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VTD full released

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I'm starting a new thread, because this is for the full version of the Vietnam Tour of Duty dynamic campaign. It's based on GDCE. GDCE and VTD are both developed by The Frontline Assembly (which actually means myself smile_o.gif ).

VTD is a huge dynamic campaign on 4 islands and 9 phases. It has all the features of GDCE and even a little more smile_o.gif . If you play it to the end and still think it isn't long enough (believe me it IS long) I'll extend it even more. There are no limits that I know of, I just got bored of making phases and want to really start playing it.

So here's the link:


Mirror by Mr Burns

Mirror by Ofp.4players (Imutep)

You'll need the addons needed by GDCE and Vietnam The Experience 0.2. No links now, I'll make them probably tomorrow, but you should find all needed addons easily on ofp.info for example.

If you're not clear about all of this visit the GDCE thread here.

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cheers thumbs-up.gif

starting to play now smile_o.gif

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hi kutya smile_o.gif

Great and interesting release. thumbs-up.gif

I hope that I have soon the time to test your work.



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Thanks people!

I've noticed that I've included the wrong pictures, so in the next uptade it will be fixed. Didn't have the time to test it much.

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any specific reason why you didnt use VTE radios instead of MapFact (to reduce addon depency) ?

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No, I just like the Mapfact radio. Not sure, but I think the VTE one didn't appear on the soldier model. And in my opinion if you're using my system of radio use, it's really important to see who has the radio.

BTW it seems to me that VTE alters the formation by increasing the distance between the soliers in a squad, so your radio man will be mostly unavailable in formation, so you need to call him near you, to be able to communicate. I could increase the radio use distance, but I didn't like the idea to communicate with the radio at greater distances than 10m.

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a few notes here:

~ are you supposed to board the AH-1J / CH-47?

~ either after flying home or from medivac the time accel is disabled

~ screen10: you better disembark only the guys inside the transport chopper smile_o.gif

~ screen06: can you destroy a camp in VTD ?

~ screen06: maybe remove the soldiers even during a mission from time to time.

~ screen03: happened to me a few times. dunno. maybe they drown?

link: http://download.yousendit.com/B39DE3DF149405F2

i love the small island. along with the whole nam feeling it a great experience.

though the AI is very frastrating in the jungle confused_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]~ are you supposed to board the AH-1J / CH-47?

Yes. Someone asked for manual insertion/extraction. Those are respawnable vehicles. Wanted to include a boat to, but you can't board the whole squad in the VTE PBR. Will include CSJ's nice ATC boat when it's updated (it has a minor bug when loading).

Quote[/b] ]~ either after flying home or from medivac the time accel is disabled

Oops, sorry. Forgot that whistle.gif (I don't use it)
Quote[/b] ]~ screen10: you better disembark only the guys inside the transport chopper  

Oops. But it isn't entirely clear to me what happened here.
Quote[/b] ]~ screen06: can you destroy a camp in VTD ?

Yes, but it's the default DAC behavior: you need to kill the patrol guarding the camp. But keep in mind that it only affects the mission until you restart OFP, since on every load DAC is reinitialised.
Quote[/b] ]~ screen06: maybe remove the soldiers even during a mission from time to time.

These seem to be DAC units and they are automatically removed by DAC. In VTD (or GDCE) missions bodies aren't removed, just in missions where enemies are spawned also during the mission (like defend, support and defend convoy). If these are VTD units, please describe in detail how this situation occured.
Quote[/b] ]~ screen03: happened to me a few times. dunno. maybe they drown?

Yes. I've set them to move randomly inside an area 150m around the city. This is a problem for coastal cities. Tried to set the markers, that this happen relatively few times, but since Long Son is a small island it happens more frequently than average. Could reduce the move radius, but then civilians would move only in the main square of the city.
Quote[/b] ]though the AI is very frastrating in the jungle  

Wait until you get to The Bra... buhahahahaha (a very evil laugh)

That annoys me too and I hope it will be solved with newer islands like Tonal Redeaux (Ebud said that AI blocking works nicely there smile_o.gif ). Don't know about VTE 0.3 though.

Thanks for your reports. They're always helping getting GDCE and VTD better smile_o.gif

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Not sure, but I think the VTE one didn't appear on the soldier model.

VTE radios do show up on as models. Absolutely no reason to use third party addon, in fact the whole idea of VTE is to have one single NAM addon which mission makers would use.

I highly recommend you wont use any third party addons, it defeats the purpose of VTE.

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Just a note to people playing VTD: a VTD 1.10 demo is included in the today released VTE 0.3. It contains only one phase (thus the demo attribute). It uses GDCE 1.10. I'll make a full version when I'll get the time.

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