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That seagull view MUST go!

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Our 10-78 clan members bought this fantastic game and we are all falling in love with it.

But the one complaint that we all have is that seagull view that we are stuck in after we die.

Please modify your game to give us an option to be able to spectate in another friendly soldier after we die.

This is a very serious request to the game makers.

Congratulations on the best game we have ever played!

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I'm in total agreement, its very irritating!

also, when you fly the seagul into a building it gets stuck.. and wont move!

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You can make a spectatingscript that does what you want. I saw i once in OFP. you would have to edit the mission though. You may find something on OFPEC that does it.

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i dought the BIS will remove the segull seeing how a mission maker could add a spectator script nener.gif

i just wish ya could make the segull poop rofl.gif

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You can make a spectatingscript that does what you want. I saw i once in OFP. you would have to edit the mission though. You may find something on OFPEC that does it.

Yes, I understand that it's possible but my point is that it should be part of the actual game, we shouldn't need a seperate script to make the game function properly.

How many more consumers are annoyed at this? Speak up so that they make the game more enjoyable.

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Seagulls can also fly under water tounge2.gif. A nice "bug" actually wink_o.gif.

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