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A new horror campaign! Everon Curse

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Finally finished it...


Beneath the surface of earth lies the demons of hell, which are planning to take over a small and peaceful island, Everon. Meanwhile, on the surface there, you are searching for a job. You received a letter from the research dept. You have accepted to be there assistant to help them with there research on the island of Everon. Your first assignment is to go with one of the researchers, Leo, to a forest at night where they have recently been experiencing strange noises. A portal from hell leads to that forest. Demons are taking over Everon!


1. Demons throw "heaps" of cars in some missions. About 20 cars within 5 seconds!

2. When you're trapped in hell, it seems you are really under Everon!

3. There's more!






If you missed it, Check out the trailer before you play it. smile_o.gif


General Barron's Vampires

Medvezh Animations


Horror Pack 1



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After playing some of your zombie missions im up to help if you want. I can voice act as i have a microphone but im not certian on its recording quality also im 16 and English, with a Cornish accent, dont know what you looking for but im sure someone could edit my voice. Hit me up on MSN @ [email protected] (im also very willing to beta smile_o.gif )


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Hey! Even if I don't like your voice, anybody's voice is good for the demons. I'm lowering the pitch for the demons voices... wink_o.gif

Thanks, msn added. smile_o.gif

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I would be willing to voice act i have a mic but not sure of the quality, i'm 13 with a midlands-southern accsent but i sound somewhat older. my msns [email protected]

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Thanks alot guys! smile_o.gif

Tell you's the truth, the campaign is finished! All I have to do is add in voices. wink_o.gif

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Sounds like a god mission, im looking forward to this smile_o.gif

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Quick sit-rep Zombie, My new headset is on the way and should be with me tomorrow so i can help with voices still if you need then, also the quick cutscene you sent me worked fine and ran perfectly smoothly biggrin_o.gif

Looking forward to the real deal mate. Keep up the good work

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Another horror mission =) Always funny to play, keep em coming! yay.gif

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I would be willing to voice act i have a mic but not sure of the quality, i'm 13 with a midlands-southern accsent but i sound somewhat older. my msns [email protected]

Well, You can edit the sound of it very easily:




then record the well... recording, and if you are not happy you can easily modify it.

If you want to mix things:


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I don't wanna edit the sounds.

Wittman from ofp.info forums is doing voices for the player, yay, an aussie! biggrin_o.gif The-Architect is doing Leo, thanks!

My_Shortcoming: can you do Luke's voices? wink_o.gif Connors: I'll send you a script in a few days for Trembley's voices. Thanks everyone! smile_o.gif

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Just a quick warning, i'm going on holiday to canada on wednesday.

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I don't wanna edit the sounds.

Wittman from ofp.info forums is doing voices for the player, yay, an aussie! biggrin_o.gif The-Architect is doing Leo, thanks!

My_Shortcoming: can you do Luke's voices? wink_o.gif Connors: I'll send you a script in a few days for Trembley's voices. Thanks everyone! smile_o.gif

Creepy coincidence, my real names Luke! do my own voice? tounge2.gif

Headset should be arriving today (dam late post office confused_o.gif )

Ill record it using audacity (had if before the link was posted) and you can edit/delete it all you like biggrin_o.gif

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It's ok, but it's just a bit too deep and a bit too fast at talking... Can you redo it? smile_o.gif

Jimboob: You could do the american colonel? I don't care about the accent. Wanna? smile_o.gif If yeh, then all the lines have been taken. wink_o.gif

EDIT: In mis6, everyone who plays that will get scared! Trust me. I got scared myself! help.gif

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How's the voices coming people? Wittman is starting today.

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got back from holiday, mic is not working so i need to goet i new one, (i can get one fast) 1/8 of the script is done.

edit: got, vic all lines done, how can i sent them to you.

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About the promo video:

All these new ideas look very promising.

But one thing I would like to see removed. The written "hahaha" in one of the subtitles made me smile and killed the serious atmosphere in one moment. smile_o.gif

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This Campaign sounds Really avesome. How long it is left before we can play it? smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]How long it is left before we can play it? smile_o.gif

Depends on the voices... The Architect won't reply so, I need one more voice actor. 2/6 people are done so far... whistle.gif

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For the people who don't visit the fml mod topic (I posted the trailer video there), watch the trailer here. wink_o.gif

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