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Snake Man

PMC First Fight - Campaign

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I was really enjying the campaign until adurn the cut scene to the start ofSilent Watch my squad leader just keeled over dead and I cant play the mission- any workaround for this?

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Nice one!

But personally I do not quite see the point in interconnecting the missions the way you did. This makes the difficulty level unpredictable. Why did you even bother with all that weaponpool-scripting? Adds no fun to the game IMO. And it don't increase immersion at all.

I also don't understand what these stupid, little botched-up "side missions" in the official campaign are supposed to be good for. That feature kills off any immersion that is left.

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This campaign is the mutts! Have enjoyed it all so far and am at the start of Clear Rug. Am having a problem with my lead guy keeling over right at the start (loads died whilst attacking the town in the previous mission) and not having the option to team switch.... However, you can see from my signature that my system isn't all that great (GFX card is only 128 Meg), but this plays with minimal lag! I'll be keeping an eye out for your next release Snake Man, this is great fun.

Keep up the good work!

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On that night patrol mission (dunno what it's called... might very well be "night patrol") I ended up having to shift - endmission.


I start at the camp at the airfield... I heard some shots coming from the town. I decided to hold my position. Eventually I spot a group of enemy spec ops. We take care of them. I wait for 3 or 4 minutes, and decide to move to the town.

I get there, and find that the friendly AI's have taken care of a few enemy spec ops. I stay for a few more minutes, and decide to head back towards the airfield.

As I'm on my way back, I hear helo's incoming. 2 enemy helos circle the airfield and town, I make it back to the airfield. Engage a group or two of enemy spec ops at the far side of the airfield... and then... nothing.

I wait around for a good 5-10 minutes, and the enemy helos do nothing but circle the island for that time. I put it on 4X time acceleration, wait a couple more minutes, nothing.

Finally I decide to grab a law launcher, and with some careful aiming, take down both helos. Nothing.

Wait a few more minutes, nothing. 4x time again, wait 3-4 minutes... nothing. Nothing nothing nothing.

So I cheated, and did the endmission.

Dunno if that's the way the mission is SUPPOSED to be, or if it was bugged. Hope that's not how it's supposed to be, cause that was hella boring waiting around for half an hour or more for nothing.

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Quote[/b] ]I'm on the night-patrol mission, and maybe it's bugged?

Are things supposed to take this long?

I'll take a look at it, perhaps there is too strict ending triggers.

Quote[/b] ]the cut scene to the start ofSilent Watch my squad leader just keeled over dead and I cant play the mission- any workaround for this?

Yes you need to accomplish the previous mission without your original character getting dead. Its tricky thing this team/character switching with savestatus. Its not a bug, it works like it should, however the end result is quite bad indeed.

Try not to get killed with your starting character.

Quote[/b] ]Am having a problem with my lead guy keeling over right at the start (loads died whilst attacking the town in the previous mission) and not having the option to team switch

This is the same problem with the mentioned switching & savestatus. I'll try to think a nice workaround, ie to "have it both ways" but still enjoyable. Until that, just revert the previous mission which you got killed and this time... dont get killed.

Quote[/b] ]Dunno if that's the way the mission is SUPPOSED to be, or if it was bugged.

I believe there might be something on the ending triggers, I'll take a look at it for next release.

Thanks everyone for posting feedback - its the way to make this campaign better! Appreciated!

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I suppose a quick work around would be to apply the endmission cheat on the previous mission and carry on this way. Suppose it's not really cheating as I have already completed the mission, however, its not working the way Snake Man intended with a finite number of men for the campaign.

I guess the options are to make the switch player option work, or to rearrange the surviving members into slots 1,2,3 etc or something along these lines anyway. Its guess its tricky, Snake Man being a pioneer in these things!

Anyway, you keep releasing them, we'll keep playing them! smile_o.gif

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I took a peek into the pbo-file. Looks like you are seriously planning on including voice messages. That would be really cool. biggrin_o.gif Can't wait!

...I'd offer my help but .... well, unfortunately I am from Europe and not an American whistle.gif

(you dont hear that very often, do you?! biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif)

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Quote[/b] ]the cut scene to the start ofSilent Watch my squad leader just keeled over dead and I cant play the mission- any workaround for this?

Yes you need to accomplish the previous mission without your original character getting dead. Its tricky thing this team/character switching with savestatus. Its not a bug, it works like it should, however the end result is quite bad indeed.

Try not to get killed with your starting character.

Damn thats the problem? My 'original' character died about 3 missions prior to that one. Time to roll it back to the start then....

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Just had a play and my hyperthetical method above of Endmission-ing the previous mission doesn't want to work, but then neither did trying to complete the previous mission without losing my lead man. Sorry about lack of detail - im now at my work computer. Just a bit stumped on how to continue without skipping some of the missions that I haven't played yet...

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Just had a play and my hyperthetical method above of Endmission-ing the previous mission doesn't want to work, but then neither did trying to complete the previous mission without losing my lead man. Sorry about lack of detail - im now at my work computer. Just a bit stumped on how to continue without skipping some of the missions that I haven't played yet...

I came in here to post the exact same thing. I spent the last couple of hours playing the campaign again and this time not even letting my main guy get injured, and it still got to the same place and my man keeled over dead.

Shame, because so far the campaign is far better than the AA one.

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Snake Man,

I'm stucking again ... I played the fourth mission and after

going to the second marker (I've neutralized the second

squad too) the red symbol will not change in a green quad.

The essence of the mission is search and destroy but I've

searched the whole place and there is nothing more left.

Don't understand me wrong, the campaign is very well but

it would be great to move on.



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In a nutshell to reply the last posts... I think 95% of the issues would be solved if I'd just scrap the saveStatus from the campaign, so that each and every mission always starts with fresh squad.

Its just that I like the weaponPool and saveStatus so much, meaning if your team member dies he stays dead and what weapon(s) you carry in mission 1 they stay for mission 2 also.

I could still try to implement some erasing of the saveStatus values, but it was my experience from PMC Ranger Path missions that it wont work, only way to revert "dead person" from previously played mission is to quit OFP (yes OFP as I'm speaking about PMC Ranger Path) and delete the whole Users/Saved/ directory (or the campaign file(s) in there).

Also if you get dead in a mission and use endmission, then this dead guy is still saved for the next mission. So if you die, endmission will get you to the next mission for sure, but the guy is then dead there.

Damn this is tricky.

Quote[/b] ]Looks like you are seriously planning on including voice messages. That would be really cool.

It would be cool yes, but it was my experience with PMC Fury that its impossible to get good voice actors in OFP scene. Few others who have tried it have proven that correct also.

Quote[/b] ]The essence of the mission is search and destroy but I've searched the whole place and there is nothing more left.

I'll take a look at it and fix if there is something to fix for v0.4 release. Thanks for letting me know.

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Thank you! ... can we hope of a new campaign?


Edit: If I repeat the mission - any chance of


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Please could you explain step by step how to access the BIS weapons pool in the first mission. The only source of munitions is from the boat and it only contains ammo and no other weapons-certainly not the vast array of weapons as promoted in the changelog . The version of the campaign is version three so all the BIS weapons should be there. Am I suppose to open the campaign pbo with notebook and change somethings around if so what?


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Quote[/b] ]explain step by step how to access the BIS weapons pool in the first mission.

It should work just right when you select the gear, how many weapons can you see?

Btw I'm finalizing the v0.4 here, all major "elements" should be in there now. I don't know when I release it, soon I hope.

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Please could you explain step by step how to access the BIS weapons pool in the first mission.

Took me a while to find out too. I was under the inpression you couldn't actually select gear until this campaign came out, then I found out how.

Click on the 'Group' tab on the briefing. Then, select the soldier whos gear you want to access. Then just change it as you would when taking weapons of a dead soldier.

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when I select gear all I get is rifle and machine gun ammo and some anti tank rockets. But no launchers or other weapons. I definitly downloaded version 3.


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Thanks Snake, looking forward to trying this one again smile_o.gif

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If Snake Man had anything to do with this campaign, then it will be a lot of fun to play and will be well done. I've played about everything he's done in OFP, but "Hero" is my all time favorite.

I'll be heading to the site shortly to get 02. I just hope I remember my PW for your site. crazy_o.gif

Glad to see you're still going strong, Snake.


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Just private message me here if you have lost your login info to our forums. Also if you try this campaign and find some bugs/issues, feel free to report them and I'll try to do my best to fix them.

After the ArmA patch mania settles down a bit, I'm planning on adding some more missions.

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Awesome Stuff, i is also making a campaign about a man who comes to the island does some simple missions then the battles start to break out and as the campaign progresses the battles get bigger and bigger and your player seems to become smaller and smaller in this world around him.. smile_o.gif

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First off great campaign, simple yet very effective, just love playing other peoples missions. (especially when u spend hours in the editor yourself and know where everything is lol).

Having a problem though with the mission where you've met up with the civies and have to take down the two shilkas.

When i blow up the shilkas it does not complete the objective nothing happens, have tried killing every man and vehicles at both sites including bmps and uaz's that are wandering around and any parked vehicles.

Must have taken down dozens of infantry as well but alas to no avail, any help mucho appreciated as really enjoying your work. Ta 4 the campaign


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I'll look into this mission, if you find anymore problems please let me know so I can fix them.

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