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It is vilasmond! take 2

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Hi again!

One thing: I have downloaded last vilas mod and I like it; but why hasn't the editor added a readme with the addon?

Please, can someone give me a hint, where can I find a readme for vilas weapons and ammo, 'couse I would like to write some of the names into the init field in the game.

Where can I get it???




I was searching for readme and script names, but nothing so far.

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Also i believe there is another topic identical to this in the Addons & Configs section of the forum.

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no added vilas addon does not contain cpp file (i recon)

does anyone have a similar problem?

I search under vilas-what???

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I already visited that and the only thing I leearned there is that their info is slightly por! mad_o.gif

any plan"B"?

uh-oh. I found a list of weapons and ammo, but I mostly don't know, what it means... It's an enigma!!!

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Man o man!!!

What shall I do?!

so...unpbo it...hmmm

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What weapons/ ammo do you need?, if you uses unpbo, you can find in the vilasconfig cpp the 90% of the weapons and the ammo, The vietnam weapons have a particular config file.

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those on resistance side (sa-58, akm, fal,...)

wait! Found it. Thanks, folks!

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Dude, you have to UnPbo teh config file. You can do this with config from previus version of vilaspack (Think`s september edition). If you wont find the config, PM`me and I`ll send you the stuff.

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Thanks, man. It would be nice of u, if u can send me the stuff. I found vilasconfig, unpbo-ed it, I know the weapon names, but there is no sign of the ammo names. I tried everything so far and no effect.

More help!


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OK, so you have the confing now. What you can do right now, is to dig thru lots of text and find what your`re looking for. Takes some time but it`s the only way.


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class vim24: m21







magazines[] = {vim24m};


class Single



ammo="kulasniperka" that`s ammo for svd rifle.

Weapons are listed under class CfgModel, so does ammo under class CfgAmmo. Takes time but its the only way.

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Correction on this:

Your're right on the ammo thing, but if he's looking for a weapon and the magazine classnames (which I believe he does) then in your example the classname for the weapon is "vim24" and the classname for the magazine is "vim24m":

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">magazines[] = {vim24m};

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UnPboing the file was pretty much unecessary, since if all the files from the RAR were extracted, there would be a pdf called "list" which gives all the classnames of the weapons and ammo (excluding the WWII weapons though).

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Well, it has gone worse. I've used init field and added ak47, sa58, fn-fal, pk, g3 versions. The priblem: mostly I can add weapons, but I can't add magazines; I was guessing, that sa58 has "visa58" name and "visa58mag" Fine and dandy. But! We have m16 rifle. M16a2 has m16mag. m16a1 is not compatible with the mag; it uses 5.56 (name of the mag) WTF?!

And so on. Bfitish l1a1 was made from fn-fal. In the game fal uses "fnfalmag", wich is not compatible with l1a1 - that one uses "falmag". IT TS THE SAME THING!!!

I can also add SMG's (pps, uzi, mp5, m12,...), but not the ammo.

The problem is that I have guessed some ammonames, basing on the weaponnames. Readme lacks ammonames and I'm not a telepath to figure out all of the names.

U know whar I mean.

If anyone knows sth, please add a reply, as so far



p.s.: W0lle gave me a great info abiut mags ("ppsm"=ppsmag)

Thanks buddy!

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Can i point out that the weapons are Not the same.  Vilas weapons do not use the same magazines as the BIS ones.

In fact i doubt any Addon uses BIS magazines.

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I know that they don't use bis models. I'm talking about vilas only. Commands for ammo are so different... Most if the ammo commands came out my head, basing on weapon names.

Any other news?



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It's all about browsing the config file and then copy&paste the stuff you need.

All you need to browse is the CfgWeapons section. There you find all used Weapons and their magazines classnames.

I don't have that mod, but depending on how many weapons it contains it's just a little bit of work wink_o.gif

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I already closed your last thread and told you to find a Vilas thread and post in that didn't I? Ignoring a moderator's instruction can result in a ban from these forums.

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