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An Odd mix of Realism and Arcade…

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You act like they intentially went out and really destroyed how helicopters fly in ArmA. Bascially what they did is give the player less limitations than in OFP, now you can actually bank more than 15 degrees, they are touchy and you have to plan ahead with the power and think about what you are gonna do next. Yeah, they dont fly like a real helicopter but they are closer than OFP was. I actually notice myself now putting all of my attention to how I'm gonna slow the helicopter down, when I'm going to bring the power back in, etc. instead of letting the noobish keyboard mouse thing from OFP just slam it onto the deck.

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You act like they intentially went out and really destroyed how helicopters fly in ArmA. Bascially what they did is give the player less limitations than in OFP, now you can actually bank more than 15 degrees, they are touchy and you have to plan ahead with the power and think about what you are gonna do next. Yeah, they dont fly like a real helicopter but they are closer than OFP was. I actually notice myself now putting all of my attention to how I'm gonna slow the helicopter down, when I'm going to bring the power back in, etc. instead of letting the noobish keyboard mouse thing from OFP just slam it onto the deck.

Well said!

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You act like they intentially went out and really destroyed how helicopters fly in ArmA. Bascially what they did is give the player less limitations than in OFP, now you can actually bank more than 15 degrees, they are touchy and you have to plan ahead with the power and think about what you are gonna do next. Yeah, they dont fly like a real helicopter but they are closer than OFP was. I actually notice myself now putting all of my attention to how I'm gonna slow the helicopter down, when I'm going to bring the power back in, etc. instead of letting the noobish keyboard mouse thing from OFP just slam it onto the deck.

What the hell are you talking about? Have you even played OFP?

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I agree, have you guys ever played OFP? It was great to fly in that game. They have totally butchered the flying in ARMA. Please Bohemia, if you are listening, change it back.

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This thread is just chock full of irony. The community begged for a new flight model so BIS tried to implement one. At the first sign of complexity and the first spark of frustration, everyone just explodes into a fury of silliness. Just let them work through the feedback and optimize it. Changing it back to OFP's style would be rash and quite..... weak, IMHO.

- dRb

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I`d bet BIS is aware of the problem with the flightmodel.

No betatester could miss that fact.

I hope for a patch, with a few corrections to the flightmodel.

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I hope they listen and sort this out before the main europe release! crazy_o.gif

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This thread is just chock full of irony. The community begged for a new flight model so BIS tried to implement one. At the first sign of complexity and the first spark of frustration, everyone just explodes into a fury of silliness. Just let them work through the feedback and optimize it. Changing it back to OFP's style would be rash and quite..... weak, IMHO.

- dRb

Where do you get this from?

And did the community say

"Change the flight model no matter how cappy you make it, just change it?"

Stop blaming the community.

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Quote[/b] ]No betatester could miss that fact.

I wont be so sure. biggrin_o.gif , when I manage to see the hole island in my boat I believe in anything

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Beta testers are not infalilbe. It probaly never occured to them to try and drive a boat on land. Its rather funny though, truth be told.

I spent countless hours flying in OFP, I spent countless hours flying in EEAH, and I have spent a good amout of time flying in ArmA. Deep down the flight model is closer to sim then arcade, the problems are subtle, and seem more about the intreface between contoler and physics engine then problems in the engine itself. This should be easy to fix. You really need a percision contoler that has very smooth axis pickups to make flying not so irritating.

You have to setup attacks and manuvers well in advance of the event and you have to plan your egress. Flying from the seat of your pants is much more diffacult but a calculated approach is very rewarding and will only be more so when the interface issues are resolved.

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I'm glad people are mad. Hopefully, they won't play the game and stick to their Counter-Strike! tounge2.gif

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This thread is just chock full of irony. The community begged for a new flight model so BIS tried to implement one. At the first sign of complexity and the first spark of frustration, everyone just explodes into a fury of silliness. Just let them work through the feedback and optimize it.  Changing it back to OFP's style would be rash and quite..... weak, IMHO.

- dRb

Where do you get this from?

And did the community say

"Change the flight model no matter how cappy you make it, just change it?"  

Stop blaming the community.

Try reading the past interviews and suggestion forums for OFP2. It was perhaps one of the most oftenly requested features to be implemented. It was up there with 3d ironsights and collision detection optimization. I didn't just make this up off the top of my head.... At least 5 interviews specifically asked if the flight model had changed... That may not be a direct request per se, but it was defintely implied as such.

- dRb

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Bobbycat... just because someone asks for a change in the flight models doesn't mean they have to change it.

The new flight models isn't that hard to control... it's just stupid really and feels wrong.

The old ´flight model was arcadish, but it felt heavy and quite nice.... I'd rather have the old one back... it was more smooth.

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Hi.I haven't read all the replies here,so if what I'm saying is said before I apologize.I would wish that maybe the graphics might reach a point where it is good enough for a longer timeline than what we're used to by now.I think this type of games rely less on gfx than-say- HL,doom,farcry,etc. games.If so,the developer of armed assault-or affiliates-might develop let's say a flightsim,helicopter sim and tank sim which all interlock with the same world.That way the person which flies a jet,get's the physics right and are able to either help or prevent forces in the same "universe" as they who play as infantry,helicopters or tanks.The same aplies to tanks and helicopters too (ofcourse infantry too,but that is simulated so very good already in ofp/aa).

I personally would buy those sims seperately (maybe downloadable where one buys it online).I think most of hardcore ofp'ers would too.The only thing downside might be the kick-ass server one would need to run it;)

Just my thoughts:)

PS:I know this is doable because the makers of falcon 3.0 had the same idea 12-13 years ago.

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Bobbycat... just because someone asks for a change in the flight models doesn't mean they have to change it.

The new flight models isn't that hard to control... it's just stupid really and feels wrong.

The old ´flight model was arcadish, but it felt heavy and quite nice.... I'd rather have the old one back... it was more smooth.

Oh I completely agree. I am equally suprised with the odd physics expressed in these recent helicopter videos. It was quite... incremental, which looked completely unnatural. I was just saying that people wishing for it to go back to what it was, without trying to fix what we have now, are quite foolish. Progression is never made without weeding out issues.

- dRB

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I really had higher hopes for ArmA and am a bit disappointed.

That, unfortunately, sums it up pretty well confused_o.gif

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I really had higher hopes for ArmA and am a bit disappointed.

That, unfortunately, sums it up pretty well :hm:

But then again, having 'higher hopes' is a stricktly one-sided affair.

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