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Guest RKSL-Rock

RKSL Studios

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maybe chairs an tables and those paper or wooden crates, boxes that are on rahmadi's south side if you know what i mean. smile_o.gif

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nice stuff smile_o.gif

question to the addons makers "RKSL Studios". can you also make some russian aircrafts ?

mig 29/31 ? thats would be awsome..

btw you have done a great job on your addons..

keep up the good work smile_o.gif

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RKSL Make mostly if not excusively UK addons allthough they said somewhere they MIGHT do some OPFOR stuff. I think that footmunch is the person to ask about aircraft.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
question to the addons makers "RKSL Studios". can you also make some russian aircrafts ?

mig 29/31 ? thats would be awsome..


RKSL Make mostly if not excusively UK addons allthough they said somewhere they MIGHT do some OPFOR stuff. I think that footmunch is the person to ask about aircraft.

Ok so i told a little white lie. we do have both existing models and plans to make OPFOR aircraft but our main focus is British aircraft.

Mig-23 - WIP

Mig-29 - WIP

Su-25 - Planned

Su-27/33 - Planned

IL-76/78/A-50 - WIP/Rebuilds

There is some other stuff but if i dont hold some info back we'd never surpise you.

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i feel that the opfor is starting to lack aircrafts while bluefor got plenty so this good news to me.. indeed news wink_o.gif

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Nice hearing about the Mig-29, I sure like the looks of that plane.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
i feel that the opfor is starting to lack aircrafts while bluefor got plenty so this good news to me.. indeed news wink_o.gif

I agree.  My plan was to make a Western Aircraft and an opposite number with similar capabilites to pit against each other.  Things may not happen exactly like that but thats my eventual hope.

I should add that I am going to make the Mig-29SMT and the Mig-35.  They are more in keeping with the time frame we are looking at.

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Any news about C-130 sorry to keep on asking but did say that and update would be posted. ?

Sorry i just really want one for game. biggrin_o.gif

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Any news about C-130 sorry to keep on asking but did say that and update would be posted. ?

Sorry i just really want one for game.  biggrin_o.gif

No update as yet. I'm a bit busy drinking Stella Artois and writing animation tutorials. whistle.gif

Sometime next week is the earliest anything is going to happen.

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will it be possible to load up, say, a land rover (from other addons), into a C130, and then paradrop it out on pallets? Or Paradrop other cargo while in flight?

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Guest RKSL-Rock
will it be possible to load up, say, a land rover (from other addons), into a C130, and then paradrop it out on pallets? Or Paradrop other cargo while in flight?

Thats part of the Planned Future Features

More Info at RKSL Studios Website

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Any news about C-130 sorry to keep on asking but did say that and update would be posted. ?

Sorry i just really want one for game. biggrin_o.gif

No update as yet. I'm a bit busy drinking Stella Artois and writing animation tutorials. whistle.gif

Sometime next week is the earliest anything is going to happen.

Thanks for update i wait in anticipation. smile_o.gif

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How about some of the ammo crates, well the boxes actually stacked ontop of eachother. If Im not mistaken, you could have 3 stacks of 4 boxes that would allmost fit on 1 pallet.

Atleast in OFP they did! wink_o.gif

Ooh that were the days, my giant warehouse with pallets with drums, and pallets with ammo crates stacked to the roof.

It was fun when mapfact made the explosive oil drums. yay.gif

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wooden crates, boxes that are on rahmadi's south side

Yeah, I looked at those for the 5ton truck. There a bit of an odd size for that vehicle, thanks to the seats in the back. It's a shame the flat bed fuel truck version, isn't available without the barrels. But I'll see if crates work with some of the other vehicles.

Ooh that were the days, my giant warehouse with pallets with drums, and pallets with ammo crates stacked to the roof.

It was fun when mapfact made the explosive oil drums.

Lol...I don't want to get distracted atm with creating new objects from the Arma proxies. But the config for the proxies are pretty straight forward and work with O2 in Arma. If anyone is that way inclined.

It's certainly possible to make dynamic palletes, using the same principle as Col Klinks gun racks in OFP. I'm just not sure if you can convert them into suitable proxies for transport. At worst, you might have to create 12 different objects (all proxy based so it would total 36kb in size), showing a pallete loaded with anything from 1 to 12 crates. At the very least you could just have a fixed pallete of 12 crates that acts like one giant ammo box.

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At the very least you could just have a fixed pallete of 12 crates that acts like one giant ammo box.

Yes, I understand that, it wouldnt really matter, but also think about ammocrates. I think it would allow more realisme. Because 1 crate can never ever contain 400 weapons and the ammo.

AT rockets for instance max 2 in 1 crate. Rifles how many would fit into a crate, 5, 6?

But I really am amazed with the work, and the future posibilities this has opened for the whole range of addons.

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I see what your getting at.

We did something similar in OFP for the Rapiers. The Ammo packs were configured to only resupply a specific type.


It would certainly add to the rational of the system. Rather than Arma's default, game orientated, one size fits all approach. I will try and add something along those lines for the release.


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Btw im not clear about the status of the IL-76 and its variants can you please update me on that ?

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Btw im not clear about the status of the IL-76 and its variants can you please update me on that ?

They are on hold as they are low priority.

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Okay so I see the UK forces get full priority. Btw any chance of seeing the C-130J for the UK forces as the Herkules C Mk.4/5 ?

Btw is there a list i can see of all the RKSL Studios projects vehicles/aircrafts etc... ?

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Okay so I see the UK forces get full priority.

Yes.  UK Forces get full priority.  Not unrealistic since we've said numerous times that we are going to "build up and simulate the British Expeditionary Forces systems either currently in service or due in service by 2012-17."

Btw any chance of seeing the C-130J for the UK forces as the Herkules C Mk.4/5 ?

I take it you haven’t actually read then entire thread then.

Btw is there a list i can see of all the RKSL Studios projects vehicles/aircrafts etc... ?

There is a list on the RKSL Site and aircraft are mentioned extensively from the start of this thread if you care to read it.  But it is far from complete and doesn't mention the side projects or tech/script demonstrators.

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Just saw the cargo vid... I'm crying tears of joy... Did I understand correctly, this system may/will also come as an addon-free set of scripts ? At any rate, thank you for your great work  notworthy.gif

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hi all,

well I was wondering if you were planning to add various condensation cloud and trails that appears under precise flight circumstances.

like this:

sound barrier :


sharp turn :


high altitude :


most of these effects were implemented in WW2 planes in ofp and could be in my opinion lag free and give a better speed impression wish is really missing in Arma.

I was wondering too, if you were planning to change in some way the way you handle the thrust wish in really a mood breaker in the plane simulation of the game.

we should really get rid of the thrust variation according to the pitch, probably implemented by bis for easier plane handling.

adding cockpit vibrations at certain speed as it is done in Lock on (especially on the su-25) seems to me a good idea too.

just my 2 cents.

thanks for your time

your models look very good, keep it up !

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I would just settle for this whistle.gif


Proper afterburners, or should I say reheat. wink_o.gif

While I was searching for the right picture, I found this picture. I thought maybee it might come in handy, because of the "skin"...

THE small click


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Guest RKSL-Rock
hi all,

well I was wondering if you were planning to add various condensation cloud and trails that appears under precise flight circumstances.

like this:

sound barrier :

sharp turn :

high altitude :

most of these effects were implemented in WW2 planes in ofp and could be in my opinion lag free and give a better speed impression wish is really missing in Arma.

Quite honestly I was only considering vortices generated in turns.  I really don’t see the point of either the sound barrier vapour bloom or the high altitude trails.  They are purely eye candy and can only add extra load to the Client and Server pc’s.  I know they can be made to be very low impact but my own experiences testing and playing in MP recently have convinced me that some eye candy just isn’t worth the effort.

I was wondering too, if you were planning to change in some way the way you handle the thrust wish in really a mood breaker in the plane simulation of the game.

we should really get rid of the thrust variation according to the pitch, probably implemented by bis for easier plane handling.

If you can tell me how I’d love to know.  Ive done extensive tests attempting to change handling and performance but we are still limited by ArmA’s engine.  As I’ve said before I’m not keen to add unnecessary eye candy and/or scripting if I can avoid it.  The only way I can see would be to heavily script the plane during every phase of flight.  I just do not see the need. You affect the handling very easily and effectively using the geo lod mass distribution and some patience.

As for the “thrust variation according to the pitchâ€.  That is down to the limits of the game engine, not the addon itself.  Yes you could counter it with scripting but it would require fast looping scripts which would tie up resources and I really do not believe it is worth it.

adding cockpit vibrations at certain speed as it is done in Lock on (especially on the su-25) seems to me a good idea too.

Again I don’t see why this would be of benefit to the game play.  I’d love to see a proper flight sim like flight model.  I spend 80-90% of my time in game flying but what you are suggesting could change the games performance so much as to make it unplayable for people with low spec machines.

Sorry if I sound overly blunt here.  But Its long been our policy to try and make the addons as realistic as possible but at the same time make them totally useable for as many people as possible.  We will add features that enhance gameplay.  We will add “eyecandy†if at all possible but not at the expense of game performance.

I would just settle for this  whistle.gif

Proper afterburners, or should I say reheat.  wink_o.gif  

You’ll get them.

While I was searching for the right picture, I found this picture. I thought maybee it might come in handy, because of the "skin"...

Thanks, but I’ve currently got just shy of 3000 research pics of Tornados and even got the paint manual diagrams from various sources including the Tornado maintenance guide.

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Yes unfortunately RockofSol I havent had time to read the entire thread as I have been extremely busy so I apologize for that. Btw Im looking forward to the Astute class SSN and the CVF smile_o.gif

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