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Uniforms not really fair game

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One of the most obvious things in AA that makes for unfair game play is the uniforms. I mean we have the USA forces lit up like chiristmas trees in the forests and fields because of the unifom, while the enemy has good camouflage wearing green. I know some might say "but USA is camouflaged in the desert" but the point i'm making is that means there is never a fair fight on both sides. I remember a cheat in OFP that used to make the players pink. Well to me BIS has introduced it here for the USA force without it been a cheat.

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Are you going to open a new thread for every little design decision that you personally disaprove? This is the troubleshoting section... You should wrap up all your opinions and use an already existing feedback thread like everyone else. Like this one..

Happy new year smile_o.gif .

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Are you going to open a new thread for every little design decision that you personally disaprove? This is the troubleshoting section...  You should wrap up all your opinions and use an already existing feedback thread like everyone else. Like this one..

Happy new year.

Well thanks for the link. I put this in the trouble shooting because i thought somone might be able to tell me how i could change my uniform to better suit the green fields and all.

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There are replacements. Check armedassault.info or other newssites.

By the way...

ACU (the U.S. camo) is meant to be a universal camo. There isn't any green stuff anymore except USMC's Marpat afaik.

Happy new year

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There are replacements. Check armedassault.info or other newssites.

This one is my favourite smile_o.gif

BTW, ACU is pronounced: "Ahhh see u!" tounge2.gif

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from what i've seen you need to be in the right conditions for it to work as camouflage, however it does what its supposed to do and breaks up the figure of the bloke / woman / grunt wearing it...

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And have you ever been in the field with it? Didn't think so

Not sure i fully understand this post, so i'll answer the best i can. When i joined the army cadets at a young age they never put me in Desert uniform in a forest. If they did i would of been out of the Army in a flash, so don't know what more to say on that. Helping hand what conditions are they? Please explain.

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It's not desert uniform. ACU is for all types of terrain, and it actually works very well if you have even an ounce of knowledge on how to conceal yourself.

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Its not a desert uniform. Gawdamnit! crazy_o.gif

its a uniform designed to be used in all enviroments. Its what the US army are switching to right now do use in desert AND woodland enviroments! Its new, so they wouldn't have given it to you back whenever that was!

Edit: Damn you Chris! You annoy me, ban me, and get to my posts faster than me!

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I think hes trying to say you haven't been in to combat with the ACU so you would know if it really camouflages or not. sorry to say I don't agree i haven't been in the field with one but I have been paint balling with the ACU and Airsofting and my friends always give me flak because i stick out so much. Never the less if you know how to conceal your self its not really a big deal about camo you could be wearing a pink BDU and still be undetected.

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It's not desert uniform. ACU is for all types of terrain, and it actually works very well if you have even an ounce of knowledge on how to conceal yourself.

Calm down Clam down my friend. Why you getting over heated here. If you want to stick out like a sore thumb ok.

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I'm not getting overheated matey, just saying that as camoflage goes it's pretty well suited to ArmA environment.

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I'm not getting overheated matey, just saying that as camoflage goes it's pretty well suited to ArmA environment.

And what i am saying close up its hard to see somone wearing a green uniform, as opposed to a lighter uniform in a game. Plz note game. No painting yourself and stuff.

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I am talking about in Armed Assault. The ACU works very well in it, as you'd find out if you played against someone who knew how to conceal themself beyond lying down in an open field.

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I am talking about in Armed Assault. The ACU works very well in it, as you'd find out if you played against someone who knew how to conceal themself beyond lying down in an open field.

Well give me some examples then maybe i would see your point. I'm not here to argue the case as such, so give me some pointers. I do know lying in a field is know good for anyone, because you can be seen even when you think you can't. But thats a Grass bug that is well documented and hopfully fixed soon.

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The whole idea of camoflage is to break up your pattern. To do this you need to use two things:

Different in light textures and a mixture of shapes. Ideal way of doing this is hiding in a clump of bushed with some trees.

Make sure you hide not in the first bush, but a few back so that you are layered in to the landscape. Shadows will break up your shape, as will the bushes.

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The whole idea of camoflage is to break up your pattern. To do this you need to use two things:

Different in light textures and a mixture of shapes. Ideal way of doing this is hiding in a clump of bushed with some trees.

Make sure you hide not in the first bush, but a few back so that you are layered in to the landscape. Shadows will break up your shape, as will the bushes.

Well thats all well and good a few bushes back, but if you read my post i did mention close up.

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You can't expect to be camoflaged close up to someone.

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Close up its not going to matter whose camo is better my friend.

Edit: and plus you don't really need to worry about the camo any ways there are already add on packs that have the woodland BDU instead of the ACU

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It breaks up your outline.  It's in armed assault because it's what the US army has been issuing since october of 2005. I meant, by the 'field' comment, if you haven't been out in the field with REAL ACU's, not the shitty ones you can buy offline, but the army issue, don't comment about them sticking out.  

It's not meant to hide you, but break up your pattern.  Think of it like playing at a low resolution.  The further away, the harder to distinguish pixels are, and the more blended in color, the harder to tell what exactly it is that you are looking at.

It all depends on the lighting.  It works very, very well.  It's not the best camo for woodland, or desert, however it is the best compromise, and works great in MOST environments.  Just because it can't be realistically simulated in armed assault doesn't mean its garbage in real life.  Do you actually think (you can argue if you'd like) that the U.S. Army, the premier land force on EARTH, would issue it if it were crap?  Doubtful.  

I wouldn't really bother arguing, it's in game, it's what the U.S. Army uses, and it's not going to be changed by the developers.

On another note, I wouldn't really worry about if the US Army wore pink flightsuits on sahrani, within three or four days, if even that, we would have wiped those northern turds off of their own island.  The U.S. Army can fight just as well, if not better at night than it can during the day, i say better, taking into account that enemies generally aren't as well equipped to night fight. Then again, who really cares, it's a video game! Best wishes in 2007 for all of you, regardless of your countries, but to the topic starter, doing a 30 second bit of research would have helped you out in the aspect that you now look like a fool for having even started this topic.

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This has no reason being in ArmA Troubleshooting. However, given that this discussion has already progressed in general terms of ArmA's uniforms, I'll restrain from locking it and move it to ArmA General.

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It all depends on the lighting.  It works very, very well.  It's not the best camo for woodland, or desert, however it is the best compromise, and works great in MOST environments.  Just because it can't be realistically simulated in armed assault doesn't mean its garbage in real life.  Do you actually think (you can argue if you'd like) that the U.S. Army, the premier land force on EARTH, would issue it if it were crap?  Doubtful.  

but to the topic starter, doing a 30 second bit of research would have helped you out in the aspect that you now look like a fool for having even started this topic.

Why should i look a fool who's the one talking about real life here, You! i'm talking about the game wich you even say quote "its not the best camo for woodlands" Erm wich is what i was saying in my first thread. Call someone else a fool for saying somthing more or less what you have said.  wow_o.gif  

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I really don't get what the big deal here is.

1: ARMA is modern era, not the 1990s.

2: This is what the US army issues now.

3: Do you need a 3?

Expecting it to be otherwise is almost like expecting the M-14 and M-60 to be featured weapons in the game. Would you like a BAR to go with those Automatic Rifleman? Hueys?

All these things are good addons, but not good default units. Further, as far as the BDU vs ACU debate here goes, it's *already* an addon. ARMA Woodland BDU Soldiers by zerg63

All I'm really saying is I don't *get it*.

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I think it kind of works ok, the NS cammo might be better in the forest but the ACU ingame works well in urban areas, desert and open areas, etc.

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