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United States Military Team

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USM is now recruiting for ArmA. You read some of these other clan posts where they talk about squad movments and what they have to offer. Here is what USM has to offer.

- Server box that will host ArmA Servers.

- Real training from REAL x-soliders

- USM has 2 X-Army and one currently serving in Iraq.

- USM also had one X Marine who showed us a few things.

- Teamspeak, website, and fun times.

Have an extra 15 minutes to read out training list?


USM is broken off into 4 divisions.

- 75th Ranger Regiment

- SEAL Team Three

- 2nd Armored Division

- 1st Air Calvary

Each Division has their own job and is equally important. We are looking to get very big before the ArmA Full release comes out.

Here is what we want from our recruits:

- Maturity

- Respect

- Enjoying learning tactics and using them

- Interest in taking ArmA seriously

- Showing up as much as they can

- Respect ranks

- Are in TS and Xfire as much as possible

A few other notes:

- USM uses US Army and Navy ranks to show who is in charge.

- We train on US Army, Marine, Navy SEAL, and Armored tank tactics.

- Our ranks are intergrated, so no one is sitting and watching.

- Promotions are given out every month, to our 3 players of the month.

- USM has been going for 3 years.

Our Contact info:

I could go more in depth about USM, but just come check us out for yourselves.


TS @

Or hit me up with an Xfire messege, my name is cptspyder


COL Spyder

USM Commander

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Wouldn't this be more relevant in the Squad Pages? This forum is for the discussion of Armed Assault, not ArmA squads.

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Could you please direct me to it, unless your talking about the one in the OFP forums.

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Could you please direct me to it, unless your talking about the one in the OFP forums.

He is, but since it is in the OFP forum, and this is recruiting for ArmA, I think you're in the right place.

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Having briefly conversed with this poster in PM's, and having seen how he's behaved on these forums, I hope people who think about joining his squad really stop to consider what they're getting into. I personally would hate to be in a squad led by someone with such a needlessly arrogant, high-horse attitude.

If you're looking for solid groups to play with when ArmA comes out, there are going to be many... many of them the same guys we've been playing with for OFP these past years. The are a lot of fish in the sea, so to speak... enough to ensure that the experience stays enjoyable for you as a squad member.

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Having briefly conversed with this poster in PM's, and having seen how he's behaved on these forums, I hope people who think about joining his squad really stop to consider what they're getting into. I personally would hate to be in a squad led by someone with such a needlessly arrogant, high-horse attitude.

Could you be more specific of how he has a arrogant attitude?

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Having briefly conversed with this poster in PM's, and having seen how he's behaved on these forums, I hope people who think about joining his squad really stop to consider what they're getting into. I personally would hate to be in a squad led by someone with such a needlessly arrogant, high-horse attitude.

Could you be more specific of how he has a arrogant attitude?

Read through his posts. I'm not going to disclose a private conversation on here, but the attitude shows through just fine in his past posts regardless.

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Yes, he PMed me saying I was an arrogent prick. And of course you still neeed to show how im beiing arrogent. As, I said, I'm expressing my opinions, I haven't knocked anyone down. Except someone whose only motive posting was to make fun of what I said.

USM is a very professional team who doesn't take crap from anyone. We back up our loyal members and have high morale standards for game play.

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Yes, he PMed me saying I was an arrogent prick. And of course you still neeed to show how im beiing arrogent. As, I said, I'm expressing my opinions, I haven't knocked anyone down. Except someone whose only motive posting was to make fun of what I said.

USM is a very professional team who doesn't take crap from anyone. We back up our loyal members and have high morale standards for game play.

Or if you'd like to actually properly reflect what I said, it'd be more along the lines of "You're coming across as a dick on the forums, people aren't going to respect you or your opinion, or your squad for that matter, if you continue behaving like that".

But hey, whatever. It's clear enough already as to what your stance is. Good luck raising the platoon that you hope to have for ArmA with the attitude you show.

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You may think that, but YOU came across as the dick in that PM". These forums are not for childish flame fests please keep this topic around what has beed talked about.

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You may think that, but YOU came across as the dick in that PM". These forums are not for childish flame fests please keep this topic around what has beed talked about.

Cheers, buddy. Good luck with your 'squad'. Hope that whole military ranks & promotion thing works out for ya, Colonel. biggrin_o.gif

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A division is thousands of players, best of luck on filling that. I would figure fielding a company would be a lofty goal.

4th Infantry Brigade is also making such an ex-and-active military run and trained ArmA unit. 4thib.com

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yay, anouther over serious clan (sorry, squad / division / brigade / <insert miltary term>).


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We @ ZiiP prefer a beer and enjoy a laugh while playing a game tounge2.gif

And we even don't know what ZiiP means yay.gif Erm, Zebras inventing impotency Pills? Hm, nope, that wasn't it confused_o.gif

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Kos'aaK said it: this game is meant to be played and enjoyed. This is not a contest, USM-75R.Spyder. wink_o.gif If you really want a challenge, join the army. I assure you, it's not like you think it is...

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Some of us enjoy playing the game as a simulation, and we get our fun out of it. There is nothing wrong by doing it the military way, I have done that in a former squad, and I liked it alot. Both before and after I was in the military service.

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You got me all wrong, Espectro. I was refering to Formations thread (page 4) that evidentely caught Dslyecxi's eye too. Teaching platoon tactics at the age of 17? People attend military academy to do that. There's nothing wrong with playing OFP military way, it's the "know-it-all" attitude that annoys me.

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Could you please direct me to it, unless your talking about the one in the OFP forums.

He is, but since it is in the OFP forum, and this is recruiting for ArmA, I think you're in the right place.

they should begin making other forums for the ArmA side of things....

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I never acted like I know-it-all. The next sentance after that is if you pay attention, everyone can learn them. And as for the over serious clan, Kernriver, we have fun while doing it. Have you ever been in the military, looks like all your time is spent trying to knock people down over the internet, ....next.

Now ZiiP, i understand it's not going to well for you in reality mod but if you contine to try to recruit in the thread I start which is rather childish, then we will be forced to match you, want another loss on your list. We have had problems with your members behavior in servers before, ....next.

And to the guy from 4thib, thanks bud best of luck to you as well.

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I never acted like I know-it-all. The next sentance after that is if you pay attention, everyone can learn them. And as for the over serious clan, Kernriver, we have fun while doing it. Have you ever been in the military, looks like all your time is spent trying to knock people down over the internet, ....next.

Now ZiiP, i understand it's not going to well for you in reality mod but if you contine to try to recruit in the thread I start which is rather childish, then we will be forced to match you, want another loss on your list. We have had problems with your members behavior in servers before, ....next.

Oh man, it just keeps getting better and better. With the attitude you're sporting, and the fact that you're spouting this stuff in your own squad recruitment thread... well, I'll be surprised to see the kinds of people you end up recruiting. If any. rofl.gif

And yes, since it apparently means something to you, I'm former military. US Marine Corps, in fact. I also run a rather large (130+ member, along with another 100 or so from another group that play with us) Flashpoint group that manages to do these crazy tactical things without having to resort to an artificial rank structure or any of that nonsense. Oh, and we have a few other former/current military members ourselves. Perhaps one of these days we'll even challenge your 8-man squad to a match? I'm sure that would be entertaining...

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I feel awkward because i thought i would never talk about it in these forums, but here it goes:

Yes, i've been in the army, in two armies to be exact.

1. Yugoslavian (Jugoslavian) National Army (JNA), because i had to

2. Croatian Army, because i wanted to

You figure it out for yourself.

Personally i have nothing against you, it was not my intention to knock you down, but of all the members in this forum you're the only one to make me respond in this manner, and i think of myself as a pretty tolerant guy. But, if you're 17 yrs old, i can understand your attitude. There's a saying in my country: "You have to eat a lot more corn mush", meaning you have to gain more experience from life to even have an idea of what you're talking about...

Saying that you're teaching (with that i mean leading too) platoon tactics without being in the army is like saying you can fly an airplane just by reading the flight manual. Doesn't work that way, i'm afraid.

Don't get me wrong, this is not meant to be sarcastic, i wish you and your squad the best of luck.

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Wel,, thats nice and all but I really don't understand why people are posting in this thread about unrelated topics, agian turning it into a flame fest. Now, thats great you served your country. As for the not reading the flight manual thing, that doesn't apply. I was trained, though not officially, by US Army and Marine personel. Those men continue to train the USM recruits. I have had alot of practice at them, and leading them. Someday soon, it will be in real life, but not just yet as I'm too young. And age has nothing to do with maturity, so if you could keep those comments to yourself, as you know nothing about how, and where I grew up.

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Men - it's not worth it

Here - this should make everyone feel better


I no it works for me

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Having briefly conversed with this poster in PM's, and having seen how he's behaved on these forums, I hope people who think about joining his squad really stop to consider what they're getting into. I personally would hate to be in a squad led by someone with such a needlessly arrogant, high-horse attitude.

Could you be more specific of how he has a arrogant attitude?

Read through his posts. I'm not going to disclose a private conversation on here, but the attitude shows through just fine in his past posts regardless.

Wow, after reading through his posts well..they are quite funny.

Quote[/b] ]I was teaching other people squad tactics at the age of 14, and I now can teach up to platoon tactics at the age of 17. So if you pay attention when they are being taught, you will pick them up fast.

That sums up his attitude and personality.

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