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IED Script

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Does anyone know more ammotypes you could experiment with?


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I went through every piece of explosive ordnance the game has to offer, there just isn't much to use. I finally went with creating multiple instances of some things to get the right balance between the 4 types.

I'll also be releasing customIED.sqs which will allow you to send it an ammo type rather than a size so once weapon addons are around you'll be able to spawn any ordnance to create your explosion.

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this is beautiful script !

With this I was able to make very deadly artilery simulation, using game logic like arty targets and killing everything arround smile_o.gif .

But there is a little bug.

Often happens to me, that after explosion the crew will just leave the vehicle, that is setted up in flames.

Also if you are inside the vehicle durring explosion, you can just normally leave exploded, burning car without any damage.

But I think there's a solution to that - you have to make sure, that the vehicle crew will die.

So, I've modified your script for a bit (hope that it doesn't matter) so the specified soldier will die.

Download here (sorry for RapidShare - got nowhere else to place sad_o.gif )

To call the script put in "On activation field":

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

[CarName, "ExplosionScale", CrewMemberName] exec "ied_improved.sqs"


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

[car, "large", driver] exec "ied_improved.sqs"

This unfortunately not universal script. For more crew members you have to add more lines of code.

What shouldn't be a problem, even for beginer (just like me), after he looks at it few times.

If anyone would be able to create some automatic script, automaticly finding the crew names and automaticly killing them after explosion I'd be thankfull wink_o.gif .

Please excuse misspellings,


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If you need to kill a particular crew member for a mission you could just call the script, then kill the crewmember(s) in the same On Act line.

e.g. [theBomb, "Large"] exec "ied.sqs"; theCrewmember setDammage 1

Edit: With the new script (once it's released) you'll get better results anyway as the explosions are bigger.

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If you need to kill a particular crew member for a mission you could just call the script, then kill the crewmember(s) in the same On Act line.

e.g. [theBomb, "Large"] exec "ied.sqs"; theCrewmember setDammage 1

Edit: With the new script (once it's released) you'll get better results anyway as the explosions are bigger.

Why to make a thing easier way, if there's a harder way ?

Indeed you can ! biggrin_o.gif

Where the hell have I left my brain, man ....

About the explosions: bigger bang, bigger fun. Looking forward for that wink_o.gif .

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rofl.gif I overthink things at work a lot too.

I'm just glad y'all are enjoying the script biggrin_o.gif

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1.2 up, you shouldn't have to change anything if you're using it in a mission just overwrite ied.sqs

Link in the first post.

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Nice thx smile_o.gif

Btw I noticed something, I was testing the explosions (on a Sedan car) and I stood some 20 feet away or something with the trigger close to me so I could just walk a step and see the bomb go off.

I noticed that when I used the medium I got hit by shrapnel (pretty hard, made my screen shake) but when I used large I did not get hit.

I put this video up btw:


That explosion looks bigger than anyother I´ve seen with ur script (except the huge one of course) it looks so dense and powerful biggrin_o.gif

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I just find out how to make things explode by shooting them

create barrel name it bomb or what ever and the create


cond: ((damage name)>0.1)

on act: [name, "Large"] exec "ied.sqs"

and shoot the barrel Sample (youtube)

want to destroy tanks whit pistol? just put some more zeros ((damage name)>0.000001)

Tank buster M9

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Nice thx smile_o.gif

Btw I noticed something, I was testing the explosions (on a Sedan car) and I stood some 20 feet away or something with the trigger close to me so I could just walk a step and see the bomb go off.

I noticed that when I used the medium I got hit by shrapnel (pretty hard, made my screen shake) but when I used large I did not get hit.

I put this video up btw:


That explosion looks bigger than anyother I´ve seen with ur script (except the huge one of course) it looks so dense and powerful biggrin_o.gif

Great vid! thumbs-up.gif

I have no idea why Medium would have more shrapnel than large, Medium is one sidewinder while Large is a dozen, maybe you just got hit by the proverbial "Golden BB" when that medium went off, or maybe the shranel is going up and over you with large, I honestly have no idea since they are both using the same weapon just different amounts.

One thing that surprised me was how weak the 105 and 122 mm arty shells were, the 57 and 80mm mortar shells seemed to do more damage. confused_o.gif

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I'm making a mission with a lot of random stuff (for road patrol). I want to make IED objects be random on each mapstart, I now use probability 0-100%, but if the object is missing trigger tells an error. Is it possible for script maker to give me some info on how to solve that or maybe to incorporate setting a probability of explosion on trigger?


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You could have the object create the trigger with it's init line, that way if no object appears then no trigger appears either.

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I solved the trigger error by simply moving the bomb object far away using markers for random placement. Not very elegant but it worked. Bomb still goes off, but it goes off somewhere else.

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We tested IED script in multiplayer and it seems that the trigger goes off on *each* client... explosions go off for a minute, its quite funny but annoying too smile_o.gif and quick fix in your minds?

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I've made a mission with a mine field, with the IED explosion being small for each mine the players stand on.

When testing, I get this error: 'Error type Any, Expected Number' with some other jazz showing the text from the ied.sqs - any idea why?

Also, as per the above post, does this happen all the time? I don't want an ever exploding mine field!


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It happened in multiplayer (around 12 players), test it out with few of your friends... since then i'm not using IEDs smile_o.gif

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So, didn't anyone test it in the multiplayer yet?

It seems that bomb goes off on each client and we have <#player> explosions and huge lag for about 30 seconds wink_o.gif

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If a trigger is fired on all clients at once, try this:

1. Ensure a game logic called 'server' or 'host' etc. is placed.

2. Make the trigger run an external script (.sqf) when fired.

3. In the external script, check if the game logic is local before executing your code (such as explosions). If the logic is not local, let the script end with no actions taken.

In this way, the trigger may fire on all clients, but its effects will only occur on the server. The only caveat is that some effects will be automatically visible across all clients, and others will be local to the server (such as setting a variable). I have not had a chance to test this with IEDs, but should be worth a shot.

Hope that helps.

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