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Satchel's OFP soundpack

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anyone know where i'll be able to download this mentioned version or previous versions of the soundpack?

listened to the sample, sounds sweet

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Satchel.. re your statement about Op Flashs sounds being mono at 22khz.. out of interest.. if you have audio sources that are stero @ 44khz, what are u using to downsample them?

Pity that Op Flash cant be patched to at least be compatible with higher sampling!



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I use Sonic Foundry´s Soundforge for cutting and resampling. With the right plugins i get rid of background hum, white noise and other unwanted data.

The rest is equalizer work, as much of the original sound gets lost during conversion.

Although Mono files are good for directional audio (you can tell exactly where the source of the sound is), there are also problems, that is when a sound is directly played in your 6 o´clock position in Flashpoint, it simply vanishes.

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well, damn impressive work dude. {S}=salute. If this was available for d/l, I might reinstall just to try it out. Maybe the game might be worth a new play cause of this sound pack. Well done.

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<---waiting like everyone else for this Soundpack mod. The orig sounds in OFP werent that bad but they could have been WAY better.

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Didn´t made it yesterday, over here we have Carneval- that means lotsa partying and headache the day after, especially if you are living in a Stronghold location of carneval in germany biggrin.gif

However the soundpack is ready, i tried to encode everything in .ogg to cut the insane filesize of 32mb down the .wss package would have, there wasn´t to much loss in audio quality when encoding to ogg, but the game becomes slow, so slow it´s unplayable in firefights on my machine. I´m afraid all , sorry for those with 56k and slower, have to deal with with a 32mb download if you want it.

My icq# is 69613588, i can´t submit the package via e-mail, as the provider restricts me in filesize, please contact me tomorrow around 10:00 a.m gmt if you want to host the package on ICQ- i´m off now.

Helau! an alle deutschen Jecken und geht mal ordentlich bützen!

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excellent! (in best Monty Burns voice)

really looking forward to it Satchel.. if its better than the beta soundpak you made, then you really have excelled yourself.. because the beta soundpack was awesome!

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SATCHEL what are your cpu specs...

just want to know if my computer will handle the new sounds!

i have p3 850mhz

640mb ram

geforce 3 ti 500

will i have problems?


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Its just like asking the question... can I play Mp3s on my computer?

Of course you can!

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well, I reinstalled just to try this new sound pack. wOOOt If it is as good as the sample on page 3, it should really enhance the game dramatically. Can`t wait.

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Hey Satchel, why not just post your soundpack on the newsgroup alt.binaries.games.operation-flashopint ? That way you dont have to worry about hosting and everyone can get it quick. I know that I am dying to use your soundpack. Heck, I can't wait!!

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I found the cause of the stuttering problem with .ogg files, it was a corrupt Mp5 soundfile, everytime someone fired his MP5 in a testgame the game nearly went into a slideshow- the ogg encoder seems to have a lower limit for audioclip lenght and correct file encoding, below 300ms the soundfile gets messed up by the conversion....so i simply attached some silence to shorter audioclips to make them longer and viola it worked.

Means what originally was 32MB is now compressed in a 13mb package, everything encoded .ogg and it works.

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so when can we get it?

satchel well done,, i can tell you are very dedicated to this game,, I SALUT YOU SIR!!!!!!!

so are you now saying that it wont slow my computer down?

cant wait!!!!!!!!!

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DAMNIT SATCHEL!! i only got 200MB free space left and now i gotta reinstall OFP just because of your voicepack tounge.gif . how the heck am i supposed to find the free HD space? guess ill uninstall Tribes 2 sad.gif

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I have a dilemma.. I have this date to go to a hot-tub party at a local modeling agency, mostly just the girls will be there, and I have a feeling you are going to release the soundpack today sometime. But I can't be sure. Question is, do I go to the party or play flashpoint with the new soundpack tonight?

confused.gif If I knew for sure it will be ready today, I could call and cancel biggrin.gif


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I need the new soundpack real bad, i lost all interest in OFP, and i need this new pack to revive me....

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Satchel, can you set a release date of your soundpack?

I never use the M60 anymore, I need to regain my interest in that bad-ass piece of hardware! wink.gif

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Satchel, you're mean! You tell us the soundpack is complete and then leave us hanging for ages!

If it's done, can't we download it? Have you uploaded it yet?

Please stop the torture!


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Hey Munger how's it going mate, I havent seen you for quite a while.

I hope the pack will be released today

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Hey Scullydude, how's tricks? Glad to see you're still around. wink.gif

I've been AWOL for so long, but what with the new soundpack and possible soon to be released Oxygen model making tool, my interest in OFP is growing again, so I might start frequenting the board as a regular once more.

Come on Satchel! Come on lad! Release the soundpack!


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I totally agree with you Munger. I just can't understand why Satchel won't upload it if the pack is finished, there sure is enough mirrors already. But I'm damn sure that if I would have worked hard for something, I'd upload it to every possible place when it's finished, just to get the respect I deserve.

Maybe those carnevals take his time. But come on Satchel; not everyone of us have a real life :-)

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