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Lasers Rangers in ACU

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Its better but still a bit bluw, if it was more a little bit more green it would be better, will thats just my 2c.

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Testing with just converting the screenshot camo part in grey ;


It seems not very far to this neutral photo of the ACU found on google (by neutral i mean, not with too much light/flash on it)

Resized it to fit the screenshot distance with the model


Maybe it should then be better to get it in grey, as while close it may not be really like the same color tone, in the distance it seems to be good.

Maybe adding a very greyish green filter on a grey conversion of your current texture would get it very accurate.

But this ACU is rather hard to represent in term of textures, as their color tone never change in the OFP engine, while it can change a lot with the light according to all those photo found on google.

So one should certainly go for "conveniency" realism instead of "photorealistic" realism in that case as it is just not possible to have a changing tone with light on an OFP camo

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Well it's better just needs some greenish tan coloring now.

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Take the American flag off of the front. In the patrol caps, there is only a velcro spot for your nametape on the rear of the hat.

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Yeah there should be nothing on the front of the patrol cap. Except in real life you would put your rank there you don't want to make all the ranks on the hat now do you?

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i had a quick go; didnt add anymore detail to the texture just what was already there, so it is still kind of 'plain' sad_o.gif

also didnt add the ranger patch and so on, i might do it later if i feel like finishing them smile_o.gif


if you want them sgt ev pm me.

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Now THAT looks like ACU. Wow man that's really good, my only gripe now is that the gear isn't in ACU, which it should be because rangers get all ACU gear.

But other than that it looks perfect. notworthy.gif

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@Chipper its and issuing problem

i havent seen that every solider has uniform bdu´s in ghan or in iraq mainly they have acu with a tan or woodland interceptor armor

same as sf (eg tan assault vest)

sas/sasr/ksk even paint their gear to match the environment.


nice work sabre, as usual smile_o.gif

the color hits its pretty right

only those velcro patches on the arms are bit too green

theyre more pale/blue-greyish,like the pale green of the acu

(not the dark green one)

two more things

i suppose the helmet is a MICH one?

if so the nvg attachments are wrong

the ones you have are for the PASGT.

the one for the MICH look slightly diffrent and dont have those hooks at the bottom but they wrap around under the the MICH´s rim.

(havent i told ya this on msn earlier on lol?)

that single grenade on the tan vest guy..

im not sure but arent they ususally stored in pouches?..

look dangerous to me if the pin gets pulled accidentally..

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That's a smoke grenade, Neph.

Unless he sits in a confined space, it ain't gonna do much more than blind or suffocate him. biggrin_o.gif

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considering i have twelve pair of them in my closet, his are decently accurate, apart from the fact that rangers have ACU everything. not a hodge-podge of tan & woodland IBAs, etc.  everything is basically ACU, and you don't see too many M4's painted desert color.  you're right though, they are more tan IRL.  Edit, i took a few pictures of various things that could help you... also, those are 75th regiment scrolls you see, i'm not a ranger, they were purchased to use as a reference awhile back, and arent even velcro wink_o.gif.  i'm an infantryman in the 20th SF group, alabama national guard.

Boots I wore over there...



Boots I wear now...



what the boonie hat really looks like from all angles...




what the patrol cap (PC) looks like...not that god-awful thing on those rangers...




combat patch:


unit patch:


(notice, the IR patch isnt on the bottom, its covered up unless in combat, it's on the top flap of the pocket, BTW)

from a distance:


I'll just quote this person to prove my point bout ACU gear.

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even if its a smoke.. would be pretty dumb if it would went off without wanting it to..

hey im not in any military neither have i read the whole thread

can be that the rangers use full acu gear..

i only can say from wot ive seen so far..

and the majority of us infatry had a mix of acu bdus with tan or wd armor

course there were some who had full acu gear

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thanks again sabre smile_o.gif

right neph but I thought the NVG Mount for the MICH had those thingys like the PASGT. My fault, will be fixed, also will remove that smoke nade.

Sabre could you send me the PSD File?

Greetings Evers

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I doubt the rangers still wear IBA,they had their own version of the spear body armor Click here,

then Eagle industries made a kit for them,including vests and pouches ,the RLCS kit in ranger green color.

Click hereSame body armor but with RLCS kit's pouches on it.

Same era as the previous pic (Late 2004/early 2005) A lighter setup,no body armor but an RRV from the RLCS kit.Since then,they got ACU,and replaced the SPEAR BA by the CIRAS land version in ranger green color,so now the Rangers use full ranger green gear.

About the nvg mount,

this pic (RIP) show a version of the norotos mount.

@Eversmann:The grenadier with woodland gear have frag pouches instead of the 40mm ones,and they should all have MICH. smile_o.gif

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@Chipper its and issuing problem

i havent seen that every solider has uniform bdu´s in ghan or in iraq mainly they have acu with a tan or woodland interceptor armor

The Rangers are a special unit, theyd be better euiped than the regulars who you see in all those pics. smile_o.gif

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Now thats more like it! Have you considered making the ACU vest and etc. ?

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Soldiers wear smoke grenades and flashbangs on their vests all the time.

In Black Hawk Down (the book, not the movie) at least one Ranger was thought to have blown up when flashbangs they were wearing on their vests were hit by bullets. The Rangers were not blown up, however, and reappeared seconds later.

In any case, those Rangers are looking very nice, Evers. Not to hijack your thread (much), I've also done a retex (took me 5 hours), but mine are meant to be standard infantry. I stashed some pictures of it over in the Combat Photography thread. I think my camo is looking pretty realistic.

Here's one of them (note the camo looks grey, due to the soldier not facing the sun - it's a ton more green in the light, as the third of my CP shots shows):


Yes, I know this is 102 kilobytes big. Didn't Major Fubar say ~100 and I quote "a couple over doesn't matter?"

Can I ask whether you're going to stick movable NVGs on 'em, like SafetyCatch's marines?

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ACU Gear:

Dunno yet, Rangers doesn't really wear it.


I have to see how it works, then I'm going to try to implement em.


Am I allowed to use your NVGs?

Greets Evers

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Lawd, I really dislike the ACU. I dislike my BDU's too. The old green fatigues were the best.

*sigh* it's only a matter of time until some staff puke decides the ACU needs to be creased...


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Am I allowed to use your NVGs?

As they're mine that I allowed Safety to use, I don't see there being a problem wink_o.gif

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