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Vix Stryker

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Great, thanks a lot. BTW, does the Stryker still get blasted 60 ft into the air when hit with an RPG?

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Not sure how to fix that. Think of this as the action movie version of the Stryker.

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Not sure how to fix that. Think of this as the action movie version of the Stryker.

Change the Mass in the Geometry lod. I've already changed it in my personal version, as well as changing the speed (it used to race across the island like a sportscar), but I haven't got the gunner's optics working yet unfortunatly sad_o.gif

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I have a version from Macser, that corrects the weight and proxy positions for the troops. I've asked him to release it. The only big thing missing from it is a drivers compartment, and struts for the Slat armor.

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Why not combine these different versions?

That would seem to be the most logical way to get it fixed and working where the slat armored version will take a few hits from RPG's and have most everything working ok.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I've made a few small updates,since Lamentin's last post.

As it happens,I've modified the Stryker(slat armored)

to take two RPG hits,being destroyed on the third

strike.Had to add the hit-point lod,to up the armor level.

Although between the second and third hit,some damage

should result.

Or,would destroying it on the second strike be more true

to life?


If O2's measurement of weight is indeed Kilos,then

I've increased mass to a more accurate 16,530.

That's around 18.22 short tons.Barely moves when

hit,if that's realistic.It does behave more like a heavy

vehicle though.Brought the turning circle down a bit

too,as well as top speed.So it's less of a "car" now.

As I've said to Lamentin before,the only thing that

may go unresolved is the gunner's viewpoint.That's

both an engine and class specific limitation,afaIk.

But the AI will still operate the 50Cal normally,at least.

Other than that,I'll see about stickin a driver's station in.


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Cool. That sounds very good. Definitely keep the number of RPG's required to kill it at 3. In real life, the Stryker's have fairly good resistance to RPG fire in part due to the slat armor but also because of the heavy armor that is more comparable to the armor on a Bradley then to a M113. In Iraq usually only top attacks with RPG's and very large IED's have managed to destroy them. Even penetrating RPG hits generally do not destroy the vehicle unless its carrying explosive material inside like rockets, C4, hand grenades, or mortars. With its anti-spall lining on the interior, a penetrating hit should only cause a minimal number of casualties as the remote weapon system's ammunition is stored in the section on the roof top outside the vehicle.

So unless that penetrating hit ignites fuel or sets off explosives carried inside, the majority of those inside should survive. But for purposes of game-play in OFP, I think 3 hits is fine although personally I'd probably raise it up to 4. Thats how my mod (The Lost Brothers) has our up-armored Zelda M113's set up and it tends to work fairly well.

Oh...as for maneuverability, the Stryker's are actually surprisingly nimble and can make fairly tight turns. So if possible I would not make it too difficult to turn. It is a very heavy vehicle but it still turns well from the combat videos I've seen of it in action. I'm not sure if that can be controlled in OFP really well, but I'll give your latest version a test to see how it handles.

Keep up the awesome work!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Ok I just tested the last version and the slat armor is still destroyed with one hit by either the BIS RPG's or JAM3 standard RPG's.

Other recomendations:

1. Add struts connecting slat armor to body of Stryker.

2. Finish rear slat armor protecting rear section.

3. Position driver's mirrors so that slat armor is not going through the mirrors (or just remove mirrors if they are not on the real life slat armored Strykers).

Aside from that the handling in that last version is fine and as you mentioned it just needs that driver station. The gunner station is tough, but as you said, that's an engine limitation where you have to make compromises no matter what if you want to keep it a wheeled vehicle class in OFP. Personally I never use the gunner stations so I'm happy as long as the AI can kick ass with the gunner position. In missions I just use these Strykers as battle-taxis and for limited fire support. But mainly they serve the purpose of getting my boys to the objective in the mission for such things as raids on suspected terrorist compounds or in a mission where you are part of a rapid reaction force that must get the the scene of a IED/small arms ambush where friendly troops are pinned down. The slat armor gives it the added protection needed to take a few hits so as to give it enough time to kill the RPG gunner/s who shot at it. For that reason and its high road speed, it makes it an ideal addon for urban combat warfare in OFP.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Hello Chris,

I believe that was the first draft I sent Lamentin.

It's quite a bit different at this point.The changes I

mentioned weren't in that version.

It's in the process of being overhauled.Atm it now

seats nine,aside from commander/Gunner and driver.

The interior's a bit more stretched out,and a few details

have been added.As well as the driver's station.Just

needs some cosmetic attention,and some bits and



The standard version takes about two direct hits,

before goin out,while the slat version takes around


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I think I'm actually going to script the whole RPG vs. Stryker thing. IRL, the slat armor isn't actual "armor" that protects the Stryker (in the same way the addition of more steel plates/ERA/ceramic tiles would help increase protection). The slat armor basically crushes/destroys the fuse on RPG weapons, stopping it from detonating completely, and in reality, is only about 50% effective. So I was thinking of a script that checks any incoming missile-type weapons to see if they're standard RPGs and just basically stop them from detonating 50% of the time.

If an RPG does successfully detonate its HEAT warhead, it's gonna knock out its Stryker target, slat armor or not.

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Hello D-Scythe,

That sounds like an excellent idea.Workin off the "incoming"

EH?That'd sure make things interestin.Not knowin if the

next round is the one that gets ye.

I suppose this addon is pretty much open source atm,until

Vixer says otherwise.So go for it.Good scripting can only

make it even better.

Speaking of scripts,does anyone know if DKM prefer

you ask before using their suspension script?Or could it

just be used giving due credit?

Anyway,I'll continue with my side of things,and

post the results for whoever's interested.


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Finished the script. It's based on other people's work, as I'm still somewhat new to the OFP scripting game.

In the Stryker's config file, add this line to EventHandlers:

IncomingMissile = "if ((_this select 0)==(_this select 0)) then {[_this] exec ""\Stryker*\Scripts*\SlatArmor.sqs""}";

(the italicized portion is changeable - it's merely just the folder/PBO path)

The actual (beta) script - if you guys wanna incorporate it into your add-on, just save it as an SQS file and link to it in the Stryker config:

Quote[/b] ]_slat = _this select 0

_enemy = _slat select 2

?(!alive (_slat select 0)): exit

_i = random 5

?_i > 3: exit

_weaponname = _slat select 1

_missile = nearestobject [_enemy,_weaponname]

_rpg = "RPG" CountType [_missile]

?(_rpg > 0): goto "SlatArmor"



?(!alive _missile): exit

_dist = _missile distance (_slat select 0)

?(_dist < 15): goto "Switch"

goto "SlatArmor"


_mPos = getPos _missile

_dirmis = (getDir _missile)

;Check if RPG is approaching from unprotected rear

;_strykerPos = getPos (_slat select 0)

;_ang = ((_mPos select 0)-(_strykerPos select 0)) atan2 ((_mPos select 1)-(_strykerPos select 1))


;_angleDif = _ang - _dirmis

;?(_angleDif > 180): _angleDif = _angleDif-360

;?(_angleDif < -180): _angleDif = 360+_angleDif

;?(abs _angleDif)>160: exit

Comment: Note that I can't get this part of the code to work yet. Since our Stryker model does not have slat armor protecting its rear, this part is supposed to check if the RPG is approaching from behind, and if it is, exit the script.

Thus, the italicized portions should not be part of the final code

_vel = (velocity _missile)

deleteVehicle _missile

_obj = "RPGSlat" camcreate _mPos

_obj setvelocity [(_vel select 0),(_vel select 1),(_vel select 2)]

_obj setdir _dirmis


"RPGslat" is basically a weapon I made up and incorporated into the Stryker config. It's the same as the BIS RPG in every way except that it does less damage.

The script randomly runs 60% of the time whenever it is called - thus, the slat armor would protect the Stryker 60% of the time against incoming RPGs. If it passes the 60%, it looks at the incoming missile, checks if it's an RPG (or if it inherits from the RPG in the CfgWeapons class) and deletes the incoming RPG and replaces it with a weaker weapon that does no damage to the Stryker.

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That's a nice script D,

Seems to be workin just fine.At least as

far as I'm concerned.Nice addition.

Don't know if I can be as quick with

the cosmetics and geometry though.


Btw,what values did you use for "hit","IndirectHit",

on the RPGslat?Which I assume is "ammo" rather than


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Btw,what values did you use for "hit","IndirectHit",

on the RPGslat?Which I assume is "ammo" rather than


Good assumption smile_o.gif I used something small - I think it was like 10 hit and 5 indirect hit. The main thing was I just wanted the RPG hit effect (it looks funny if you simply delete the incoming RPG round).

But by all means, if you have something better, go with it.

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No,it does what you said it would.Worked right out

of the box too.

Here's a question for ye though.

Atm the script alternates between the possibility

of a "dud" impact and a successful hit,yes?.Could a

Detonation on the slats be a possibilty also?Where

the round explodes,but doesn't make direct contact

with the skin of the vehicle.

Maybe throwing in another ammo class with slightly

more punch to it.Could that be factored in?

Without causing a headache of course.

Or do ye think that might be overkill?


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No,it does what you said it would.Worked right out

of the box too.

Here's a question for ye though.

Atm the script alternates between the possibility

of a "dud" impact and a successful hit,yes?.Could a

Detonation on the slats be a possibilty also?Where

the round explodes,but doesn't make direct contact

with the skin of the vehicle.

Maybe throwing in another ammo class with slightly

more punch to it.Could that be factored in?

Without causing a headache of course.

Or do ye think that might be overkill?


No, if you want, I can definitely cook up something for you. The thing is though, there's basically no difference between a detonation on the skin of the Stryker or the feet or two outside the slat armor. The HEAT jet retains its penetration for a couple metres - so in reality, I really don't think that slat armor can work in a "spaced" armor type fashion.

See this thread on Tanknet about spaced armor:

"There is much more serious problem with spacing than volume. It is the fact that it has a really minimal effect on modern rounds. You need the spacing of meters to seriously disrupt a jet. In the tests modern HEAT charges impact on one side of thetarget tank and exit from another. I.e. the entire tank interior acts as spacing and this still doesn't protect the opposite side from penetration." - Vasily Fofanov

If you want, I'll see if I can get something going on tomorrow.

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I wasn't entirely sure how the HEAT warhead worked.

The "jet" will make it to the hull anyway if it detonates?

If it hits somethin inside,like munitions or fuel,that's

where the destruction of the vehicle may happen.

So I don't know if there'd be any point in adding more


I think the script works pretty well considering how

the RPG does what it does.

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Hmm.... I would be careful about basing all that on posts from tank.net posters. I've seen all kinds of crazy stuff said on there by people with abosolutely zero experience using HEAT weapons but rather who are physics majors in college who leave out a ton of variables in their calculations or individuals who base their expertise on watchng you tube videos without much knowledge about the particular weapons in the video.

For example the spaced armor concept is something used in almost all modern tanks today although usually with a series of barriers in between the spacing. In the Merkava MBT for example, according to book, "Tank" by Patrick Wright, even the fuel cells are used as a type of spaced armor as well as the engine compartment with the engine itself acting as a solid barrier in between the spaced armor. Other older designs like the PT-76 had a spaced armor design that was on occasion able to withstand LAW-66 rocket hits during the Vietnam War.

I wish Pins Da Smoker was still on this board... he was in combat in Iraq on a Stryker last time he posted. I hope he's still alive. He could give some good feedback, however he might not be allowed to talk about stryker dammage for security reasons.

Anyhoo.... I'm not saying that you're wrong, just that I haven't heard of alot of Stryker's being knocked out by RPG's.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Hmm.... I would be careful about basing all that on posts from tank.net posters. I've seen all kinds of crazy stuff said on there by people with abosolutely zero experience using HEAT weapons but rather who are physics majors in college who leave out a ton of variables in their calculations or individuals who base their expertise on watchng you tube videos without much knowledge about the particular weapons in the video.

Of course, there are people like that on all forums. But I'm pretty sure Vasily Fofanov is a reliable source - he has more credentials than the combined sum of "experts" on most forums.

For example the spaced armor concept is something used in almost all modern tanks today although usually with a series of barriers in between the spacing.

From my understanding, the principle purpose of spaced armor is no longer to prematurely detonate HEAT rounds. Rather, it's effect (when combined with sloped armor, like in the Leo 2A6, Merkava) is to introduce forces that cause the penetrator to bend/tumble as it travels through different media (metal and air).

I'm not saying that you're wrong, just that I haven't heard of alot of Stryker's being knocked out by RPG's.

Well, even if a lot of Strykers haven't been knocked by RPGs, you can't really attribute that to slat armor working as "spaced" armor. Slat armor is supposed to offer protection by crushing the nose of the incoming RPG and destroying its fuse, not by prematurely detonating the warhead.

I'm not saying I'm right, just that IMO, I just don't think it's likely that slat armor would offer any significant, "extra" protection if the RPG somehow survives the slat cage and detonates.

Quote[/b] ]I wasn't entirely sure how the HEAT warhead worked.

The "jet" will make it to the hull anyway if it detonates?

If it hits somethin inside,like munitions or fuel,that's

where the destruction of the vehicle may happen.

From the limited knowledge I have, the destructive effects of HEAT warheads depend on how much the "jet" is disrupted after it punches through the first layer of armor. If its composition is sufficiently screwed up by the armor (yet it still manages to punch through to the other side), it becomes extremely destructive and basically anyone on the other side is dead.

However, if it's strong enough to punch cleanly through, then damage to the vehicle may be minimal, as the jet just punches through one side of the vehicle and exits out the other side, while still being a "jet." So you might have a really powerful HEAT warhead that will destroy a T-90 and kill everyone inside, but then use the same weapon against a M113 and you'll simply make 2 nice holes on either side of the vehicle.

That's my understanding on the after effects of HEAT penetration anyway. Probably talking out of my ass.

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Fair comment guys,

And I can't really argue with anyone on

technical issues,or the Stryker's survivability.

For my part I'll stick to trying to finish up the vehicle

model as best I can.

I think compromises can always be reached though,

between believability and gameplay.


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From my recent experience with addons, the more realistic you try to make it act, the more scripts you need, and the more complex they get.  This makes some addons virtually unplayable in a game situation (at least on my computer, which well exceeds OFP recommended specs).  By using the simple solution of additional armor, we have a reasonable representation of the effect spaced armor will have on the warhead.  For example, I'm not sure if your script accounts for something like a maverick missle, which uses a larger warhead, and kinetic energy to destroy targets.

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