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mr. Duck

Another scifi thing

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DAMN! GRRRRRR!!! mad_o.gifbanghead.gif

Sorry, should have checked it...

Thankfully there's more than one site where to get addons from, although they're getting scarcer...

Found one link, though you'll have to register to get it, it's in a pack...

Link to good old OFPNEWS Addon... thumbs-up.gif

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damn' the link doesn't work, in fact it's really slow. could you put the addons at rapidshare?

and i don't want to register on this site whistle.gif

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A pleasure, as always...

Jeez, just knowing addons that aren't accessible anymore on sites of reference... makes me feel old crazy_o.gif

But I must say, I always had a special interest in these "unconventional" addons... biggrin_o.gif

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Yeey, they're in game, finally...


I made a new troop transport (I'm not calling it a dropship anymore since, it does not look like it's able to ferry troops from space to a planet, like the cheyenne from Aliens, it is now just a vtol), I don't know what I'll do with the old one confused_o.gif .


This here is a pilot. Just a quick job I don by modifying the standard rifleman (no helmet-mounted cam, no shoulder guards).

The gunship is practically "finished", I just need to make an acceptable cockpit (same goes for the troop transport). Note that I said acceptable... Not superb... whistle.gif

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Coming along nice there , although would look better with my suggested "improvements",but I don't care just ignore me.

What have you armed it with?

Did you throw in there a turbo-booster script like the one in Airwolf chopper?

The pilot could use some sort of insignia on his chest plate..maybe take the hawk decal from the APC and slap it on there.

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Nice stuff, Mr Duck! I do agree with redpride and reiterate that such a transport really deserves a configuration similar to the Aerial Hunter-Killer addon from "Terminator" as made by XPETIT and available on OFP.info biggrin_o.gif - IMHO the best VTOL craft available so far, but it's a pure air-to-ground thing with 1 pilot and 1 gunner, not a transport like yours...

As for the pilot, it should have some wings visible somewhere (the pilots should be able to show his earnings! ) biggrin_o.gif

Can't wait for this! thumbs-up.gif

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Coming along nice there , although would look better with my suggested "improvements",but I don't care just ignore me.

What have you armed it with?

Did you throw in there a turbo-booster script like the one in Airwolf chopper?

The pilot could use some sort of insignia on his chest plate..maybe take the hawk decal from the APC and slap it on there.

Yeah sorry, I thought about your improvements, but couldn't really see a good reason to add winglets confused_o.gif

+ It looks cool

- adds more polygons

- more surface for the enemy to hit, since it does not serve a function (it does not affect the yaw rate) it becomes quite impractical

Note that I'm really being anal about the amount of polygons. I'm trying to minimize it (I like big battles).

The gunship (Medusa) is armed with:

1 gatling cannon (against infantry)

2 autocannons (against light/medium vehicles, and heavy infantry)

2 missile dispensers (against armor, the missiles are dropped and launched)

The troop transport (Talos) is armed with

1 gatling cannon

Anyway, does any of you know something about scripting? I kinda bumped against a problem here trying to implement the booster scripts from a wanzer pack.

The problem is for non-AI, the AI can use the booster perfectly (when they are hit by enemy fire, they use the boost), but players can't. So far I've only managed to activate it once, but for the majority of the time, it simply does not work crazy_o.gif

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As far as practicality goes I did depict the "winglets" were used to mount missiles and other munitions on but if you don't like them I won't make a fuss about it , just forget it. One tiny thing though if you're walking down a dark lonely alley one late night and a guy steps out of the shadows with a cricket bat in his hands you'll be sorry you passed up my offer!

About the booster script you said you had it manually work only once , is there a specific moment and time it worked or it doesn't show up at all in the menu?

I wish I knew that junk so I could help you out but all I can do is recommend you compare the wanzer booster scripts with those found in Airwolf chopper or the Aerial hunter-killer craft or any other addons which use them and experiment with the differences.

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Don't know anything about scripting either Mr.Duck, so I can't help you with that, sorry sad_o.gif

I'll start learning map-making with WRPTool this weekend so I hope to be able to supply this mod with maps if there is interest... biggrin_o.gif

Btw, after you're done with this in OFP, would you be considering porting these to ArmA, or if not, let D@nte port them to ArmA? 'Cause I am really enjoying these units! I think this and D@nte's UNICON stuff would rule in ArmA! thumbs-up.gif

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Well, I think I have the solution for this booster thing. I've just send something to Macser (who helps me with the scripting) for testing. Let's see if he brings back good news or bad news...

Nex script on my list is active defense...


Good to hear that your learning that WRP tool thumbs-up.gif

It might be better if you just made a "neutral" map, a map that could represent some alien world (but not too alien, like with purple trees), but also a human colony. In that way, you don't only contribute to "this" mod but also to the other scifi mods out there (like stargate, or the star wars addons out there, and don't forget the wanzers!wink_o.gif.

I recommend a desolate barren rock planet with no vegetation (like Mars or something). That might be easy for you (to begin with).

It's a shame we can't play around with the gravity in ofp... Imagine fighting with 1/3 gravity...

And oh yeah, you might want to drop some guy named Alderous a line, he made some sci-fi buildings last year, showed pictures of it, but so far no releases. Another guy that you could (potentially) work with is lordhorusNL (who made a Tatooine building pack).

And about ArmA, well it all looks cool and shiny, and I wouldn't mind giving it a try, but my computer disagrees with me confused_o.gif

And d@nte still has access to my addons if he wants to, he knows that he doesn't need permission to use parts (or whole things, or whatever) of them (right?)


So far so good. Booster script is working and active defense script is working as well. The active defense (borrowed script from Diesel's A10) works only against guided missiles. Thus far the reason for doing this is:

1. It is relatively easy to understand this script.

2. Sometimes scifi mods use a unguided missile class for their twinlinked lasers/rail guns.

Next script = health regeneration script (nano-probes) for vehicles.

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Nice to hear that, mr.Duck!

Yeah, I was thinking of starting off with something barren, probably start off with something ice-covered, then move on to more textured things...

I think I have that Tatooine building pack somewhere, though I don't think that there exists much in terms of snow-textured buildings to use, sci-fi wise... hmmm...  confused_o.gif

I'll think of something, I think I still may have the one or other thing in terms of useful buildings that I hope I could use with WRPTool... Let's hope so at least... But it'll be few buildings, rocks, and no vegetation for starters - I'm putting heavy emphasis on lack of lag! I think I'll have to avoid roads, though maybe I could also have in some trail paths...

Edit: I've just reviewed Alderous's work on OFP.info, I must say it IS a pity he hasn't released anything so far, would anybody know how to get in touch with him? Another thing I was thinking about, since we're talking about a possible deserted map, it would be nice to have like a huge wreck of a spaceship, where some surviving troops were all that's left from a supposedly calm trip to the space battlefront...

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Edit: Health regeneration? sounds fantastik! Just don't make it regenerate too fast , we don't want this thing invincible.

ArmA has tons of bugs... I'm so glad I didn't buy it. I'll be holding that off till the tweak patch downloads go down to about 40 megabyte instead of 400.

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Edit: Health regeneration? sounds fantastik! Just don't make it regenerate too fast , we don't want this thing invincible.

ArmA has tons of bugs... I'm so glad I didn't buy it. I'll be holding that off till the tweak patch downloads go down to about 40 megabyte instead of 400.

The regeneration script is "finished" (some time ago), I only need to tweak some bugs out of it. The problem with it is that if the vehicle has a high armor value, the vehicle becomes practically invincible. The crew might die, but as long as the vehicle was part of a group with infantry, the infantry will replace the fallen crew (and the vehicle will regenerate). I tried this on the wanzers, the thing becomes really difficult to kill (unless you have a weapon with a really high damage value).

Anyway, I'm now hesitating to put this script on the tanks, since this kinda make the tank feels "alien" (reminds me more of the borg, instead of human troops). So, maybe I'll put this on the alien tanks...

But anyway, like I mentioned earlier in another thread, its gonna take a while before I'm working on these things again...

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Glad to see this sci-fi project is still on track.

If anyone needs enemy forces, there are a few more addons out there.

"Armorwerks Hovertank" crews and troops armed with the CR-95, a weapon with anti armor capabilities. Seems to work well against ducks troops. The rifle would fit rebel / enemy troops need for low tech ' high firepower to counter Terran's.

The MitRA Tech M65 ARES. Big vehicle ,over armored. Had to tweak the config just to damage it sad_o.gif

I love all the wanzers and I have all the packs and standalones, but there are 2 military wanzers that came in the BOH mod. To bad they can't be stripped from the mod and used.....full mods and 1.2 gig mod folders don't mix well sad_o.gif

Plus, there seems to have been a sci-fi explosion recently with the space mod ,and some other biiiiiig space ships. Hope this continues.

Keep up the great work mr. Duck.

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Yeah I love the mechs in BOH mod which btw one of the mech models was used for the wanzer pack. Too bad no one has Animated their legs and added a Radar (Mechs without a radar? crazy_o.gif )

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Hey, what's that MitraTech thing? I can't find it on ofp.info

And about the wanzers from the BOH mod, I asked them if I could extract them and release it, but they told me to ask the creator (that is Gigi or Meteocrater, see my sig). His website (http://www.ofpac.com) is down and his email that was provided by the BOH team and the readme in the wanzer pack is also unreachable. I tried to PM him but I can't seem to find his name on this board, seems he might not be a member of flashpoint1985 too...

So if somebody could reach him, you guys could get the wanzers standalone (animated too, since the standalone wanzer pack is also from the same dude)...

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It's this thing MitraTech Artillery

I used to have it but got rid of it for the reason mentioned above , it's far too hard to destroy. Virtually no fun at all.

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AFAIK some mechs in a Wanzer pack have animated legs...

As for the M65 Ares, it's the largest wheeled vehicle I've seen for OFP so far, and for that reason alone a sight to behold...

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Here is a new download link, note that this is not the updated units (with scripts and air units and stuff). I just uploaded the current "official release (- the ambulance)" because the current links are dead.

filefront download

No readme in there though, you know the risks, see first page of this thread for more info on units and stuff.

Oh, and could somebody please upload that MtraTech super thing? biggrin_o.gif

It seems that a lot of addons were lost due to atwars database being plugged...

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I'll upload it when I get home, as well as download this new release of yours, Mr.Duck! thumbs-up.gif

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BUZZARD @ June 19 2007,15:48)]I'll upload it when I get home, as well as download this new release of yours, Mr.Duck! thumbs-up.gif

Nonono, no need to download this version, it's just stuff that you probably already (might) have, this is not a "new" version, just the old version units to replace the old dead links. smile_o.gif

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Oh yeah I also forgot the fact that Enemy AI won't shoot at it..sucks.

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