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Shooting on the Run?

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I used to be able to fire on the move with three round burst, or automatic fire, but now I can only fire the weapon on the move in single shot mode. This really presents a problem when I am trying to lay suppression fire on the enemy while evading. I can't even advance on the enemy with my sites up, and fire on the enemy.

Is there a button to turn this back on, or am I missing something?

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Shit, they even taught us that at Ft Jackson. confused_o.gif We didn't get to have a cool name like Sand Hill.

Hey, you remember that big 3rd ID scandal at Kelly Hill when they found all those guys in the barracks with like shotguns and stuff? Whatever happened with that?

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Oh, I mostly just outfit my guy wiht the M16 or the SPR. I'v never done any kind of reflexive fire with a 249 or 240b, but I'm not sure what kind of accuracy you would expect to get out of it. Suppression maybe, but I think you would be better served just going prone or crouching or something.

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its not so much about accuracy (and currently the guns are WAY too accurate, cmon you can use the sniper rifles or heavy machineguns standing up with ease) but to step out from a corner guns blazing and hope you hit something in close quarters

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I'd rather lean and fire a couple of rounds than do something drastic and possibly inneffective. I guess I can see why you would want it in a game, because if you die in a game it's no big deal.

I don't think the weapons are too accurate, well..maybe a little. But the M16 hits where it should and thats all I care about. I don't seem to have the problem that others have where the AI kills on the first shot. There have been plenty of times that I'v comfortably sat in a crouch position and fought off a number of targets. There have also been plenty of times when I have been killed doing the same thing, well, thats war.

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There are a few things for overall accuracy. Weapon sway is far too little when standing, too little for most weapons when kneeling and is too little when prone without a bipod but acceptable as a trade off for not having that feature. Recoil is JACK you should be fighting with weapons when firing whilst standing. Same with kneeling but to a lesser degree and a little bit when prone. Currently you just click and move the mouse ever so slightly. The recoil should be practically uncontrollable on the M240/M249/M24 and some others when standing. And the view should not return to where you were looking.

Add in suppressive fire that greatly increases your recoil and weapon sway as more and more bullets land near you and it has my approval.

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Is there a button to turn this back on, or am I missing something?

yes , double tapping shift (default) will toggle between walk and run.

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You guys have to understand that the people we're playing in this game are soldiers. It's not like they grabbed statistics of how a civilian would use the weapon. The recoil for a gun will always be the same but the person using that weapon can change how that recoil affects them. So seeing as this game puts the player in the shoes of a professional soldier, wouldn't that proffesional soldier then be able to fire a wepon effectively and therefore far more accurately than we think he may. I'm not a soldier but I feel that this complaint of accuracy is a bit unreaslistic itself. They're soldiers and so they've had training in how to use a weapon so the recoil may not affect them as we would think it would. An M249 is a powerful gun but the soldier wielding it has had training with the wepon, hell they may be specialists for that wepon for all we know, and because of that they know how to deal with recoil and have learned how to effectively use that weapon. I would get destroyed if I tried to fire off any automatic weapon, I just don't have the training, but I don't think a soldier trained in the use of these weapons would have nearly as hard a time as I would because of this.

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You guys have to understand that the people we're playing in this game are soldiers.  It's not like they grabbed statistics of how a civilian would use the weapon.  The recoil for a gun will always be the same but the person using that weapon can change how that recoil affects them.  So seeing as this game puts the player in the shoes of a professional soldier, wouldn't that proffesional soldier then be able to fire a wepon effectively and therefore far more accurately than we think he may.  I'm not a soldier but I feel that this complaint of accuracy is a bit unreaslistic itself.  They're soldiers and so they've had training in how to use a weapon so the recoil may not affect them as we would think it would.  An M249 is a powerful gun but the soldier wielding it has had training with the wepon, hell they may be specialists for that wepon for all we know, and because of that they know how to deal with recoil and have learned how to effectively use that weapon.  I would get destroyed if I tried to fire off any automatic weapon, I just don't have the training, but I don't think a soldier trained in the use of these weapons would have nearly as hard a time as I would because of this.

Basically, yeah. Recoil for our weapons can be helped by simply pulling the weapon tightly against you. If you don't have a handgrip, you can grip the magazine. I mean..seriously, it's one of the 4 fundamentals of basic rifle marksmanship. There really shouldn't be a whole lot of sway when standing up with the weapon to your shoulder.

Well, the recoil of an M16A2 is negligable and mostly just pushes back with a little bit of upwards motion. M4 is almost nothing. 249 is controlled completely by the shoulder and right arm. I can't say anything about the other side's weapons because I haven't done the class on those yet.

I think the accuracy in the game is fine, every weapon I'm familiar with in real life I am able to effectively use in the game and weapons I am not familiar with I have trouble with and I like that.

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Anyways, we are taught reflexive fire with the saw, it's used in CQB just as much as the m4. The 240 however is a whole different story, most of you could barely hold it up for two seconds, much less fire at something accurately.

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Hey folks. I was in the Canadian Army reserves a few years back, and have qualified on all of the weapons (or at least their Canadian equiv), and can honestly say that firing them while standing is very hard. It would be nearly impossible to fire the 240 from the standing because the weapon is so heavy. You would never fire a weapon while moving unless you are at VERY close quarters (under 15 meters). You just wouldn't hit anything. This includes the M249 SAW.

Sorry to burst the bubble, but accuracy and moving don't mix.

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I'm a former 11B myself (B/1-19 for all you Sand Hillers) and though I've been out for going on 5 years now, all the weapons feel right, more or less. I can't hit squat with the 240 or 249 while standing up, but I can lay down excellent fire when prone.

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A 2-58 here. I'm not a little bitch or anything, but I can barely hold the bravo up standing, much less let off a burst with it, you know what I mean?

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PVT Duvall, didn't they teach you at sand hill not to run and fire?

But the point is that in ArmA you cannot even walk slowly

forward at the alert and fire bursts, let alone run. All this

babble about "...well I'm in <insert army here> and ... blah

blah" is totally irrelevant to the matter in hand. It is a

restriction that never used to be there in Op. Flashpoint.

Firing on the move in OFP was a ridiculous waste of ammo,

to be sure, but one could still do it! Now in ArmA we can fire

a machine gun while rolling (a la Rambo) but not

while walking!  rofl.gif

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A 2-58 here.  I'm not a little bitch or anything, but I can barely hold the bravo up standing, much less let off a burst with it, you know what I mean?

Well you must be a wimp! It only weighs about 12 Kg!

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PVT Duvall, didn't they teach you at sand hill not to run and fire?

PVT?  Haha.  I was talking about on the move in general, including reflexive fire.  It's just my backwoods dialect. smile_o.gif

We've got representatives from almost all of Sand Hill here.  I was with the C/3-330, and I was put in 3rd platoon, which was made up of all 1-50 DI's.  Needless to say, we learned alot, and learned how to put up with even more suffering.  Haha.

I don't like to shoot while double timing, but if I'm in the game and I have to banana peel to get my scouts out of a tight situation, I want to be able to do it. Know what I mean?

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Sorry, I think it´s quite nonsense. If you want to squeeze some bullets out, fast semi-auto fire will do the job. I myself do use semi-auto all the time. Even the little stop accuring when you use the M249/240 is neglectible as long as you only want to send some rounds to the enemy, because if you only shoot short, perhaps some five rounds or so, it takes not very long and before the enemy targets you, you are running again.

BTW: shoot and move tactics, for what do you use them? MP?

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A 2-58 here.  I'm not a little bitch or anything, but I can barely hold the bravo up standing, much less let off a burst with it, you know what I mean?

Well you must be a wimp! It only weighs about 12 Kg!

Actually, you're right. I am a whimp now thanks to an insurgent at the end of this past June. Proof, in a picture taken a few weeks after the incident:


Don't worry, I will be going back for another 18 months within the year to get a second CIB. thumbs-up.gif

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You did Afghan? You'll only get the 2nd CIB for Iraq. It's by period and theatre. Like, I can't get a second CAB for any OIF deployment, only OEF or something else.

What did you get hit with? Looks peppered from fragmentation.

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