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Woman soldiers

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I believe BWMod had a render of a female soldier. Either way, you'll be able to play as a woman.



banghead.gif Just noticed the post above from a member of the bwmod team.

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IF we dont get Female Squirels with Finger animation I'M NOT PLAYING

You should make a blog just with those jokes man, or make a sig...

On other thoughts, I would like to have female soldiers realisticly protrayed as they are in the real US ARMY...but its too late to request, so i guess its on to looking forward to the BWmond

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I just hope like hell we don't see any boobage,when it comes to uniform you can't really tell the difference much other than facial features,hands and voice.

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From my military experience, I've been told women aren't allowed on the frontlines due to the possibility of capture and rape. Ugly, blunt, but true. Not to say men aren't likely to be raped either, but the idea of female soldiers being raped by an enemy carries a much larger stigma than the other way around. Hence, very few developed nations are willing to let their women on the front lines, Australia being one of them.

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And become women just aren't built the same as men, in all honesty. Unless of course you're a manly butch woman, women aren't allowed in any combat arm branch of our army, and probably never will be, at least not in our lifetime. Infantry, Armor, Artillery, et cetera. There are, however, women aviators in the US Army, a good friend of mine is a CPT stationed at fort campbell (101ST AB DIV) and she's a blackhawk pilot

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From my military experience, I've been told women aren't allowed on the frontlines due to the possibility of capture and rape. Ugly, blunt, but true. Not to say men aren't likely to be raped either, but the idea of female soldiers being raped by an enemy carries a much larger stigma than the other way around.

Sadly these sick bastards can't be killed before they do the raping,I hope they get shot in the leg and have to crawl to their base and just before they get a medic,they bleed to death,or they do during operation. The fuckers don't deserve anything better. No wait,I hope they burn to death,thats much better. Screaming in agony while they skin burns and turns crispy dark,their innards heating up quickly and burning as the fire eats their internal organs.

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Most cases of abroad rapes of women in military service are commited by their own comrades.

It´s not the feasr of rape from opposing forces that hinders women but it´s merely the other way round. If you have a women among your troops the focus during fights can be altered. There is an inbuilt male feature to protect women, children, etc. During a firefight male soldiers would instinctively try to protect the female soldier and as a result of that would not be able to concentrate on their objectives.

It´s not about women being not able to fight like men (prejudice, nothing more), or the danger of raped women (check numbers, most of the cases are inhouse rapings from comrades) but the fact that male soldiers are not able to concentrate on their mission if there are women among them.

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There are no women soldiers in ArmA, so until there is an "ArmA: Addons & Mods Discussion" forum the point is moot smile_o.gif

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