fer 21 Posted September 14, 2006 <span style='color:red'>Note: VERSION 1.0 NOW RELEASED - Please use this version (all links updated). Several conversions based on v1.0 are also available. Please see below.</span> Mission Type: MP - Misc (see below) Mission Name: misc 24 treasure hunt <span style='color:red'>Mission Version: 1.00</span> Island: Kolgujev Required OFP Version: 1.96x Required Addons: None Download From: www.ferstaberinde.com Direct Download: http://www.ferstaberinde.com/data...-0.rar Mission Overview Hostile forces in control of the island [Kolgujev] have developed a rudimentary doomsday device, a move that threatens to upset the global balance of power. The device is semi-portable, and is stored in a truck. The truck is known to be guarded, and for added security its location is constantly changed. Fortunately, the proximity of the device can be detected by special instruments, but only at very close range. A race against time is now on to locate and remove the device. The island is heavily populated with OPFOR infantry and light armour units. In particular, there is a significant amount of road traffic that moves constantly throughout the island, amongst which many civilian vehicles can also be found. Towns and bases are garrisoned, and military units will move quickly to investigate reported sightings or encounters with human-controlled forces. In match modes, two teams of up to twelve human players race to locate the target truck, and bring it back to their helicopter. In addition to recovering the target truck, each team must also locate fuel and repair trucks, ensuring their helicopter is fully repaired and refueled to complete the mission. Five different endings are possible, reflecting the variety of outcomes when two hostile teams attempt to complete the same objectives. In coop modes, a single team of up to twelve human players races to accomplish the same objectives, but in addition must prevent their helicopter from being destroyed by OPFOR units. Key Features • Mission can be used in a choice of 24-player match and 12-player coop modes (both East and West). • Choice of over 20 pre-set climatic and time conditions, and a random option as default. • Choice of 4 levels of AI skill in match and coop modes (East and West) • Locator scripts (for the target truck) with readings displayed as hints and dynamic map markers. • Dynamic marker system for showing locations (and health) of all team members. • During load-out selection all original CWC, RH and RES weapons and ammunition is available. • Side-specific spectator script. • Comprehensive briefing with illustrations. • De-bug mode for testing end triggers etc. • "objective completed" hints for when a helicopter is refueled / repaired. • Random OPFOR troop levels. Conversions WGL 5.1 Conversion (official) <span style='color:red'>Mission Version: @wg 1.0</span> Island: Kolgujev Required OFP Version: 1.96x Required Addons: WGL 5.1 Download From: www.ferstaberinde.com Direct Download: http://www.ferstaberinde.com/data....-0.rar Overview: A conversion using the WGL 5.1 pack, replacing all BIS infantry and vehicle models with WGL 5.1 units (except for civilians). Special thanks to Q who did the initial version (refined by original mission author). Ballistic Addon Studios (BAS) Conversion (official) <span style='color:red'>Mission Version: @ 1.0 (BAS)</span> Island: Kolgujev Required OFP Version: 1.96x Required Addons: Various BAS, JAM3 Download From: www.ferstaberinde.com Direct Download: http://www.ferstaberinde.com/data....-0.rar Overview: A conversion using BAS Deltas, weapons (with JAM3 support) and BAS Helicopters replacing all WEST infantry and vehicle models, plus BAS OPFOR replacing some RES vehicles. Project UK Forces (UKF) Conversion (official) <span style='color:red'>Mission Version: @ 1.0 (UKF)</span> Island: Kolgujev Required OFP Version: 1.96x Required Addons: Various UKF, JAM3, Footmunch's EH-101 Merlin (beta) Download From: www.ferstaberinde.com Direct Download: http://www.ferstaberinde.com/data....-0.rar Overview: A conversion using UKF infantry and weapons (with JAM3 support) and Footmunch's Merlin replacing all WEST infantry and vehicle models. Special thanks to WolfFlight for assistance in testing. CSLA2 Conversion (official) <span style='color:red'>Mission Version: @ 1.0 (CSLA2)</span> Island: Kolgujev Required OFP Version: 1.96x Required Addons: CSLA2 Update 1 Download From: www.ferstaberinde.com Direct Download: http://www.ferstaberinde.com/data....-0.rar Overview: A total conversion using addons by the CSLA2. Comments This is the <span style='color:red'>official public release</span> of this mission, although it has been developed and tested over several weeks with the TimeZone Warriors (<TZW>). Many thanks to my fellow Tizzies, as well as Tigershark and Pang for endless testing and some excellent suggestions. The mission is really just designed to be a bit of fun, and a lighter alternative to endless CTIs (not that I don't adore CTIs). If there is time, conversions are planned - but isn't it fun to play a mission from time to time which doesn't require one to download a billion addons? No? Oh. Anyway, please post your comments, feedback, flames and spam in this thread. Maybe not the spam. - Fer <TZW> PS Don't shoot the bus (full of troops), or NedFox will have words with you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
imutep 0 Posted September 14, 2006 Cool...download now Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted September 14, 2006 made a WGL conversion available here in the WGL version the equipment is available in the briefing is a bit different and by default you dont have RPG launchers, but only satchels  --- looks like a cool mission Fer  i played a round. nice atmosphere with the low view distance and the random setup is great any day.  thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fer 21 Posted September 14, 2006 made a WGL conversion Hi Q, Thanks for the conversion - please can you do this again, but with beta 1.01? Unfortunately beta 1.00 contained an issue which meant the mission would not end on dedicated servers (an engine bug which I had to put in a workaround for tonight). Please could you do an updated conversion and send it to me before releasing it? Hope that is okay. Many thanks, - Fer <TZW> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crashdome 3 Posted September 15, 2006 I love missions like this that offer a different style of play. Kudos Fer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfflight 0 Posted September 18, 2006 as a TimeZone Warrior myself... I feel that I am able to speak for the rest of us... at least in this regard... Fer did a great job on this one... We have been having a blast testing and playing it since it's first conception... We have found a couple more small bugs... mostly nitpicking stuff that is being talked about in our Newgroup... and on the server... assuming he fixes a thing or two... version 1.02 should be out shortly?? LOL FER again... Enjoy... it is a refreshing change from your standard OFP mission and there are many methods of working it all out and Winning this one... Our problems tend to be execution not in planning... LOL Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Serial Squirrel Killer 0 Posted September 19, 2006 This is a great mission i cannot recall any mission which has held the attention of so many players for so long on the server i play on. You have so many options weather, difficulty, coop, sp, pvp, and the mission plays different every time with different endings. And is proof that you do not have to download a gig of addons to get a great mission. I love it Fer it is definitely my all time great mission. Download it, you are missing out if you don't. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fer 21 Posted September 19, 2006 This is a great mission i cannot recall any mission which has held the attention of so many players for so long on the server i play on. Which server are you playing on? With all the practice that TZW has had over the last few weeks, perhaps we should arrange a game with 'match' mode? BTW, as WolfFlight mentions I am working on version beta 1.02, which will include some very minor bug fixes (e.g. binoculars and NVGs in swapped inventory positions for the Spetz Naz units, modifications to OPFOR dispositions etc.). Q's WGL conversion will also be released officially - I just need to make some minor tweaks to the default load-outs. A German version of the briefing is also in the works (thanks to Pang). Out of interest, aside from WGL is there any interest in other conversions? BAS (obviously) and UKF are probably going to happen, but what about FDF etc.? Let me know. - Fer <TZW> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Commando84 0 Posted September 19, 2006 im making a laser deltas , rhs naval spetnaz conversion, with the resistance as dma european resistance soldiers. Though thinking of switching out the resistance just to jam 3 soldiers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fer 21 Posted September 19, 2006 im making a laser deltas , rhs naval spetnaz conversion, with the resistance as dma european resistance soldiers.Though thinking of switching out the resistance just to jam 3 soldiers. Excellent! When you have made your conversion, please can you send a copy to me? Just PM me here, or email it directly to: [email protected] Also, please could you let me know which addons are required, and if possible provide download links? I would like the opportunity to check-over conversions, and then host the files on my site. Eventually, I would like to put together a release pack containing lots of variants. - Fer <TZW> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Commando84 0 Posted September 19, 2006 no problems Fer! gimme a few more hours, im working a small polishings too, i get a small error message at start and there is only 1 res officer at every camp but all patrols on roads work fine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fer 21 Posted September 19, 2006 no problems Fer! gimme a few more hours, im working a small polishings too, i get a small error message at start and there is only 1 res officer at every camp but all patrols on roads work fine. The officers in the camps are alone b/c their squads are added by a script. Would it be helpful for me to write a quick guide to converting the mission? You need to be quite careful, although once you know the steps its pretty easy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Commando84 0 Posted September 19, 2006 yeah sure, though im almost done, im in description.ext editing out the weapons now and choosing out the default gear for the west and east guys. Also took the liberty of adding oldtruck Reworked GMC fleetside pickup with DSHK mg. I think its pretty good, cause it even puts it out in jam - cars where it has a bit of jam weapons and ammo for the res or east guys. but i don't think that would ruin balance too much cause usually they come driving and you and your squad just shoots it to the scrap pile.. testing the mission abit too and i like it alot, killed of a truck with soldiers and then run south east towards what i thought would be nearest base with enemies and voila , my squad started reporting bmp's and tha shitt! tried running away but the bmps saw us and chased us down, was like 4 bmps after us in our 4 , 6 and 7 i was thinking we got laws why no one uses them? I pulled up mine and discovered i didn't have any ammo but i had 3 grenades and a smokeshell! so need to finetune the default loadouts a bit. Im thinking the At-4 from lasers weapoons for west and RHS rpg7 for the east. Anyways i'll send it to you in a hour or two if i get it all done right. Okay tried emailing you twice at the above email adress, once in its full context and once without the nospam texts and it still says message did not get there im trying msn now, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fer 21 Posted September 20, 2006 Okay, the first of the official conversions is out. It's the conversion to WGL 5.1, which was done initially by Q (thanks! ) and then refined by me to more closely match the original in terms of default load-outs etc. I have updated the top post in this thread with links etc. Many thanks to Q for his help with this - personally, I think it's a lot harder than the original! Also, the original is now at beta 1-02, and contains a minor bug fix to the Spetz Natz load-outs. Everything is updated in the top post in this thread. - Fer <TZW> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted September 20, 2006 thanks Fer - love it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfflight 0 Posted September 28, 2006 Upcoming versions of this mission include a BAS version, a UKF version (in testing now), and a version on Nogova Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattxr 9 Posted September 28, 2006 wow ive just came across this mission Im gona test it. we a load of people. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fer 21 Posted September 28, 2006 Shiny! Please let us know how your test goes, which version you used, etc. Suggestions are always welcome too. As WolfFlight mentioned, there is also a UKF version in the works, as well as planned ports for BAS and on other islands. Don't forget a WGL conversion is already available! - Fer <TZW> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fer 21 Posted September 28, 2006 <span style='color:red'>IMPORTANT UPDATE Version beta 1.03 is now released (please see top of this thread for links). This fixes an important issue with the end triggers that was allowing teams to complete the mission without repairing their helicopters. This new version also adds a very useful de-bug mode, which can be used by mission convertors to check that the end triggers are still functioning correctly. If you are playing this mission, please use this beta. Thanks! - Fer <TZW> </span> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fer 21 Posted September 29, 2006 ... and now the WGL 5.1 conversion has been updated to the same standard as beta 1.03. Links at the top of this thread updated. - Fer <TZW> PS Just want to say a huge thanks to WolfFlight, who has been invaluable in testing, as well as all the other Tizzies involved. Testers are the unsung heroes of OFP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fer 21 Posted September 30, 2006 There are now four versions of Treasure Hunt. misc 24 treasure hunt beta 1.03 The original BIS units only, requires only OFP:R. misc@ 24 treasure hunt beta 1.03 bas A conversion using BAS, requires OFP:R, some BAS and JAM3 addons. misc@ 24 treasure hunt beta 1.03 ukf A conversion using UKF, requires OFP:R, some UKF, JAM3 and Footmunch addons. @wg misc 24 treasure hunt beta 1.03 A conversion using WGL, requires OFP:R and WGL 5.1 I have updated the first post in this thread with links to all these files. If there are other conversions which people would like to see, please post! - Fer <TZW> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
f1yer 0 Posted September 30, 2006 You have done a great job on this one Fer! The Tizzies are having some great fun the last couple of weeks testing this baby. Thanks for the great work, and soon ill be posting my future request list! Maybe one to start with, it would be nice to globaly see a message when a objective has been completed. And maybe when playing in easy mode, some ammo could be added to the chopper maybe? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fer 21 Posted October 2, 2006 Maybe one to start with, it would be nice to globaly see a message when a objective has been completed. Good idea - this is now done: an "objective complete" hint will be displayed when a helicopter is refueled / repaired, however this hint is only visible to your team! <span style='color:red'>NOTE: Version beta 1.04 now includes the above functionality - see top post in thread for download. All conversions (BAS, UKF, WGL) have also been updated.</span> And maybe when playing in easy mode, some ammo could be added to the chopper maybe? I'll hold off on this idea for the moment - I really want to discourage players from trying to complete the mission by destroying all the resistance troops / vehicles. - Fer <TZW> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fer 21 Posted October 3, 2006 <span style='color:red'>Note: Version beta 1.05 has now been released, and the BAS, UKF and WGL conversions updated to 1.05 as well. Please see top post in this thread for download links.</span> In version beta 1.05 the number of troops in each town is randomised. Previously it was set at 6, so players knew for certain when a town was cleared. Now it is not so easy - Fer <TZW> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jinef 2 Posted October 3, 2006 Trying to keep up ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites