jpg

Mission:Air Cav 2.0b

Have Fun and

Greets Sgt.Ace smile_o.gif

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Hi. We use this mission on our dedicated server, and whilst we really enjoy the mission we'd like to suggest a few ammendments?

- Shortening the reload times on the artillery. The M119 is about as powerful as an airsoft gun when it comes to shooting at anything

- Replace the minigun blackhawks for FFAR ones until the minigun glitch is fixed (where if a player fires the minigun the ammo depletes to 0 even when not firing), otherwise putting in some ungrouped pilots into the gunner positions could work

- Add Hellfires and FFARs to the ammo trucks. The Cobra becomes pretty useless after you use up the rockets and missiles

- For giggles you could add a shilka near that hotel in the valley (south of Paraisio). When we play this mission I fly in down that valley, and then mask my approach with the hills up until I can land about 100m away from the shilka to the west of town.

- I think one of the tanks is placed on an object or drives over one. Every time we play a tank goes flying 500m into the air and comes back down with an almighty THUD.

Keep up the great work, though!

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Thx for the review and bugs u found

Ill change it afther the next patch smile_o.gif

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i think that's a bug with the game,if you only fire 7 hellfires and leave one your able to rearm at ammo trucks.

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Nah, even in SP when you run out of ammo in some vehicles you can't reload.

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Ive just had a big game with this.. Its a great mission. Nice to see a newer version.

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Yeah! This mission rocks as mutch as CTI did when it saw first daylight in OFP  smile_o.gif

However - I tried playing as artillery spotter and it worked super until I died first time - then I could'nt call artellery anymore unless I sat next to my dead body. Have I done something wrong or is it this just the way it is?  huh.gif

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link not working at the moment...

There is a mirror available here.

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link not working at the moment...

There is a mirror available here.

thanks. appreciate it.

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This mission can be great, depends on who you play with. As I'm not in a clan at the moment, I have to play on public servers. The problem with the map is that your pilots must be dedicated, sometimes they aren't and will ignore you. I like dedicated and realistic games, too bad 70% of the public players think the other way.

Just finished two games in your map. The first time we had two pretty selfish pilots. We had four guys in Cayo left after clearing it and completing the objective, so it was time to call for a ride towards Ortego. So we asked for pickup five times, no answer from the pilot. Two guys got shot after about five minutes of waiting. Two guys were moving in on our position, too bad I could get only one of them. We decided there that we wanted to have other pilots. So we restarted.

The second time pilot did his best transporting troops from the airport to Cayo. After Cayo had been cleared the pilot came back twice to pick up the troops in Cayo and drop them off near Ortego. Things went well, Shilka's got destroyed Cobra being used. After a while the infantry was clearing Ortego, still with a few T72s left, and the pilot and someone else were in the Cobra blasting the convoy to pieces. Other than that, it was fine. Too bad the server restarted before we could finish your map.

Well done Sgt.Ace smile_o.gif.

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Thanks for the comments  thumbs-up.gif

I rebuild the mission and changed some little stuff.

Quote[/b] ] Replace the minigun blackhawks for FFAR ones until the minigun glitch is fixed.

Arma Bug, u can stop it by pressing F

Quote[/b] ]Add Hellfires and FFARs to the ammo trucks. The Cobra becomes pretty useless after you use up the rockets and missiles

I think the mission is to easy with more firepower from above.

Shilka and Ari.

I changed the reload times for the ari and the shilkas  patrolling now.

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Yup really very good Mission with greate feature's. thumbs-up.gif KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!

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I've got some feedback.

1) The M119 howitzer is able to reach its maximum rate of fire = 6 rounds per minute and sustain it for 2 minutes, OR fire 3 rounds per minute for half an hour.

If i got it right, arty in the mission has its ROF many times lower than its real counterpart.

2) I really can't figure out how i should call in the arty. I take the laser designator, point at the target, press "fire"... and nothing happens, and there are no special radio commands.

3) I miss the point why we are required to kill the convoy while it's on the route, why it must not reach Ortego. This task makes the mission time-critical, which is not obvious for most of the gamers on public servers.

I think this moment is somewhat complicated a bit more than it should be. At last - there is no reason why those tanks and trucks couldn't be succesfully destroyed when they're in Ortego.


Anyway, i really enjoyed my gameplay in the mission being a Blackhawk pilot, planning my routes and LZs, bringing people in and out, and all of that happening under fire! crazy_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I really can't figure out how i should call in the arty. I take the laser designator, point at the target, press "fire"... and nothing happens, and there are no special radio commands.

Only the "ARIMAN" can call the ari. Call it by Actionmenue then a map opens where u can klick on any Position. Ari max fire distance is 10000m atm.

Quote[/b] ]I miss the point why we are required to kill the convoy while it's on the route, why it must not reach Ortego. This task makes the mission time-critical, which is not obvious for most of the gamers on public servers.

Such was my intention. biggrin_o.gif Its in your choice for wich target u go first tounge2.gif

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