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Any other (ex) Battlefield 2 players?

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Could somebody make some missions for arma that are similar to the BF2 maps for instance one that is similar to karkand with a city bridge and two bases either side. I think if there are missions with similar layout to bf2 it may attract some bf2 players over  and then they can be shot at in multiplayer. Also the missions could have a similar respawn system - this is the main gripe of bf2 players they do not like to die with no respawn. I would make them but i do not have arma yet. I know a few people that i want to convert over to Arma it would be much easier if there was some sort of familiar bf2 style mission for them to be starting out with.

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Dont know about ArmA yet but in OFP i think there are maps similar to BF2. Mode callled C&H, i dont this any reason why not make some C&H mission for ArmA icon_rolleyes.gif

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Why would we want alot of them here? The intelligent ones yes but I can say from experience with the bf2 gaming world that intelligence is not really standard in most...

Tk'ing for vehicles

leaving team mates in the dust,UH-60 pilots are famous for this,pulling the "pilot only" scenerio.

uncooperative in some vehicles,usually helicopters,its 90% of the time "OMIGAWD MUST GET THE KEEL"

Bunny hoppers,luckily jumping is not in Armed Assault but we'd never hear the end of it

Insta prone,they love to fight on their bellies,even if prones not instant

their communtiy hacked and proudly displayed the hack pubicly for 2142 the first few days it was out,aimbot,color coordination of infantry and vehicles where you can even see them through walls,wall hacks,you name it.

no respawn,oh how they would gripe,sorry to hear it for em...oh wait,no I'm not.

All in all SOME of the bf2 community is great,but by doing this is may attract a good number,and we don't really need that type.

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I spent 40 hours intalling a load of mods and writing an Afghanistan Mission for OFP a couple of weeks ago.

I put in all the correct uniforms and gear and really enjoyed programming it.

I thought I would have it ready on my LAN for when the wannabe soldier squad next came over.

The BF2 players couldn't handle it. It wasn't so much the change of game or controls, (1 tank cannot be used well solo in OPF) although that was mentioned it was "the lag".

BF2 players have some very different expectations with regard to frame rates and high res graphics etc. I'm hoping they won't put up too much resistance to playing Arma next year. (If they do it's back to Mario carts).

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I find it very interesting when BF2 players come and ask questions about ArmA.

First, they ask questions about the multiplayer like "Can the commander call in artillery with a map click" or "How fast can we respawn?" It illustrates how BF2 is a very narrowly conceived game. It does exactly ONE type of gameplay. It catches BF2 players offguard when the OFP/ArmA old-salts respond...

"Uhh, you can do it that way.. or not. It's entirely up to you. ArmA is a sandbox that is not defined by the game developers as much as the players and addon-mission-ect-designers."

Also I think a lot of gamer's have unfortunate expectations when it comes to player movement. Unless you can jump 10 ft high, hit the dirt and come back up in a second, run at full tilt circle strafing, change directions in an instant, ect, then the controls are "clunky, slow, frustrating, and poor." They consider this slowness to be a bad thing and a good game will be super responsive in character movement.

I think GR:AW (which was awful in many ways) has the best character movement in a war game to date. It is a blend of smooth response with proper weighting of a fully armored and armed soldier.

And of course there's the people that get their enjoyment in a game from getting in the biggest, most-beweaponed vehicle in the game and "totally pwning face d00d." and then there's the people that enjoy simulating team-based warfare.

I think that summarizes well my 3 main points of difference between the "BF2" mindset and the "OFP" mindset.

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this has already probably been mentioned, but if any of you have BF2 and dont really dig the gamestyle, but think it has potential, check out www.realitymod.com

Its got a great small community of realism fans, its got amazing squad teamwork. Ambushes, Assaults, Defense lines, Cover & Movement, the works!

Gunner / Driver positions (like OFP) for the tanks/apcs/aa vehicles...

Check it out anyways, its what Ive been playing while wiating for armed assault. The developers really listen to the community too and often will try their best to implement suggestions.

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Not anymore they won't,DICE was bought out by EA and soon enough bf2 support will be gone if it is not already,they did that with the C&C games and will continue doing that.

The realism mod was great and it does show that there is hope for the community,I met a few of them and they were excellent,the game is great when you have the right people. I remember once I was the commander on vanilla bf2 and I had two squads full of people. Well me and the squad leaders stayed in contact and gave situation reports and awareness through microphone communication.

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As a person who plays all kinds of shooters (both HL titles,Opf & Res,BF1942,Mohaa,COD,BF2 and of course CS-Source) i have to say every title has its own highlights and disadvantages. Problem when discussing about them is:

a.) you cant directly compare them

b.) it all comes down to personal taste

I enjoyed playing all these games so far, but what would REALLY rock would to discuss what ppl actually loved about all those shooters and then try to mix it all into 1 great ArmA mission (in 1 way or another).


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