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Extremly bad Russian TRANSLATION

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Dear BIS!

I am the representative of Ukrainian ArmA Comunity (http://armedassault.kiev.ua).

We are playing Akella localization and got many localization mistake raports from our community members.

Among them: very long vehicle, ammunition and unit names that take "half screen" and thats why has bad influence on the GUI; Campaign name in Russian version is "Armed<i> </i>Assault"  but must be "Armed Assault" and the picture of campaign is resized abnorlmal; Mission Options window in editor is called "Diversion" smile_o.gif but must be "Options" or "Forecast"; last two missions remained on English.

We do not write this message to the publisher, because mistakes are in the global files bin.pbo and languages.pbo and publisher did not edit them (I think that all Russian version is mashine translation).

Thats why our comunity fix some mistakes in translation of this files (please check v1.01 Russian fix or v1.02 Russian fix) and we want you to include this fixed files to the next patches and in general it will be good to check the translation of this files, because we fix only probles that have been seen in game and how many mistakes remained... WARNING! In v1.02 only Russian language columns was fixed, all other languages was gotten from v1.01.

Thank you. And we trust that our words will be heard.

There is some screenshots of the problems:




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Top post and content of files was updated. v1.02 link was added.

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too bad, like in the german version.

quite bad translation with many errors and not really native wording sad_o.gif

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Dear Suffix,

please, contact the publisher.

1) They should be a primary contact and support point for you as a customer. This forum is for peer to peer support.

2) They are the one really responsible for this. The translation included by us in the product was provided to us by the publisher.

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Ok. I'll try...

But if it will not help, i'll be back icon_rolleyes.gif

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They should have contracted sickboy and awesome team to do it. They did a pretty cool job converting the cz version to English! icon_rolleyes.gif

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I wrote a letter to Akella Support, but I got no answer.

Please, BIS, you have bigger influence on them. Help us (Russian and Ukrainian fans). We like ArmA such we like OFP last 5 years, but we want normal product. Akella will never fix the problem, however it.

We can play english and czech versions, by why we must buy rotten russian translation. It below than our dignity to play with such translation. Say them to fix translation or do not sell russian version, because you drop your reputation.

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I checked the status and I was told for some fixes in the localization were already implemented by the publisher for 1.02 patch and some more are expected to be done in the next patch.

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FYI 1.02 was not even issued in Russia yet.

Rumors on the Russian forums say that Akella did not change the original translation included in the BIS .pbo files. Therefore, all the mistakes we have in local version originally come from BIS, making BIS the cause of the problems.

Sure I do not know the detailes of your agreement with Akella, but anyway this is perceived as a fault of BIS by many consumers.

I think you can easily unlock English language text in the Russian version (the the English language is already in .pbo files I guess). Can you add an option to unlock other language say with a command-line parameter like "-English" for instance.

This would solve many problems caused by your agreement with our local piblisher, namely

1) translation that undermines the quality of the product as a whole,

2) huge delays in patches that make local community unable to play the same virsion in multiplayer as the worldwide community.

Why don't you do it in patch 1.03?

Btw, there about 5 leading publishers in Russia and some of them have very high reputation among end-consumers for their quality and speed with product support.

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They are the one really responsible for this. The translation included by us in the product was provided to us by the publisher.

See that. There goes your rumour, everyone wave bye bye to it.

Look, if anyone here has done a shite job its the publisher. Address the problem to them in this case. If they start to blame BIS they're only trying to shove the problem onto someone else.

You've had your answers from a dev ladies and gentlemen.

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Rumors on the Russian forums say that Akella did not change the original translation included in the BIS .pbo files. Therefore, all the mistakes we have in local version originally come from BIS, making BIS the cause of the problems.

Even from a logical standpoint this doesn't make sense. This rumour is so incredibly weak, it could only be propogated by someone who doesn't understand the process. Localization is the *publisher's* responsibility, so even if BIS provided a bad russian translation, it's STILL the publisher's fault for not doing their job (that is, providing any kind of complete translation into russian in the first place). In fact, if the russian publisher didn't localize it, thank your lucky stars that BIS provided any kind of translation at all.

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My intention here is to point out the problem to BIS.

I understand now that initial translation was provided by the publisher. But many other users in Russia and Russian-speaking countries would never visit this forum.

Thus, the problem still here as choise of a local publisher is BIS business. Or maybe BIS did not chose the publisher but vica-versa Akella was the only publisher who noticed and paid attention to such a great product? Ah?

My intention here is to help BIS as they may not be happy to have unhappy end-users if they care. I want to belive they do.

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