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What he's saying (in VERY broken english) is the ACU is modelled incorrectly. ACU in the game doesn't look like ACU in real life. ACU in real life is not the best pattern and it is not perfect everywhere; it works best in semi airid regions and also URBAN.

It's rather hard to say whether the ACU game is totally off base when it comes to recreating the real uniform because every picture of ACU looks wildly different.




Yes the in game uniform looks very yellowish compared to a regular photo. Keep in mind two things:

1. The whole game looks very yellow! This seems to be the 'in' thing to do with game developers using post-processing. Take the game GRAW for example with and without this yellowish post processing:

2. The ACU uniform is designed to get dirty. You look like the terrain when you're wearing most of it. A factory clean ACU uniform may look out of place, but it's supposed to get dirt on it.

And this "impossible" to recreate how ACU works sounds rediculous. It's a texture. It doesn't matter that it is very fine grain, far away it has a "super pattern" so even a low res texture over a far LOD model of a soldier should still work. Granted maybe it reacts to light in weird ways like some colors reflecting more or less light by design. That would be difficult to recreate without a reflectivity map that corresponded to the pattern.

That is old-gen ACU, with that bluish tint to it. I have seen the newest gen-ACU, arma has it correct-it is actually very light in RL, and has a light-brownish-yellowish overtone to it. I would say Arma has it spot-on. It doesn't work very well while in the grass either in RL if the sun is coming right down on the ACU-it only really changes color if you are under the shade of trees or something. It still works decent though IRL-maybe Arma should darken the ACU texture for the purpose of gameplay.

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I am thinking of starting my own thread as I have noticed that the US army boot are laced the wrong way. This is totally unacceptabe as this forms a core part of the gameplay and must be rectified.

How are we supposed to effectively fight a war with defective boot laces.

I have also noticed that one of the rivets may be 2mm out of allignment on the BTR. What slipshod work is this? I refuse to buy this game until that Rivet is moved back to its intended place and my soldiers are taught to tie their shoelaces properly.

If you too have spotted anything else that is of little consequence until the game is released but requires the posting of a pointless thread then please carry on.


now you show us your stupid buddy, you didn't understand what we are talking about - ACU "no important" details will have impact on gameplay

go take some sleep goodnight.gif

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What he's saying (in VERY broken english) is the ACU is modelled incorrectly. ACU in the game doesn't look like ACU in real life. ACU in real life is not the best pattern and it is not perfect everywhere; it works best in semi airid regions and also URBAN.

It's rather hard to say whether the ACU game is totally off base when it comes to recreating the real uniform because every picture of ACU looks wildly different.




Yes the in game uniform looks very yellowish compared to a regular photo. Keep in mind two things:

1. The whole game looks very yellow! This seems to be the 'in' thing to do with game developers using post-processing. Take the game GRAW for example with and without this yellowish post processing:

2. The ACU uniform is designed to get dirty. You look like the terrain when you're wearing most of it. A factory clean ACU uniform may look out of place, but it's supposed to get dirt on it.

And this "impossible" to recreate how ACU works sounds rediculous. It's a texture. It doesn't matter that it is very fine grain, far away it has a "super pattern" so even a low res texture over a far LOD model of a soldier should still work. Granted maybe it reacts to light in weird ways like some colors reflecting more or less light by design. That would be difficult to recreate without a reflectivity map that corresponded to the pattern.

That is old-gen ACU, with that bluish tint to it. I have seen the newest gen-ACU, arma has it correct-it is actually very light in RL, and has a light-brownish-yellowish overtone to it. I would say Arma has it spot-on. It doesn't work very well while in the grass either in RL if the sun is coming right down on the ACU-it only really changes color if you are under the shade of trees or something. It still works decent though IRL-maybe Arma should darken the ACU texture for the purpose of gameplay.

Corecet preexposure may solve this problem with ACU. When you take a look on this picture captured in Iraq in hot sunny day on green meadow, PICTURE you will see more darker ACU uniforms and i am satisfied that, when soldiers will go prone there, they will be much less visible than on screen from ArmA on top of this tread.

Problem is maybe in grass texture itself cause it have different preexposure than soldier's model.

this is only speculation and i know that game production isn't easy...

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I am thinking of starting my own thread as I have noticed that the US army boot are laced the wrong way. This is totally unacceptabe as this forms a core part of the gameplay and must be rectified.

How are we supposed to effectively fight a war with defective boot laces.

I have also noticed that one of the rivets may be 2mm out of allignment on the BTR. What slipshod work is this? I refuse to buy this game until that Rivet is moved back to its intended place and my soldiers are taught to tie their shoelaces properly.

If you too have spotted anything else that is of little consequence until the game is released but requires the posting of a pointless thread then please carry on.

icon_rolleyes.gif  icon_rolleyes.gif

now you show us your stupid buddy, you didn't understand what we are talking about - ACU "no important" details will have impact on gameplay

go take some sleep  goodnight.gif

Did you miss his icon_rolleyes.gificon_rolleyes.gif ?

They mean he's being sarcastic.....

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ACU has undergone a lot changes over the past few years, i once saw a CNN report where some brass was giving a statement and the audience had a lot of soldiers, female and male. The female soldiers and male soldiers uniforms were different, the female uniforms were greener, while the male uniforms were more desert colored - i think the male soldiers had a newer version issued, due to them being sent into combat, while the female soldiers kept an older (less effective) version.

So i think that's the reason for the mystical color changing of the ACU, plus the camo gets worn out by the sun i think so that the green one will look greyish.

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I am thinking of starting my own thread as I have noticed that the US army boot are laced the wrong way. This is totally unacceptabe as this forms a core part of the gameplay and must be rectified.

How are we supposed to effectively fight a war with defective boot laces.

I have also noticed that one of the rivets may be 2mm out of allignment on the BTR. What slipshod work is this? I refuse to buy this game until that Rivet is moved back to its intended place and my soldiers are taught to tie their shoelaces properly.

If you too have spotted anything else that is of little consequence until the game is released but requires the posting of a pointless thread then please carry on.


now you show us your stupid buddy, you didn't understand what we are talking about - ACU "no important" details will have impact on gameplay

go take some sleep goodnight.gif

Did you miss his icon_rolleyes.gificon_rolleyes.gif ?

They mean he's being sarcastic.....

yes i probably missed him. icon_rolleyes.gif

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ACU has undergone a lot changes over the past few years, i once saw a CNN report where some brass was giving a statement and the audience had a lot of soldiers, female and male. The female soldiers and male soldiers uniforms were different, the female uniforms were greener, while the male uniforms were more desert colored - i think the male soldiers had a newer version issued, due to them being sent into combat, while the female soldiers kept an older (less effective) version.

So i think that's the reason for the mystical color changing of the ACU, plus the camo gets worn out by the sun i think so that the green one will look greyish.

umm, no, the females were POGS and the males had actually been out in the field, ACUs stain like crazy. Here is what the newest army issued ACUs look like indoor and out. They arent that different from other colors, all change toa  different one in diffrent light...




obviously things are blurred for personal reasons, but you get the drift.

basically the ACU fades with wash, into a greyer, more blended camo, and whatever dirt staings it, it retains a hint of that color.

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I am thinking of starting my own thread as I have noticed that the US army boot are laced the wrong way. This is totally unacceptabe as this forms a core part of the gameplay and must be rectified.

How are we supposed to effectively fight a war with defective boot laces.

I have also noticed that one of the rivets may be 2mm out of allignment on the BTR. What slipshod work is this? I refuse to buy this game until that Rivet is moved back to its intended place and my soldiers are taught to tie their shoelaces properly.

If you too have spotted anything else that is of little consequence until the game is released but requires the posting of a pointless thread then please carry on.


now you show us your stupid buddy, you didn't understand what we are talking about - ACU "no important" details will have impact on gameplay

go take some sleep goodnight.gif

Did you miss his icon_rolleyes.gificon_rolleyes.gif ?

They mean he's being sarcastic.....

Critizising a post for misreading when one is misreading himself. Oh, the irony! The humiliation! tounge2.gif

I still think it's a trivial detail. Sure, it'd be nice if they did it perfect, but I'd rather have to time spent on optimizing the code, making the AI better, moving the release date backwards or whatnot. Not to mention the CPU-load it'd take to make a truly dynamic camoflauge. If so, you can kiss those company-sized battles goodbye. Any sane person knows what to pick in this situation. smile_o.gif

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I am thinking of starting my own thread as I have noticed that the US army boot are laced the wrong way. This is totally unacceptabe as this forms a core part of the gameplay and must be rectified.

How are we supposed to effectively fight a war with defective boot laces.

I have also noticed that one of the rivets may be 2mm out of allignment on the BTR. What slipshod work is this? I refuse to buy this game until that Rivet is moved back to its intended place and my soldiers are taught to tie their shoelaces properly.

If you too have spotted anything else that is of little consequence until the game is released but requires the posting of a pointless thread then please carry on.

icon_rolleyes.gif  icon_rolleyes.gif

now you show us your stupid buddy, you didn't understand what we are talking about - ACU "no important" details will have impact on gameplay

go take some sleep  goodnight.gif

Did you miss his  icon_rolleyes.gif  icon_rolleyes.gif ?

They mean he's being sarcastic.....

Critizising a post for misreading when one is misreading himself. Oh, the irony! The humiliation! tounge2.gif

I still think it's a trivial detail. Sure, it'd be nice if they did it perfect, but I'd rather have to time spent on optimizing the code, making the AI better, moving the release date backwards or whatnot. Not to mention the CPU-load it'd take to make a truly dynamic camoflauge. If so, you can kiss those company-sized battles goodbye. Any sane person knows what to pick in this situation. smile_o.gif

exactly, even if we are disapointed, its nothing the community cant fix. however, coding the engine and improving ai will be alot harder for the communtiy to fix so you have to let BIS get it right instead of the units.

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Quote[/b] ]GRAW's colours don't really have much to do with any postprocessing. The developers for GRAW purposefully chose a very brown colour palette. The yellowness of the game world depends on the time of day, as the colour of the light varies from mission to mission.

I wish I could find the GRAW screenshot of the exact same scene, the exact same textures, the exact same color pallette; the only difference was the post processing on/off. A lot of the yellow-ness comes from the post processing.

Quote[/b] ]Well there is no normal way to make the uniform adapt its colors to the surrounding area in a game(which is what ACU does IIRC) They had to choose a color for the texture and they took a desertlike color. Which is fine, after all, the US soldiers were sent to the southern part of sara which has deserts.

I really resist this notion that ACU is this magical pattern that changes shape, color, and smell based on what day of the week it is and somehow all these magical intricacies can't be modeled by mere mortal PCs. And where they were sent has little influence over their uniform. Army sent to desert, woods, urban, the south pole!... every time in ACUs.

Quote[/b] ]I don't know if this has been said before but a friend (GI) told me that ACU should not let you "melt together" with the environment. The actual effect is that it blurres the shape of a soldier so that its more difficult to hit a ACU wearing guy in CQB.

What I heard is the pattern is designed to slow down the cycle of recognizing there's something there, identifying it, ect. So looking at a picture of a guy in ACU from 10 ft away and saying "pssh, that sucks" is different from trying to rapidly engage targets wearing ACU at 100m under combat where target identification speed is more critical.

Quote[/b] ]it doesnt really matter if the ACU stands out, do you honestly think some podunk sahari army would stand a chance against us army light infantry?

Oh yeah. I'm quite sure 20 PvP battles are going to be favored to the indominable US. Even the campaign in ArmA isn't going to be a cakewalk (although, AI doesn't care about uniform colors). Most competative player battles are very evenly matched and few would choose the neon yellow side if they could help it.

Quote[/b] ]That is old-gen ACU, with that bluish tint to it. I have seen the newest gen-ACU, arma has it correct-it is actually very light in RL

Didn't know there was different patterns floating around all called ACU, makes it more confusing. I've seen a photograph of ACU that matches the screenshots as well. Must be hell for a video game designer to model ACU properly, every photograph looks wildly different! Oh and the last few photos of the ACU by the pool and the soldiers walking through the meadow looked rather brownish and medium dark to me.

All and all it's something that modders can do reletively easily while AI and netcode isn't so ArmA shouldn't stress about it too much.

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Well, that's what color the US army issued to me, so as far as ACUs go, that's what they look like. The ACUs are designed to break up the outline, as is all camoflague, in order to make it harder for the enemy to see how many there are in a formation, etc. The pattern distacts the eyes from looking at the outline, as they normally would.

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ACU isn't mean to conceal the wearer, it's meant to distort the outline between BDU and surroundings creating a sort of "Optical Illusion." At a longer distance it becomes harder to focus in on a person wearing pixelated camo rather than a standard blotched camo.

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I heard to save money low quality troops were going to use woodland webbing gear, but it's true the ACU patteren webbing gear does look neato.

Quote[/b] ]Well, that's what color the US army issued to me, so as far as ACUs go, that's what they look like.

The OP started this thread because he disagreed with that. Whether the game ACU matches real ACU is basically the whole arguement flying around here tounge2.gif

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I agree everything in AA should be acu on the US soldiers, however, woh cares, 5 min after its released someone will make an ACU iba & molle gear if BIS doesnt wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]GRAW's colours don't really have much to do with any postprocessing. The developers for GRAW purposefully chose a very brown colour palette. The yellowness of the game world depends on the time of day, as the colour of the light varies from mission to mission.

I wish I could find the GRAW screenshot of the exact same scene, the exact same textures, the exact same color pallette; the only difference was the post processing on/off. A lot of the yellow-ness comes from the post processing.

Yes, when the sun is at noon the light is very yellow. When the sun is not at noon, the light is much different. Throughout it all, the palette is very brown. If the palette were not so brown, the sun would not appear to make everything wash out so yellow. Without the sun, the palette still appears to be very yellow.

The reason why it hurts your eyes is because of the bloom effect. The reason why it's yellow is that they chose that palette for the game.

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It's not the pallette or the sun or anything darnit. It's the blasted post processing! And yeah, bloom is another effect that's overused in that game.


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Heh.. yes, at high noon. With the post processing on at other times of day it's not so yellow.

edit: Okay, in the interest of not going overboard on this discussion I'll concede that it's more yellow during certain times of day with the post processing on. But understand that I'm trying to say that it's not the post processing procedures that they are using that makes the game yellow, it's their colour choices for light and other textures.

And why is the sun so red without hdr on? That's weird. It's like they went from high noon with the HDR on to lost somewhere on pluto in the dark with it off. That's terrible.

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*Cries* I just posted a picture of the exact same scene with post processing off/low/med/high and he still thinks it's the sun. *pulls the ripcord*

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Heh. The pic only shows the sun high in the sky, which is what I've been saying for quite some time. In order to debunk the statement you'd have to post a pic from a different time of day and still have it be super yellow. There is obviously something wrong with that game with the HDR turned off. That lighting is terrible, grey and dull and the sun is red. Evidently they didn't intend you to play the game without HDR.

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The sun is about 4pm in the sky there. Not really that high. At times closer to sunset or noon the different in yellowing effect between post processing on and off may be less, but the yellowing effect is caused by the post processing.

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unfortunately it's not possible to turn off the post processing in the game so I can't really attempt to illustrate what I mean in pictures. There is something much more lacking in those images than just bloom.

In any event, it's not the post processing that's responsible for the yellow colour, it's the colours they chose for the game. Obviously they didn't choose to have a red sun. You're looking at an image that the dev's didn't intend, like taking the hood off of a car and claiming that the hood is responsible for the beauty of the car, given that without the hood it looks ugly. Since Post processing has NO COLOUR inherently, the colours were chosen to coincide with the palette. It is the choice of the devs that it should look so yellow, not something inherent in post processing algorythms.

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