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Espectro (DayZ)

Armed Assault fiction competition

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So what if I am?  I'm 27 and too mature for all that Leet crap. At least my typing is legible.

Pardon me if I like to parody the 'language' occasionally.  tounge2.gif

he he. biggrin_o.gif

Hows your story coming along mate?

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Less arguing, more writing. Actually, you may as well give up, since my story is finished, all 1999 words of it (no joke! ).

You'd be getting more from me if it had 1337 words.

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Just to be clear, the last date for entry is October 15th and this will not change, correct? Im taking some time writing my story (due to my lack of spare time) and i'd hate to have my efforts go to waste because you get bored and decide the competition should end earlier (this has happened to me before).

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Less arguing, more writing. Actually, you may as well give up, since my story is finished, all 1999 words of it (no joke!wink_o.gif. biggrin_o.gif

I hope there is a runners up prize as you seem to have put a lot of effort in and I wouldn't like it to be wasted smile_o.gif

@Espectro - any chance of posting a list of people who have entered just so I know my entry is in, my epic entry, my winning entry. smile_o.gif

You are in wink_o.gifË

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Depending on how many entries you get, will you post them all so we can read them?

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Depending on how many entries you get, will you post them all so we can read them?

All entries will be published on armedassault.eu for public reading.

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I am so sorry, guys - but yesterday my laptop broke down, and there was no way to make backup of the thing, since it simply halted completely. Can the people who already sent in the entries please resend it again? I was such a fool putting all my armedassault.eu stuff on my laptop, since this is the computer I use(d) most. I am very sorry for the inconvinience, and I hope it's not too much to ask for. I have already read most of the entries, and they are excellent, so keep 'em coming, and for those who is to shy to submit a story, look forward till we release them for public reading here smile_o.gif

Cheers lads.

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Espectro, did you get mine?

I sent it via email in rapidshare.de a long time ago...?

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Espectro, did you get mine?

I sent it via email in rapidshare.de a long time ago...?

No, and I sent you an e-mail just now.

Bebcause of the problems I had with the laptop, the deadline is moved 24 hours. So 12'o'clock noon tomorrow Zulu time is deadline. That is in 20 hours and 40 minutes from now!

That means you can still make it Balchoiw.

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Nice. By the time I read about it, it is already the deadline.

You got 20 hours.... You can easily start it now smile_o.gif

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Franze, just saw your short story on the first page, freakin class!  biggrin_o.gif

Looking forward to reading these as much as everyone else. Good luck.  smile_o.gif

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Espectro, did you get mine?

I sent it via email in rapidshare.de a long time ago...?

No, and I sent you an e-mail just now.

Bebcause of the problems I had with the laptop, the deadline is moved 24 hours. So 12'o'clock noon tomorrow Zulu time is deadline. That is in 20 hours and 40 minutes from now!

That means you can still make it Balchoiw.

PM Sent smile_o.gif

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