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Skill movie relased :-)

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Hi ..

I made one OFP multiplayers video of my skill and other players..

Its about 7.5 min but i thin its good

I recording on some close combat maps and you can see "Im not cheater :-D" many players abuse me from cheats lol so now i made SAT OFP movie

I hope you enjoy it.

PS : sr i dont have my own server so i put link on rapidshare.de or something :-)

picture is here only for downloadicture:


Link to movie is here:


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You DO know that this is totally the wrong forum section to post this thread...  icon_rolleyes.gif

Check out the OFP Combat Videography thread in the General section to know where to post your next movies...  whistle.gif

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Erm. Some nice transitions, try to get rid of the GUI next time.

I'd work on fire discipline and movements out of cover, if I were your team. A lot of the time you were standing in the middle of a street/field, not doing too much in particular. You love that G36 too, don't ya? biggrin_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

Skill!? That's freakin vanila OFP on cadet mode rofl.gif

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Didn't we have some rule here about noob bashing?  tounge2.gif  At least I tried to be mild. Nah, Tioner's right though, you'll have to show us something a bit more impressive than that to impress the ladies... or is it lady? There's only one here I know about (hello Neph! ).

Anyway,  goodnight.gif

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Yuch... OFP at it's worst: looking and sounding like it's year fucking 2001 all over again and reduced to a shitty close quarters deathmatch.

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Didn't we have some rule here about noob bashing? tounge2.gif At least I tried to be mild. Nah, Tioner's right though, you'll have to show us something a bit more impressive than that to impress the ladies... or is it lady? There's only one here I know about (hello Neph! ).

Anyway, goodnight.gif

lol id show everyone some clan skill if we were still playing ofp [Waiting for ArmA]

By the way "The Avon Lady" doesnt call her self that for no reason you know.. tounge2.gif

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hmm i just wasted 7 and a half minutes watching this rubbish...

sorry but it is rubbish.

strange use of the word "skill" aswell unless by skill you mean spraying full clips at enemies backs..miss then have them turn round and shoot you tounge2.gif 99% of the kills are just random sprayage with lucky hits

the camera work is all over the place with a lot of the video showing nothing but the floor or close ups of walls and bushes

so points out of 10 you can have 1 out of 10 for the effort of trying to edit a video with such terrible footage tounge2.gif

edit: actually i'm taking that 1 point of you for being so deluded...

skill .....LOL 0 out of 10

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boring movie, show something new or something with vehicles in it smile_o.gif the editing was partly good though. i know it takes time to put togheter a movie so credits for that.

you should practice on making something with a more cinematic feel to it, thumbs-up.gif

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yeah i know how it must be.. long time ago i got told to make a clan movie for our clan but my PC scrwed and then it could never handle movie making again but now thats changed but my clans inactive.. for the moment.

We used to play great custom CAN and TEN maps [Combind Arms Nights - Tactical Engagement Nights [PvP]] now if i got to record them that would of been amazing footage becasue there was stick rules we used to stick too and it made the relisme great.. Always in formation, always watching for patrols, enemy aircraft tanks and that, always looking for the advantages and a lot of planning on the mp breifing... Berghoff and Ex-RoNiN can tell you guys how it was.. was great. we used to follow proper military procedues and that.. was fun.. i cant wait for ArmA to get back playing these guys.. [me braggin on now tounge2.gif ]

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this is not movie to show how is ofp best ect ..this only showing mp gaming

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Thanks for your effort, but maybe u should watch some other MP vids, to learn how to make a good vid.

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Maybe but only maybe there's a chance that you are going to understand what OFP is...

The second point is that what you show us in this video is nothing impressive. You should learn to get a better feeling for your weapon.

I don't want to be too hard but start playing OFP the way it's supposed to be played.

If you want to see some real OFP then spend an evening on the ZEUS server...

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lol guys im always on first positions in OFP it can be close combat but it can be a battlefield or cti im always on first postions on all maps :-D ... Hey its my fisrt video in moviemaker may be its sux but all people have to lear ... You dont thuing so ... or you are perfect who know all thing on this world ..lmao

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