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Multiple side breifings

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I'm no n00b but I have a real n00b question:

How do you create a briefing for multiple sides?

More specifically the resistance side.

I've used 'Chris' script editor' and it creates briefings for West, East and Guer, but the Guerrilla/Resistance side briefing does not work. banghead.gif

Any advice please? help.gif

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I'm far from an expert, but I have a vague feeling that there is some problem connected with RESISTANCE/GUER side, when you are making two sided briefings.

At least I never got it to work, but I have managed to make two sided briefings for east-west (by copying the BIS mission Hold City).

If you look at my mission African Jazz (look in User Missions) there's an example of how I solved similar problems. African Jazz was initially a west-guer mission, but I changed it to west-east.

Some of the problems I encountered:

-If there are more than one objective on each side they don't always tick off on completion (don't know why)

-The initial briefing page must not exceed one page (maybe that's why there's a limit to the availiable number of objectives). Links to other pages in the briefing works, though.

These "findings" are in no way scientific. It's merely my experience from two failed attempts to make a double sided briefing. Maybe it can help you.

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Thanks for the speedy reply!


Quote[/b] ]

I'm far from an expert, but I have a vague feeling that there is some problem connected with RESISTANCE/GUER side, when you are making two sided briefings.

At least I never got it to work, but I have managed to make two sided briefings for east-west (by copying the BIS mission Hold City).

Yeah i get the same issues.  Odd, eh?


Oh I see!  you have to type the whole word (D'oh!wink_o.gif

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"><a name="Main.guerrila">

Also Civilians can have a breifing;

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"><a name="Main.civilian">

Well done on that, thanks alot.  I'll give this a whirl tonight.  Shame you cant make the civilians hostile to every one and shoot-at-able.  then you could have four oposing forces (something i've always wanted to see(Hope ArmA has this)).

Thanks again guys? notworthy.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Shame you cant make the civilians hostile to every one and shoot-at-able.

Should work with setrating -10000 in init line of the civis.

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Quote[/b] ]Shame you cant make the civilians hostile to every one and shoot-at-able.

Should work with setrating -10000 in init line of the civis.

I think that will make the civilians target eachother though  tounge2.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Shame you cant make the civilians hostile to every one and shoot-at-able.

Should work with setrating -10000 in init line of the civis.

I think that will make the civilians target eachother though  tounge2.gif

He's right, they'll kill each other.

I tried the breifing again but couldn't get it to work.  Good Friday is coming up, so a few days off work should allow me to sus it out.

Also does any one know how to make markers apear only for specific sides?   Something like switching them to be dissplayed as empty markers should do it, but i can't work out the "IF" code to do it for more than two sides...... banghead.gif

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To make markers appear for only one side in a three sided mission, put this in init.sqs (or any script started on every machine)

Ad Hoc syntax:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

?(side player == west): goto "westBriefing"

?(side player == east): goto "eastBriefing"

?(side player == whatever): goto "whateverBriefing"


"eastMarker1" setMarkerType "EMPTY"

"eastMarker2" setMarkerType "EMPTY"

"whateverMarker1" setMarkerType "EMPTY"

"whateverMarker2" setMarkerType "EMPTY"



"westMarker1" setMarkerType "EMPTY"

"westMarker2" setMarkerType "EMPTY"

"whateverMarker1" setMarkerType "EMPTY"

"whateverMarker2" setMarkerType "EMPTY"



"westMarker1" setMarkerType "EMPTY"

"westMarker2" setMarkerType "EMPTY"

"eastMarker1" setMarkerType "EMPTY"

"eastMarker2" setMarkerType "EMPTY"


Of course there is not a side named whatever, but you get my point, right? Also, check the syntax for set marker type. I wrote it from memory, and my memory aint good tounge2.gif

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Hmm, that looks good, and should work me thinks. smile_o.gif

Cool I'll try that out while i try the multi side breifing again.

Also does any one know if it's possible to swith the resistance sympathy mid mission with out actually joining them to dummy group or something...?

Where is "resistance friendly to" declared durring a mission?

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Also does any one know if it's possible to swith the resistance sympathy mid mission with out actually joining them to dummy group or something...?

I remember this has been discussed on OFPEC, and if I remember right there was a conclusion, that it's not possible to change frendly-hostile relations amoung the sides during the mission (on such way you want).

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Guess I/we/you will have to do it the complex way by creating three 'dummy' men, one of each faction.  Set resistance hostile to all.  Then something like;

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"resistanceMan joingrp westdummy/ eastdummy/ resdummy"

East and West teams could then offer "money" to have Res join them!  Res could then choose to accept or decline the aliance!  

Ideas are coming thick and fast!  wow_o.gif

I'll have to try and figure this out!!

But first the briefing...  banghead.gif

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Well I tried it...it didn't work properly.

From the resistance side it works fine; you see your plans etc and your objection.

But when playing as East (or West) you see the East (or West) briefing etc and objectives...but you also see the resistace Objectives!!!! Bugger! banghead.gif

I just simple used the breifing demo on the BIS web site!!!

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The problem is that the returned value resistance doesn't seem to work in the briefing. I've also tried guer, following an advice in another thread. What should I use?

According to the Comref, the returned value from a side command called on a computer playing as resistance should be: resistance.


Operand types: None

Type of returned value: Side

Description: Resistance side.

So far so good. But in the original briefing tutorial published by BIS the briefing checks for guerrila.

Is this the reason my MP Briefing doesn't work? Is it possible to use guerrila in scripts and triggers as well (as a condition or a returned value)?? Is there a value named guer and one named resistance that works???

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to have a 3 sided briefing work, i think i remember using

<span style='color:red'>guerrila</span>


resistance or guer will cause you problems

this is from emory, so cant be 100% on this, and i think the objectives eneded up duplicated too up

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