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Driving in ArmA

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How has the driving model been improved? Has it been improved further since elite? How was the actual driving model in elite?

I know I can’t expect a superb physics, but you should feel the weight, momentum, and suspension. It would also be nice to have to shift gears for vehicles that require it. Same goes with a clutch, but I guess I won’t hold my breath. confused_o.gif

Also, has there been any confirmation on multiple gaming devices/controllers in ArmA? OFP has a limit of 1, correct? So, can you have a joystick+gamepad/wheel in ArmA? smile_o.gif

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In the recent videos, HMMWV's suspension works quite fine. But I am not sure about physics or collision. wink_o.gif

BTW, can we let AI drivers obey traffic rules? E.g. signals and grade crossing. I don't expect to see AI cars crash at a crossroad or neglect a ringing grade crossing and blown by a train. huh.gif

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well, it seems you can define the acceleration of vehicles in their config. However I want to nitpick on ArmA once too, so: acceleration is defined in metres per second, but should be metres per secondË›. nener.gif

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in OFP:E steering was better because you were using a joystick vs a keyboard,various directions with dependence on the force applied tot he direction rather than a single direction with three speeds. In OFP:E suspension worked much better,when driving down hills or even a road in vehicles,especially the five tonners and urals,it feels like it weighs more. Vehicles actually stop when they collide,they don't clip baddly and wind up on one another.

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An interview with placebo did mention less floaty jeep driving. Like in OFP you could floor it down a steep slope and "bounce" up off the valley floor at the bottom. He said the result of such a stunt will be more realistic/less-forgiving than in OFP

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haha yeah i loved the car physics in ofp, just angry at tree's and fences and other road side obstacles that can stop my fun biggrin_o.gif

Can't wait to see how Arma's driving will be like.

I wonder if the bug with setpos'ing a truck 100 meters or more in the air and sitting in it and falling down without any dammage is still around in ArmA? tounge2.gif

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If yes: vehicle paradropping scrips need some kind of safety then rofl.gif

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I/we have a question

Question: Is it possible to make the game support and allow the use of more than one stick, so that I may use the X52 for flying and the G25 for driving? I have to disable the other two sticks in the device manager. I'm forced to use mouse and keyboard for driving and it's difficult. Can this be looked into to see if this important issue can coded into the game to allow joysticks ID#1 and ID#2 or even ID#3 to be used simultaneously, as with most, if not all major games made today have implemented? This is really good game with great support, worthy of this type of device support.

I'm sure others would agree. Can this feature be implemented, given a fair amount of "BEGGING", time, support and coffee?


"Begging on my hands and knee's"


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