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custom destructable buidings n objects

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Decided to load arma up even tho i had it a few days (my new mini cooper s delayed the arma excitement).

My first job is to find out what works and what dosent in the conversion process, so far because i dont use anims its been quite easy , just a simple removal of version required smile_o.gif.

anyway heres a pic and vid of the transition without any tweaking and using the old ofp script code.

The video.

The image

check my website in my sig to see where i am going with this.

i hope tommorrow to see how the bridge works so maybe i can add the animation to my own buildings.

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good luck be pretty cool. wouldnt a rocket leave a bigger hole but???

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good luck be pretty cool. wouldnt a rocket leave a bigger hole but???

not a shaped charge...

the M136 (aka AT4) have a Shaped charge warhead, so it would leave a even smaller hole then on the video...

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like life nothing is forever the same , both those holes are created using same script, one whole is bigger than other, i think if i made the holes always same size then in six months people will say ,hmm everytime i hit a wall it always blows same size hole smile_o.gif.

in summary its random size hole , i agree maybe aminimums would be at least size of hole on right in pic , unless its on a corner of building of course.

you notice the text that say how much it is damaged, this is the amount of damage the initial brick took and then a radius is calculated, from this a random sum decides how big the hole should be. in the film i use an alternative brick to shoot at (look at the diff colour of it) , this way i know i shot that brick and can keep testin if the hole is nice and random.

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Hey glad to see your still continuign this project smile_o.gif Little suggestion though and its mostly looks but can improve the way things look by a vast marginal difference. Use sharp and smooth edges,in this case all sharp. In O2 just select the faces,in this case entire block,and press U,if you want smooth faces just press I. Hope to see more from you thumbs-up.gif

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Quote[/b] ]se sharp and smooth edges,in this case all sharp. In O2 just select the faces,in this case entire block,and press U,if you want smooth faces just press I.

thanks for the tip , i will try it , unfortunately despite my opening optimism , i now find any of the ladder or door selections have dissapeared, looksl ike some de pbo ing and wiki reading is instore for moi sad_o.gif / smile_o.gif.

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nice stuff there, hope you keep the random holes, any1 know if its able to jump or climb small fences and walls or do i still have to run around them like in ofp? tounge2.gif

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nice stuff there, hope you keep the random holes, any1 know if its able to jump or climb small fences and walls or do i still have to run around them like in ofp? tounge2.gif

this far you have to run around im afraid

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nice stuff there, hope you keep the random holes, any1 know if its able to jump or climb small fences and walls or do i still have to run around them like in ofp? tounge2.gif

this far you have to run around im afraid

ITs good exercise though smile_o.gif .

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nice stuff there, hope you keep the random holes, any1 know if its able to jump or climb small fences and walls or do i still have to run around them like in ofp?  tounge2.gif

this far you have to run around im afraid

Yes (*sigh*) in "The Ultimate Combat Simulation" you can

stop an infantry assault with a wicker fence and trying to

do FIBUA you still have to politely go in through the open

door...   icon_rolleyes.gif

But I really do like your "blow a hole in the wall" effect! yay.gif

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cheers smile_o.gif

my walls have hidden ladders in ofp so ya can climb over them.

i cant do anymore with this until the tools are released and i can animate the bricks.

i ope to release a simple door blocking wall for sf entry in a few weeks. i have still to mp test and understand this new call/spawn

execvm , verses the old way .

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Hats off to you sir. I didn't work with OFP for ages after making a bunker which was bullet proof but where a tank round hitting the outside would kill those inside. So this is the first I've seen of your work, but it's very impressive. I was going to wait until the new tools are released to try and re-work my bunker, but this has promted me to start early. Please keep us posted on your progress

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