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Reading ArmA Server Info in PHP for website usage

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The admin in flashpoints Poo as well though.

As a Squad we  preferred non playing admins to keep an eye on things, especially players. We dont like  muppets on our servers. If its the same as Flashpoint, you have to play the map when your admin = you die when your typing commands. That looks like a major oversite since the game now supports JIP.  Hope BIS can patch that to improve it.

You dont have to be playing in Flashpoint. All you need to do is connect. Once you log in as Admin you can execute all the commands - even if a game is in progress. Yeah, you'll show up on the player list (or waiting list), but who cares?

Although I think it would be great to have the possibility to UDP in to execute commands. Live for Speed has this ability coupled with even the ability to receive UDP packets for all the players and their data. Since the data is the same as what is sent to the actual game, you can actually create a third-party viewing program or even use the data to run external guages. Now imagine in Arma, the ability to receive UDP packets for all units (as if you were just another player - only you are not running ArmA). You could run like a topographical map program to show the location of your units to an "officer" much like JSTARS. Would be awesome.

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Quote[/b] ]Although I think it would be great to have the possibility to UDP in to execute commands. Live for Speed has this ability coupled with even the ability to receive UDP packets for all the players and their data. Since the data is the same as what is sent to the actual game, you can actually create a third-party viewing program or even use the data to run external guages. Now imagine in Arma, the ability to receive UDP packets for all units (as if you were just another player - only you are not running ArmA). You could run like a topographical map program to show the location of your units to an "officer" much like JSTARS. Would be awesome

reading UDP packets would be amazing.

I saw some nice tracking of what is going on in world war II online. The map, stats of allied and german forces and news on their site had been created out of the actual game stats etc. this would be amazing.

Imagine you launch a massive CTI on a server and you can get all the infos on a website any time...

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Great script there sickboy. Is there a way to show the ping time? and is there anyway to display all the server in the MP browser?


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Great script there sickboy. Is there a way to show the ping time? and is there anyway to display all the server in the MP browser?


Pings are not included in the GameSpy data, so I can not give you those results. Maybe Binary does? Daddl might shed some light on that?

If I get the time free I will have a look!

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Released v0.3, first post updated with links & info.

Main addition: Possibility to display stats as image, as like Daddl's Server Query Script, Thanks to Daddl for letting me use parts of his script!

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hmmmm thanks sickboy, but can you put it outside your forum/webpage please.

Even though I've registered, *sigh* it still won't let me download it.


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Gnat @ Nov. 18 2006,16:55)]hmmmm thanks sickboy, but can you put it outside your forum/webpage please.

Even though I've registered, *sigh* it still won't let me download it.


My bad, Sorry! Problem should be solved, retry the link

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Script has been updated to v0.4:

The Script now can also be setup with a filename for the image, each time the script is run, it will not output the image to the user, but to a file. If you set this up with for instance cron, run every minute... Every minute your server status gets updated into a specified image file which you can display on a website or as signature etc. Which in fact saves resources because now the script isn't triggered every page load of every page where it is displayed wink_o.gif

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Could I have some IP's where Armed Assault is running? I am a beta tester for Qtracker and I am trying to get the author to support Armed Assault.

FYI: Qtracker

This is a game browser, say like All Seeing Eye but much better.

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any one have a working link to the scripts

The website was temporary down for a couple of hours today for maintenance, site is back up

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Updated my Server Query Script to v0.5, mainly fixes, especially for linux users.

If any have trouble setting it up, use this thread for feedback

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@sickboy- thanks for quick response, sorry for it being a little to vague (thought you might be a mind reader, hehe) Was due to it being pre-6am and my body not absorbing my morning caffeine and nicotine fast enough...

Ok here it goes.. to all developing, my hats off to ya! I'll go ahead and ask since no one else has (I can't be the only one). btw I do have basic php and server admin knowledge.

I cant get this to work properly, it does come up with "server is not responding error", so file seems to be working, at least its outputting...

My question is could this be a problem with our host?

or arma server and/or arma host machine config problem?

or a permission problem maybe?

Someone interested in explaining how they personally chose to install it and got it to work, I don't need detailed step by step, just a semi-condensed explanation. I'm sure besides helping me it'll help the hundreds others not asking but rather waiting for the answer to magically appear..

Abracadabra, p00f!

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Added the info from this post into the first post "FAQ" section.

Also added a section: "Quick install help". Hope it hits the spot m8, goodluck!

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Muchos Gracias Senor!

Definitely a game server machine problem...now to convince the game server "owner", lol ..

@Sick- look at the two you got in your sig....one says not responding and one says empty, whats causing the not responding one? Cause our server is busy as hell right now with people on it, but get "not responding" version..

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Muchos Gracias Senor!

Definitely a game server machine problem...now to convince the game server "owner", lol ..

@Sick- look at the two you got in your sig....one says not responding and one says empty, whats causing the not responding one? Cause our server is busy as hell right now with people on it, but get "not responding" version..

It's not responding because it's down until wednesday.

Are you sure you selected the right ip and port in your configuration of the script? ArmaMods.net got my script running aswell

Otherwise it's probably because one of the reasons that are in the 1st post, contacting your ISP is anyway a good idea to check if the webserver supports outgoing connectiosn as some might block that for security reasons.

Send me your server ip and port in PM, then I will put that in my script and we can see if its your config/webhoster or still sth with the gameserver itself

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