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iFEEL support & 3D ironsights

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I understand Your point MaddMatt i just dont agree with it wink_o.gif

Lets save this discusion for the time when we both will be happy ArmA owners ( not pwners wink_o.gif ) tounge2.gif

Like I'm going to care about this discussion when I have the game tounge2.gif . Then I can finally stop playing GRAW online.

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Then I can finally stop playing GRAW online.

I stoped long time ago, GRAW is a disapointment of the year. smile_o.gif Try Red Orchestra, You might like it.

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One thing that pissed me off about WGL was removing the zoom. Like most of their features, they claimed it was for the realism (which is what I was after). No more unrealistic zoom, so get ready to "reactivat(e) your DF1 pixel spotting skills!" - the WGL site.

Yeah, I look for pixels IRL all the time wink_o.gif I struggle to see people across a football field, they all look like featureless dots. Seriously though, at OFP's default FOV, it's harder to see people in the distance than it is in real life. "Zoom," by adjusting the FOV, compensates. Think of it as 'squinting' or 'concentrating on that guy in the distance' (which you'll generally be doing when looking through sights, so "zoomed" sights are cool too IMHO).

Basically in the default FOV guys at a certain distance are a pixel or two, while IRL you can make out some detail on guys at that distance. "Zoom" tries to match that.

Obviously it can't be on all the time or you'd be losing peripheral vision. The only way to simulate peripheral vision and your eye's superior visual acuity (compared to a monitor) is two different toggleable FOVs. Even though looks like zoom, it is to me is more realistic than giving me permanent myopia.

One could almost think of the "zoom" as bifocals for your poor monitor, especially at the reduced resolutions at which we might have to play ArmA wink_o.gif

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stupid idiot. Do not bring up your "brilliant" compalints and "On noes! BF2"-isms without a general 5th grade education.

Flaming is not tolerated on these forums, next time will be a post restriction.

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It doesn't zoom in that much.



Nahh You are proly right it doesnt zoom in that much rofl.gif

@Col. Faulkner - Thanks, im glad that im not the only one who thinks that this arcade zooming stuff doesnt fit to realistic war sim as ArmA.


What makes this funny is people defending stupid new features like difficulty in piloting choppers or aiming being too slow saying its realistic and then making stupid excuses for bionic-eye zooming mode.

In ofp that feature was more or less ok, but now...

Quote[/b] ]

I don't think that they "fucked up", they just weren't making a corridor shooter but a first person game about war, not flags and small confined spaces.

So there arent corridorsa in real life huh??

The thruth is that OFP was perfect for any situation... Arma looks as if now its only perfect for open spaces...

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@Mora2: You're long enough around to know that rule:

Quote[/b] ]§8)Remove image tags when quoting a post containing an image

If you quote a post that contains an image please remove the image tag so that the link is posted not the image, it helps keep the thread tidy and easier to read if the same image isn't being posted repeatedly, you need only delete one [ to stop the image from hotlinking.

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It's not zooming-in, it's called adjusting the FOV on the fly to return to an accurate one for the geometry of your head and the monitor angular extent... stupid idiot. Do not bring up your "brilliant" compalints and "On noes! BF2"-isms without a general 5th grade education.

blablabla, what a nonsense...I don't discuss with childish and technical incompetent peeps. Roger? Over and OUT!


1.) How can peeps post about ArmA and not having played it yet? Ridicolous

2.) Yes...I would also suggest to remove zoom function, EXCEPT when used for ironsights! It fits perfect there and simulates

a.) a human who gets closer to his ironsight for a more focussed view

b.) a focused eye-retina which results in a sharper view

c.) a contrated tunnel view

Mens agitat molem!

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Quote[/b] ]making stupid excuses for bionic-eye zooming mode.

Would you rather take a constant "zoomed in" view that seriously limits your field of view or a constant fisheye effect which prevents from seeing detail you would see at distance in real life then?

There's no need for excuses, it's a simple mathematic fact that on an avarage monitor stuff appears way too small compared to real life and on top of that the resolution is usually too coarse to compensate this by sticking your nose right on the display surface.

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@Mora2: You're long enough around to know that rule:
Quote[/b] ]§8)Remove image tags when quoting a post containing an image

If you quote a post that contains an image please remove the image tag so that the link is posted not the image, it helps keep the thread tidy and easier to read if the same image isn't being posted repeatedly, you need only delete one [ to stop the image from hotlinking.

Sorry, the image looked small in my monitor and thought it was ok that way.

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Quote[/b] ]making stupid excuses for bionic-eye zooming mode.

Would you rather take a constant "zoomed in" view that seriously limits your field of view or a constant fisheye effect which prevents from seeing detail you would see at distance in real life then?

There's no need for excuses, it's a simple mathematic fact that on an avarage monitor stuff appears way too small compared to real life and on top of that the resolution is usually too coarse to compensate this by sticking your nose right on the display surface.

Im awright with that explanation.

With what im not ok is with people saying two paragrpahs below that bs choppers and clunky aiming is realistic while eye zooming mode isnt.

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I notice that the iron sights with "post processing" switched

on appear blurred (both the foresight and the backsight).

I'm assuming that everyone sees this and it isn't some

idiosyncrasy of ArmA's interaction with my pathetic graphics

card (an ATI Radeon X800 SE - OK, stop laughing!  )

Is this a graphics issue or does anyone know if it was

intended to appear this way (to simulate focussing on the

target in battle, maybe)? I could wish that they were a

bit more "black" too than they are.

Here are some images (jpeg - taken at reso' 1024x768):

The Armalite rifle in "normal" view

and in zoomed in "holding your breath" view

And similarly for the light machine gun:


zoomed in

For those curious about what the Kalashnikov sights look like

in game (try to stay calm if you're a Kalashnikov fan, it aint a

pretty sight - pun intended!wink_o.gif:

"normal" view

zoomed in view

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I notice that the iron sights with "post processing" switched

on appear blurred (both the foresight and the backsight).

I'm assuming that everyone sees this and it isn't some

idiosyncrasy of ArmA's interaction with my pathetic graphics

card (an ATI Radeon X800 SE - OK, stop laughing! )

Is this a graphics issue or does anyone know if it was

intended to appear this way (to simulate focussing on the

target in battle, maybe)? I could wish that they were a

bit more "black" too than they are.

Here are some images (jpeg - taken at reso' 1024x768):

The Armalite rifle in "normal" view

and in zoomed in "holding your breath" view

And similarly for the light machine gun:


zoomed in

For those curious about what the Kalashnikov sights look like

in game (try to stay calm if you're a Kalashnikov fan, it aint a

pretty sight - pun intended!wink_o.gif:

"normal" view

zoomed in view

Well what do you think post processing is for rofl.gif .

It's no bug, it's depth of field. Same effect you see in cutscenes.

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Well what do you think post processing is for  rofl.gif .

It's no bug, it's depth of field. Same effect you see in cutscenes.

Well the "depth of field" chosen is inappropriate with

regard to the sights view as it makes the foresights of

some weapons almost invisible. Oh well, "focussing on

the target" it'll have to be then. icon_rolleyes.gif

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