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Starting a mission near the water = random crashes

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The problem is on main title. Im starting this thread on troubleshooting section but im not sure if it shouldnt be on multiplayer, because it seems to be a multiplayer problem only. Anyhow i want to know if there are others outhere that have the same problem, so we can narrow down the origin.

Here´s the typical report on RPT file:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 00810EB4

graphics:  D3D9, Device: NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT, Driver:nv4_disp.dll

resolution:  1024x768x32


 Desert in ca\desert\, CAIntroAnims in ca\introanims\, CASounds in ca\sounds\

 CAWheeled in ca\wheeled\, CARoads in CA\roads\, CAAir in ca\air\

 CA_Anims in ca\anims\, CAAnimals in CA\animals\, CAUI in ca\ui\

 CAWeapons in ca\weapons\, CACharacters in ca\characters\, CASigns in ca\signs\

 CAFonts in ca\uifonts\, CAMisc in ca\misc\, CAPlants in CA\plants\

 CAVoice in ca\voice\, CAData in ca\, CALanguage in ca\language\, CAWater in ca\water\

 CA_Anims_Char in ca\anims\characters\, CATracked in ca\tracked\, Sara in ca\sara\

 CABuildings in ca\buildings\, CARocks in CA\Rocks\

Mods: CA

Version 1.02.5103

Fault address:  00810EB4 01:0040FEB4 C:\jogos\ArmA\ARMA.EXE

file:     Co22_Maria2 (__CUR_MP)

world:    Sara

Prev. code bytes: 89 50 0C 75 46 8B 50 14 8B 78 10 3A CB 8D 48 10

Fault code bytes: 89 3A 8B 11 8B 79 04 89 7A 04 89 59 04 89 19 74


EAX:075E4000 EBX:00000000

ECX:075E4010 EDX:002E79F4

ESI:022E79F0 EDI:022E79F4


SS:ESP:0023:01228C5C  EBP:075E4358

DS:0023  ES:0023  FS:003B  GS:0000



On this particular mission i was editing, placed in those two little islands located NE of Sharani mainland, theres a random crash on multiplayer with the origin unknow. Ive tryed to remove the most ammount of triggers possible, to make it "easy" on cpu demanding, used "setterrain 50" to avoid bad land streaming, etc.. evrything i could imagine of.

I suspect to be a sound problem caused by the big open space. Sometimes players didnt hear the sound of sea and once they said on TeamSpeak they could they just crashed! Even me, who was editing the mission and never had a single problem offline, once went to a dedicated server testing it i got random crashes aswell.

So, the big question is: Anyone else can report equal problems? BIS please investigate...

I cant say if its a bug or not, thats why i didnt address it to Wiki. Before knowing its a bug i felt the need to narrow down the possibilities.

My specs:

CPU: AMD +3500

Motherboard: Asus A8N-SLI

GFX: XFX7800GT nvidia - drivers 93.71

Disk: 80 gig Sata 7200 rpm

OS: WinXP Service pack 2 updated

DVD: dont remember

Onboard Realtek AC97 soundcard with driver v A3.95

1GB Ram

ArmA 1.02 Czech

DirectX 9.0c

Edit: Updating system specs

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Jep, same here, with 20+ different guys, all the same problem.

Missions that start near the water = trouble (crashes in or even before the mission etc), if yu move the insertion land inwards, lets say 1km, it works fine. I have tested this with over 5 missions, all with the same result.

A community member has changed all the insertions that were near the water, inland, it will be uploaded in the next days and I will report back

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this explains a huge amount of my crashes, especially on Rahmadi and Sahrani coastal MP missions.


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OMG I was about to post about MP crashes, and ... now that you mention it, it may be always on sea insertion-based missions.

Though I've seen one where I had no crash.

Anyway, MP missions, here are the relevant RPT parts (I'm just out of SES server, 2 crashes in a row, same mission) :

Crash 1, during mission loading, after 1 successfull mission load, restarted for another mission

Crash 2 : I restart, connect to SES, and bam!, same, crash on mission load

EDIT : for some strange reason the forum is eating half my RPT report.

So I give up, I just uploaded both crashes's RPT here

I checked all my latest online crashes, same error code "C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION", on 3 different missions, this one, "co 16 Hunters in the Dark", "co24 royal rescue" and "co48_Uphill". I'm gonna try to see what's up in these missions

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This seems to be a common problem and to make matters worse every second (user MP) mission has a heli-insertion at the beginning or they just start from the shore. I also saw someone suspecting that this is not about water but about boats. I don´t think that this is the case, having seen this same problem with missions wo boats (they could make it even worse though).

They really ought to fix this quickly.

I can say about my mission, co 16 Hunters in the Dark, that it has no scripts nor anything else special and it´s seems to crash at the beginning more often than others missions.

It seems that when missions starts near water it consumes a huge amount of bandwitch in dedicated server. Can someone confirm?

Crashing is not the only problem near water. To me it seems that also the "can´t do anything" bug occiurs more often in these scenarios. (Can´t do nothing but type. Even the esc key does not work).

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Crashing is not the only problem near water. To me it seems that also the "can´t do anything" bug occiurs more often in these scenarios. (Can´t do nothing but type. Even the esc key does not work).

Yes I experienced this not too few hours ago.

But water doesnt seem a main crasher, I seem to crash just randomly even if I am about 1km away from water...

Spose BIS is working hard at fixing these aye?

Hmmm? huh.gif

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Yes I experienced this not too few hours ago.

But water doesnt seem a main crasher, I seem to crash just randomly even if I am about 1km away from water...

Spose BIS is working hard at fixing these aye?

Hmmm?  huh.gif

There is always a possiblity for crashing... especially in early stages of a released product.

Still, the Water seems to be a "Crash-for-Sure"

Using Maxmem parameter seems to cause crashes for many ppl aswell smile_o.gif

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I must say I have not experienced a single crash since I've applied 1.02. Before that I would crash every second time I tabbed out of the game.

On Topic: I understand that the water/boat/coast related CTD only appears when playing in MP ?

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On Topic: I understand that the water/boat/coast related CTD only appears when playing in MP ?


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Yes, especially on the dedicated server. We had a beachparty 1 & 2 and guys got disconnected 3-5 times in less than 2 hour gametime... stay out of the water until the next patch :]

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This is a known bug.. i read somewhere (maybe on the wiki or something) that this will be fixed in the next patch. At least.. im pretty sure i read it somewhere wink_o.gif

Dont quote me on that though hehe

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Well, my entry for this bug on the Wiki hasn't been commented, I don't see where they say they(re working on it sad_o.gif

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This is a known bug.. i read somewhere (maybe on the wiki or something) that this will be fixed in the next patch. At least.. im pretty sure i read it somewhere wink_o.gif

Dont quote me on that though hehe

Anyone else know about a patch fix? I ask because it would be great not to have to change too much and be able to wait for a patch.

Has anyone found a way to work around this? Dose it matter if you start on shore/boat/helo at all? Also what if you start in a boat or helo a ways out from shore?

I don't expect you to go try all these, just wondering if someone already had?

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I only have a thing to say, this game you being ridicule with as much bugs, and a shame this, and they do not make nothing the respect !!!!!

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Go play OFP 1.0.. MUCH more bugs than this... Then patch yourself to 1.96... MUCH better...

Now look... ArmA is at 1.03 so just wait for the patches!

(I'd expect another patch to be released before the 505 Games release and maybe 2 patches depending on when the first patch is released)

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I spent days working on my AIRFIELD ASSAULT CTF 2-50 mission and now its pretty much unplayable because of these random near water crashes.

BIS needs to fix this ASAP. banghead.gif

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