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iFEEL support & 3D ironsights

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And after u dubbleclick for zoomview for ironsights....press rightmouse button and hold for bigger ZOOMview...


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And after u dubbleclick for zoomview for ironsights....press rightmouse button and hold for bigger ZOOMview...


YEAH...love it  notworthy.gif

But I never use or used default key configs...I always customize my keyboard the way I want it to be.

And guess how I use my ironsight (4th mouse button "click") and if I then want to zoom further in I...move my head a bit towards my TFT. Oh how I love my TrackIR with ArmA... notworthy.gif

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Yes X AL...i got get me the trackir...

gives u more human feeling when playing..


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ironsights in ofp where much better than the ones in arma.

The swya is so much you are lucky if you hit a moving target that is near to you.

I only mention MY opinion here:

OFP ironsights were great...for 2001.

ArmA ironsights are best...for 2006.

Sway too much? Hm...not my impression...they actually sway less than in reality. And ArmA and OFP ALWAYS wanted to be as near to a "realistic" simulation as possible (but still keep it playable)...and that is good so.

And yes...the hold breath feature is new. I thought at first sight, that it was for swimming and diving  rofl.gif

But after a few further thought, I knew what that was meant for...and thought "cool", why not.

Again BIS...THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for ArmA.  notworthy.gif

What you call realism but playable i call it unplayable.

With all these gimmecks or whatever theyve fucked up the dynamism OFP could achive in CTFS.

This amount of Sway is toooo much for a game.

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Quote[/b] ]What you call realism but playable i call it unplayable.

With all these gimmecks or whatever theyve fucked up the dynamism OFP could achive in CTFS.

This amount of Sway is toooo much for a game.

I don't think that they "fucked up", they just weren't making a corridor shooter but a first person game about war, not flags and small confined spaces.

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...and if I then want to zoom further in I...move my head a bit towards my TFT. Oh how I love my TrackIR with ArmA... notworthy.gif

I decided yesterday, I'm gonna pick up TrackerIR when my ArmAzon.de game arrives. You just confirmed my decision.

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What is this zoom thing? You can zoom in without a scope or something? If that's so, I'm not liking this too much. That's not realistic, that's BF2 "realism". Now people will use this zoom thing and use the crosshair, without using ironsites. I'm pissed now... mad_o.gif

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That's their loss. I don't know about the zoom but it is completely possible to turn off the crosshair in the difficulty options. Multiplayer difficulty settings also apply to everyone on the server, preventing any player from being at an unfair disadvantage.

- dRb

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Quote[/b] ]You can zoom in without a scope or something? If that's so, I'm not liking this too much. That's not realistic, that's BF2 "realism". Now people will use this zoom thing and use the crosshair, without using ironsites. I'm pissed now..
Uh... there was zoom in OFP too and it actually makes the game more realistic. Normally the field of view is too big to compensate the small area of display so everything appears way too small, like looking through binoculars the wrong way. Think of it as a way to focus further away at the cost of your peripheral vision.

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What is this zoom thing? You can zoom in without a scope or something? If that's so, I'm not liking this too much. That's not realistic, that's BF2 "realism". Now people will use this zoom thing and use the crosshair, without using ironsites. I'm pissed now...  mad_o.gif

You are pissed?  whistle.gif

No alcohol for you today  tounge2.gif

Zoom: You can zoom in a bit, like most fps shooter can, gun at your side and a "cross-hair" in front. WAY TOO INACCURATE...so don't be afraid of "zoomed-in-cross-hair" gunners  pistols.gif

As for me...95% I use ironsights or scopes...the only way to do at least in OFP and ArmA. And now listen: If you view through your ironsight/scope...you THEN can zoom in additionally a bit. That is actually a nice idea, sort of "focus your eyes and concentrate on a spot" to get a better view. (that combined with a hardware depth-of-view blur and ArmA would be as real as possible)

Ah...yes...I use my TrackIR for that ironsight "zoom-in".

HEY BIS...could you split options for zooming:  help.gif

Sort of "zoom for free sight, while walking"---I barely use that...always prefer binoculars.

And "zoom for ironsights"---so when i move my head towards my tft...it only zooms when ironsight are up.

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It's not zooming-in, it's called adjusting the FOV on the fly to return to an accurate one for the geometry of your head and the monitor angular extent... stupid idiot. Do not bring up your "brilliant" compalints and "On noes! BF2"-isms without a general 5th grade education.

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Ironsight zoom is unrealistic, BS feature which came stright from arcade shooters. Im not sure but i thing that zooming is also posible in arma even without ironsight ? If its true how can You explain that ? Cybernetic Eye ? Also the crosshair shoting seems to be a bit to accurate, on one of early vids player is defending entranched position with SAW and he is shoting enemy ~200m away without even using ironsights, he just use magic zoom and ultraacurate crosshairs, i must admint i didnt liked that very much confused_o.gif but im only expresing my feelings after seeing tons of vids smile_o.gif Still have to wait for the game 2 more weeks.

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Ironsight zoom is unrealistic, BS feature which came stright from arcade shooters.

Yes, I agree, that stupid "ironsight zoom" was the first thing I

disabled when I made my addon weapons.

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Ironsight zoom is unrealistic, BS feature which came stright from arcade shooters. Im not sure but i thing that zooming is also posible in arma even without ironsight ? If its true how can You explain that ? Cybernetic Eye ? Also the crosshair shoting seems to be a bit to accurate, on one of early vids player is defending entranched position with SAW and he is shoting enemy ~200m away without even using ironsights, he just use magic zoom and ultraacurate crosshairs, i must admint i didnt liked that very much  confused_o.gif  but im only expresing my feelings after seeing tons of vids smile_o.gif Still have to wait for the game 2 more weeks.

Again... you can DISABLE THE CROSSHAIRS in the difficulty menu. If you choose to use them, then that is your decision, just as it is to not use them.

- dRB

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The "stupid ironsight zoom" it to compensate for the low resolution of PC monitors compared to what you see in real life. The monitor doesn't give you the same FOV as you have in real life so it is normally zoomed out to compensate, and the zooming in is to compensate for the lack of ability to see things at a distance - caused by the limitations of a PC monitor.

Is it really that hard to figure that out on your own?

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Ironsight zoom is unrealistic, BS feature which came stright from arcade shooters.

Yes, I agree, that stupid "ironsight zoom" was the first thing I

disabled when I made my addon weapons.

So what you've done is compress 60 deg of view into 30 degrees of viewable angular space and therefore made an effective "zoomed out" view for your addon weapons by having them use the walking-orientation FOV...

*clap* ... *clap* ... *clap* ... *clap* ... *clap* ... *clap* ...

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The "stupid ironsight zoom" it to compensate for the low resolution of PC monitors compared to what you see in real life. The monitor doesn't give you the same FOV as you have in real life so it is normally zoomed out to compensate, and the zooming in is to compensate for the lack of ability to see things at a distance - caused by the limitations of a PC monitor.

Is it really that hard to figure that out on your own?

I see.... Now I finally figured it out ! What we can see on this vid is not a zoom its.... umm unrealistic monitor FOV compensation. rofl.gif

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I see.... Now I finally figured it out ! What we can see on this vid is not a zoom its.... umm unrealistic monitor FOV compensation. rofl.gif

It doesn't zoom in that much. As I said before, in real life it is much easier to see things at a distance than at the default FOV in ArmA, zoom compensates for that. That zoom level was also in OFP, it hasn't changed.

And no you clearly haven't figured it out tounge2.gif .

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So what you've done is compress 60 deg of view into 30 degrees of viewable angular space and therefore made an effective "zoomed out" view for your addon weapons by having them use the  walking-orientation FOV...

*clap* ... *clap* ... *clap* ... *clap* ... *clap* ... *clap* ...

I simply disabled the magnification on the sights view

because I preferred it that way. I am well aware of video

display unit limitations, and about the distorted field of

view in the Op. Flashpoint game, thanks.

@Kirq. Yes I agree, that "bionic zooming eye" effect in your

video looks ludicrous.

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It doesn't zoom in that much.



Nahh You are proly right it doesnt zoom in that much rofl.gif

@Col. Faulkner - Thanks, im glad that im not the only one who thinks that this arcade zooming stuff doesnt fit to realistic war sim as ArmA.

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It doesn't zoom in that much.

Nahh You are right it doesnt zoom in that much rofl.gif

Well if you think it makes seeing distant objects too easy then you need glasses. nener.gif

Obviously zooming in and out isn't going to look realistic, but seeing distant objects on a monitor properly needs some kind of workaround.

You videos and pictures only show the zooming on something which is already close to the view, not on distance where it would be needed.

BIS put this feature in the game, so obviously they don't agree with you either nener.gif .

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"1."You videos and pictures only show the zooming on something which is already close to the view, not on distance where it would be needed.

"2" ...BIS put this feature in the game, so obviously they don't agree with you either nener.gif .

1. Im using only available vids i cant create my own cause i dont own game yet.

2. BIS has implemented many many things in ArmA, hovering tanks ( after bridge destruction ) and boats that can travel on the ground are amongs them. nener.gif

I know one thing if Bis wount change few things in patches I surely will disable crosshair and will use weapons addons that will disable this ridiculus zoom.

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"1."You videos and pictures only show the zooming on something which is already close to the view, not on distance where it would be needed.

"2" ...BIS put this feature in the game, so obviously they don't agree with you either nener.gif .

1. Im using only available vids i cant create my own cause i dont own game yet.

2. BIS has implemented many many things in ArmA, hovering tanks ( after bridge destruction ) and boats that can travel on the ground are amongs them. nener.gif

I know one thing if Bis wount change few things in patches I surely will disable crosshair and will use weapons addons that will disable this ridiculus zoom.

1. Okay well I don't have it either.

2. Yea but those are not intentional, and how often would tanks be parked on a bridge anyway? If they were moving or tried to move the physics engine would have been active so they would have fell. It's part of a performance saving feature all physics engines have, although the negative results can be fixed by having the engine check the vehicles every so often - maybe in a patch. As for the boats, well atleast if you get your boat on land by mistake then you can get it off tounge2.gif . Again, maybe in a patch.

I'm not going to bother explaining the zoom any more, if you don't get it by now then I don't care - I've explained enough. You haven't actually explained what's wrong with my argument, all you say is that the zoom is ridiculous.

Crosshair is optional but in MP hopefully most servers will disable it.

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I understand Your point MaddMatt i just dont agree with it wink_o.gif

Lets save this discusion for the time when we both will be happy ArmA owners ( not pwners wink_o.gif ) tounge2.gif

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