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j w

ERT Mod in need of help

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I am JW from the ERT mod. We seem to be a quite popular mod-team, with a special concept, never fully done for OFP.

But for the last months, the work has been at a standstill. There's little communication in the team, way to little to keep people working (it seems like).

We got alot of work to do, and everything is apriciated.

YOU can help us!

Visit these forums, and if you want to help, sign up in the ERT Recruitment thread.




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offtopic: at your rate JW, are you going to make a thread for everything you post? icon_rolleyes.gif

back on topic: yes, we are in need of help (just like any mod out there), we still need buildings made, and also some texturers, and possibly even a config writer and someone who can help with MP scripts tounge2.gif

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How do you know that? tounge2.gif

No, just kidding. But we are gonna fall, if we don't get help.



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I thought this died confused_o.gif

no, you just want it to die so i will stop focusing my time on ERT and make you something for castaway mad_o.giftounge2.gif

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I thought this died confused_o.gif

no, you just want it to die so i will stop focusing my time on ERT and make you something for castaway mad_o.gif  tounge2.gif

Seems like you're doing that anyways...  rock.gif

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lets quit throwing words at each other, that's retarded.  It's a shame the ofp community is gonna let this mod fall.  I've worked really hard not only to bring the community the FIRST real America based mod, but a realistic portray of police and Emergancy Medical Services that corrects the false image "hollywood" has made for these men and women who risk thier lifes for us everyday.  It's a lie, and they deserve better, they deserve to be recognized for who they are, not some "LAPD" crap you see on tv.

I'm in the US Marine Corps now (Semper Fi devils) but i've always had a regret that eats at me for not finishing it. i hope someone with talent and love like mine understands how i feel and will take up that responsibility to finish this great mod.

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We just need someone to work on it. sorry, but thats the way it is confused_o.gif. and wacky, you are no longer on the castaway thing :P

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lets quit throwing words at each other, that's retarded. It's a shame the ofp community is gonna let this mod fall.

It's not like the community is in the luxury of saying "oh, that mod needs/deserves help, lets open up another can of addonmakers"...unfortunatly sad_o.gif

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Yeah, maybe you should have given the stuff over to a older person? like me biggrin_o.gif

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I didn't even know that you were back Delta Hawk (thanks for mentioning that Wacky)

But seriously. What Delta Hawk said is the thing we got to show people. Being a cop isn't a glam job (thinking of the Fast and The Furious movies, like, undercover streetracers. My ass...), but it is a dangerous job.

But then of course, at the end of the day, you have felt like helping people.

Thats what we want to show you.

Well, at least I do, and basing on what Delta Hawk said, he to.




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yeah its a major suck job.. To say the least only second worse to a infantry soldier..

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So, i was thinking the other day.....

why dont you guys get some stuff done? i want a new cop car to play with, get some badass dude on your "Team" and get him to finnish everything, i mean, for christ sake wink_o.gif

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So, i was thinking the other day.....

why dont you guys get some stuff done? i want a new cop car to play with, get some badass dude on your "Team" and get him to finnish everything, i mean, for christ sake wink_o.gif

demanding gets you know where marcus... don't demand people to make you stuff, not right for the work they put it to try to get it done. if it was that easy to just "get a badass dude on my team and make him finish everything" that would have already happened wouldn't you think?

please, dont demand us to make these, we don't have to you know... mad_o.gif

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I'm really debating if being a police officer is worst than infantry cause i'm in the marine infantry and thinking about being a Texas State Trooper when i get out. "Destruction of a human soul is worst than the destruction of a human being." It's one thing to kill another human, but it's something else to watch somebody destroy thier own lives.

And they're people that can help, you know, the ones who make M4s, or ACU soldiers, or some middle east country a million times...why not get them to help and make something nobody has ever seriously made like good cop cars, realistic cops and the first america map and then a campain full of twists and turns. There are ppl, they just don't realize the oppurtunity here. sad_o.gif

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I don't mean to be flamming or anything but the reason the mod isn't getting far is because of the current leadership. Many people don't want to join, and will not join a mod that is run by a 13, or 14 year olds. And the fact is, I have tried it, and attempted to make it work, but the fact is, the leadship is so poor, so consequently many people just leave. There's no point in helping a mod that isn't fully dedicated and focused on the task at hand. That was my main reason in the first place for leaving, the mod wasn't getting anywhere, and it just wasn't serious about the future/development. To be honest I always wanted a Cop/Emergency Service type mod, but the fact that it isn't taken seriously is detremental to its progression. The main reason it's failing and not progressing is the leadership, I don't mean this in any bad way, it's my view.

If the whole mod got a overhaul I think it would thrive much more. Leaders need to be dedicated to their mod, and they MUST be able to contribue something...That's my point of view.

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Hello, I just dedicated an OFP folder to all Homeland Security add-ons available. I didn't know this existed (ERT never caught my eye since I didn't think twice of what the abbreviation meant) until I tried searching for some good police unit add-ons. I came across one of Wacky's Topics and decided to private message him asking if there were going to be updates. Later on I found this thread and I am glad to see that it is still kicking. I am not the model/texture making type of guy so I can't help you there. I wish there was some way I could help but I can say that [i will support this mod all the way].

Edit: I forgot to mention that I need two more years of army officer training to become an officer in the National Guard. I also plan on serving the state of Texas on a state level as well once I become a Guardsmen. They are two things I look forward to as they are a tremendous privilege.

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hold on, stop the train, first i'm 20 years old and in the United State Marine Corps, 2nd bn, 1st marines, weapons company, 81sPlt stationed at Camp Pendleton...i could die in combat, lets not call me a child. But because of my 4 year obligation i can not contribute much more to this mod beside the number of models i have made by myself, the hours of research and the textures i have made for the police officer (base on HYK's textures...so they can be mapped the sameway). It has a great start, but it just needs to be picked up. Someone needs to light this flame.

as for leadership, you're right SnD, the way i look at it, there's no leader. i just handed down the project hopeing people will pick it up and a person will take charge. If you can think of a leader, join, and show the rest you can lead and manage it. Leaders aren't pick, they prove themselves. I admit i wasn't the greatest leader but i knew what had to be done and i had dedication for it, except nobody wanted to help. But then again, i'm worried about someone taking over the project and turning it into a sterotypical LAPD thing. IF YOU WANT TO HELP, JOIN. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BECAUSE OF LEADERSHIP, STEP UP. "There was never a greater leader of men that the med he has lead."

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I totally agree with your post Delta, but to be honest I wasn't refering to you as leader...it was more directed to Wacky. No offense to him but it's the truth. The only thing is that even if you do want to take over and actaully try to lead, wacky proves to be a good obstacle. As far as i know JW is going to step up as leader now...hopefully more will get done.

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Broke rules:

1. §1

Oh, only that one.

I pleed guilty as (not yet) charged.

Se mee in three days right?

Then I (and my nuckles) have time to take out my (our) frustration at my walls at home.

I'm so sorry.

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Great job ruining this mod guys!

Delta, I hope you will get those models textured sometime. I know you did a wonderfull job on them. Good luck in the corps and with your OFP projects.

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